Archives for posts with tag: Cheat Sheet

After viewing the blatant infantile simplicity that his Staffers prepared for him, via the ‘Cheat Sheet’ used during his latest Press conference, at what point can we all agree here that our beloved President, Joe Biden, is on the absolute verge of full-blown Alzheimer’s disease? Secondly, how much confidence should American citizens have in our beloved Mainstream Media, when it’s obvious here that they’re just ‘playing along’ with the Biden administration when it comes to asking ‘planted questions’ for Dementia Joe?

Look at this “Cheat Sheet” from one of Joe Biden’s speeches recently. This looks more appropriately like what a TV Producer might give an 8-year-old actor appearing in a situation comedy. This is a production by YouTube blogger, Mark Dice. It would probably be pretty funny if it wasn’t so pathetic.