Archives for posts with tag: campaign

What kind of a BLEEPIN President would publicly announce his reelection bid via a pre-recorded video made in the White House basement? Why doesn’t this guy have the Testicular Fortitude (or should I say, Cognitive ability) to answer a dozen or so questions from the Media???

One thing I really Love & Respect about Manhattan district attorney Alvin Bragg – this guy REALLY has his “Priorities” straight! Take a look, for example, at ALL the reported Crimes in New York City in just the past week leading up to former president Trump’s indictment hearing, which D.A. Bragg chose to put on the proverbial “Back-Burner” just so he could “Screw Over” Trump. Bragg is truly a man after my own Heart, HOWEVER, I thank God that I DO NOT reside in New York City!!!

Correct me if I’m wrong here, but it’s my understanding that “leaking” a copy of the Indictment – all 34 Counts – to media sources, like CNN or the Washington Post, BEFORE the Court Trial begins is “ILLEGAL” and worthy of a District Attorney being Disbarred & facing a Prison sentence himself. So if, ‘nobody is above the Law’, who the heck is holding Manhattan district attorney Alvin Bragg “accountable” for exploiting the Justice system, which HE was elected to enforce?

Convicted Insurrectionist Jason Riddle withdraws U.S. Rep candidacy campaign; now endorses Keene NH Mayor George Hansel

(The following statement was posted on Jason Riddle’s Facebook page earlier this evening, Tuesday, 6/7/22, at approximately 10:30 p.m.)

A quick update from my fenced in country club (the only thing this place is missing is a swimming pool!):

Sadly, I will be withdrawing from the Congressional race for New Hampshire’s 2nd District. George Hansel, the present mayor of Keene, has announced he will be throwing his hat into the ring, virtually annihilating any chance I had for victory. As such, I believe continuing to run would be fruitless and detract votes from Mayor Hansel. I believe having Mayor Hansel elected into Congress will be very good for the community.

Mayor Hansel is a successful Republican politician in a mostly democratic town. He has what it takes to beat Kuster!

Is Riddle planning to author a book on his “Insurrection” experience ?

(The following blurb was posted in response on Riddle’s Facebook page by somebody just minutes after he posted the aforementioned.)

Mr. Riddle, is there any truth to the rumor that you’re currently writing a Book during your Prison stay on your entire “Insurrection” experience, which, if successful, would make YOU the ONLY “Convicted” Insurrectionist to author a Book on that very “Deadly” January 6th (2021) event in Washington D.C. ?

Keene (NH) mayor George Hansel
Convicted January 6th (2021) Insurrectionist (and Keene NH resident) Jason Riddle

Who would be the BEST U.S. Representative coming out of Keene NH — Mayor George Hansel, or Insurrectionist Jason Riddle? Both are Republican, mid 30-something, vying to become the next U.S. Congressman in New Hampshire’s 2nd District (NH-2) to hopefully replace lame duck incumbent Democrat Ann Kuster, and lastly, apparently have the same amount of intellect and eloquence. I can’t wait to see these two on the same Debate stage battling each other!

Video compilation of “Ultra MAGA” & “MAGA King” campaign ads for Donald Trump in a possible 2024 Presidential run. This was made courtesy of, Trump Fan Network 2.

Arguably, the highlight of this video is Comedian Bill Maher, promoting Ultra MAGA condoms which guarantees to, “rig your Erection”, along with, “make you Poll (Pole) well”. It is a funny and fascinating video just to check out.

I should’ve figured that somehow, someway somebody was going to come up with a Meme that had an indirect Biblical association regarding the 2020 Presidential campaign.

And the individual who actually came up with this “Brain Child” didn’t disappoint because I personally took this “math equation” to my Calculator and it really does check out.

So I guess if you take the calendar year we’re currently in (2020), divide it by the Biblical Mark of the Beast, (666), and, lo and behold, you come up with the text phone number, sort of, to Joe Biden’s campaign (3.0330).

Is this just a coincidence? YOU tell me. I do think it was sort of bizarre just how a Fly stayed on Mike Pence’s head for about two-and-a-half minutes during the recent Vice Presidential Debate. Just sayin