Archives for posts with tag: charity
Comedian Alex Stein (right), along with a buddy of his, hit the city streets in an effort to raise some much needed funds for the poor millionaire residents of Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts, soon after Florida governor flew 50 Illegal Aliens into that wealthy enclave to permanently reside.

This is just too pee-in-your-pants hysterical to pass up. Comedian Alex Stein, I guess, enjoys going out in public and generating his own “schtick”. Here he and a colleague of his are on some city street corner to raise Money for the “Victims” of Martha’s Vineyard — NOT the 50 Illegal Aliens, but the wealthy millionaire residents of that very privileged enclave. Amazingly, Alex and his buddy, managed to raise a walloping $7.50. You really need to watch this fairly short video to fully respect what they managed to do here.

Does anyone else see a real problem with this?

U.S. Representative candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez from the Bronx New York, was offered a potential $10,000 contribution to the charity of her choice by Conservative pundit Ben Shapiro for an opportunity to have a public televised debate on the issues.

So instead of just saying “No” to this generous offer, Ms. Ocasio-Cortez, who refers to herself as a Socialist-Democrat, insinuated in a Tweet that Mr. Shapiro was blatantly “catcalling” her.


Since Ms. Ocasio-Cortez is running in a predominately Liberal district in New York City, she will more than likely be voted as a Congresswoman this year from that area. But is this what American voters should expect (and deserve) from a female U.S. Rep who’s asked by a fellow male Congressman, or a Journalist, to meet and discuss the issues if they happen to be Republican?

Personally, I don’t believe this woman is fit or mature enough to serve as a U.S. Rep, or anything else in elected politics. Please listen to this video and decide for yourselves.



I read this commentary from the most recent (March 29 – April 4, 2012) “Granite Views” column in the local weekly freebie N.H. newspaper, The Hippo. This particular column titled, Twisted Sister and Sandra Fluke, was authored by Fred Bramante, who is the past chairman and a current member of the New Hampshire State Board of Education.

“First, let’s get this out of the way. Rush Limbaugh is a bombastic bully.

That said, it seems to me that the Republicans, once again, have done a great job blowing a worthy point. I’m going to attempt to make the point using a personal experience. One of my best friends is the founding members of the world famous metal rock band Twisted Sister, guitarist Jay Jay French. Jay Jay and I have many common passions including electric guitars, rock ‘n’ roll, and politics. Jay Jay is a bleeding heart liberal. I’m his token Republican friend.

On one of our visits to NYC, we went out to dinner at Carmine’s, an Italian restaurant known for its gigantic portions. As is typical at Carmine’s, we had a lot of leftover food. I asked Jay Jay what we were going to do with all of this food. He said that we’d pack it up and give it to a homeless person on the street. Great, I thought. After we left the restaurant and casually walked the streets of New York, sure enough, a homeless person came up to us. Jay Jay immediately handed him the large bag of food.

I felt like such a generous do-gooder.

After looking in the bag, the homeless person said, ‘There’s nothing to drink in here. You can’t give me this food without giving me something to drink.’

My immediate reaction was disbelief. We didn’t need to give this person anything. But upon choosing to do something that I thought was generous, we were told that our good gesture wasn’t good enough…”

Mr. Bramante goes onto to draw a strong parallel between the aforementioned experience and Romney-care for Massachusetts residents. Personally, I think if I were with Mr. Bramante on that day in New York, I probably would’ve just taken the bag of food back from that homeless person and said, “Never mind, we’ll just give this food to someone who’s a little more grateful.” What do you think YOU’D do in this same situation?

If my mother were still alive, she’d probably tell that homeless person, “you’d probably eat BLEEP, if you were hungry enough.”

Personally, I feel a very similar attitude whenever I attempt to donate my used furniture to either the Salvation Army, Goodwill Industries, or a St. Vincent DePaul Thrift Store – none of these charitable outlets will accept any furniture that’s ripped, scratched, or stained. Granted, we all love to have nice stuff in our residences that are new as opposed to used, but if these so-called “needy” folks want to have brand, spanking new leather sofas and recliners in their homes, why don’t they get themselves a job to actually earn the money to purchase that type of stuff?

Bottom Line: Beggars shouldn’t be choosy. Does anyone else agree with my viewpoints on this one?