Archives for posts with tag: born again
Is there now any Question, whatsoever, regarding God amply providing us all with a “Receipt”?

Do you really want to get into the Christmas spirit & discover the true meaning of this festive holiday? Please watch this approximate 9 minute video of comedian Gordon Douglas, specifically, his personal rendition of, ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas’. Personally, I think it’ll probably change the way you view the life of our risen Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, not only thru Christmas but for quite some time to come. Douglas’s poem is so great and outstanding, it’s probably something you might want to save on a computer file somewhere and re-watch year after year after year. If you happen to be a Christian, this particular story just never gets old. God bless!

Do putting these two Bible verses into practical application in your/our life automatically guarantee us Eternal Salvation in Heaven? It does state elsewhere in the Bible that it’s God’s Will for everybody to be Saved, and come to the knowledge of the truth. What other “steps” or plateaus would be expected of us for eternity in Heaven?

Justin Peters is a popular Minister on YouTube, authored a number of Christian books, and twice voted for Donald Trump as U.S. President. So why would a supposed man of God vote a number of times for a “wretched sinner” like Donald Trump as our President?

Peters explains his reasons in this 69-minute video, which he framed it in the context of a sermon that just happened to be a personal message directed for President Trump. He starts off by dismissing the notion that Trump is a racist. Then Peters talks about how Trump was accused of mocking a handicap reporter with the New York Times, but since Peters is personally afflicted with Cerebral Palsy himself, pointed out in other videos that Trump tends to flail his hands with just about everyone he criticizes.

Also, Peters made this particular video on this past Election Day (Nov. 3rd, 2020) so it obviously wasn’t for political reasons — otherwise he would’ve tried to make this particular video perhaps a week or two earlier.

When addressing on whether or not Donald Trump is really a Christian, it would greatly help other church believers who try to help others on accepting Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior, i.e. “saved”, “salvation”, “born again”, etc. For that part alone, it’d be worth any Christian hoping to improve their witnessing (outreach) skills, even though Peters seems to be reaching out to President Trump.

Peters also points out perhaps the biggest reason he couldn’t support Joe Biden for President was his stance on Abortion and Planned Parenthood. Again, if you’ve got 69 minutes (or about an hour and ten minutes) to spare,it would be well-worth your while to watch and hopefully practice what this video is trying to convey.