Archives for posts with tag: Colin Cowherd

(First of all, I was a little surprised when I caught one of my favorite YouTube sports pundits, Colin Cowherd, devoting a 10-minute podcast to a national news item, but then again, this particular court verdict will probably be cited in History books long, long after I’ve gone on to meet my creator, Jesus Christ. The fact that Cowherd isn’t exactly a big Donald Trump fan, is no big deal to me – I’ve got a couple relatives who plan on reelecting Biden in November, and I don’t personally hold that against them. As the great philosopher once said, that’s why God created both Chocolate and Vanilla ice cream.

So on Cowherd’s video on YouTube, there’s a Comment section underneath, which I took full advantage of. My personal statement to Cowherd is as follows, although on this forum, I broke my message into paragraphs and also highlighted some words to make it a little easier to read.

If I was to elaborate any further on my comments to Cowherd, I’d say that this verdict was more of a reflection on the American Justice system as opposed to anything former president Donald Trump ever said or did – or are people like Cowherd simply jealous of this guy just because he’s a multi billionaire, has a beautiful young wife, and, unlike Cowherd, Trump actually hosted a top-rated TV show – ‘The Apprentice’ – for several years prior to being elected U.S. President. Secondly, please look at the OTHER option for President this year – incumbent Joe Biden. Dude…seriously??? Please compare and contrast the past 7-8 years (specifically, since Trump’s inauguration on 1/20/17 till now) in America, then YOU tell ME, is there a stark contrast between the Trump administration and the Biden administration. Have you noticed that Cowherd doesn’t mention even ONCE Joe Biden by name – was THAT just by accident or do you think he did that on purpose?

Lastly, whether you’re supporting Trump, Biden, or whoever for President, please remember to vote this November 5th.)

Hey Colin, how about judging Biden & Trump this way — Are YOU better off today (Financially & Security-wise) than you were 4 years ago??? If you can’t see that prices on just about everything has skyrocketed since Jan. 2021 (Biden’s inauguration), then you haven’t been paying attention.

Also in that time-span, about 13 million Illegal Aliens have come into our Country, UNVETTED, that American taxpayers just can’t financially support or house.

When you’re talking about Criminal activity, what about the shady business deals that First Son Hunter Biden had with both Ukraine & Communist China, which he sold millions of dollars worth of “Influence Peddling” with 10% going to the ‘Big Guy”? So Colin, what “EXACTLY” was the “Influence” that Hunter Biden was “Peddling”??? The Biden family really doesn’t manufacture any products or services.

How about our President taking Showers with his daughter, Ashley, which she herself verified in her own Diary?

Lastly Colin, since you’re 60, you must know a handful of people who are ‘Cognitively declined’ or maybe even have Alzheimer’s disease – be HONEST here, Colin, do YOU honestly think Joe Biden is ‘Mentally Fit’ to serve 4 MORE years as U.S. President, a.k.a. Commander-in-Chief?? Physically falling down about a half dozen times, shaking hands with imaginary people, constantly mispronouncing names & words on his Teleprompter, etc. Do you really Trust Joe Biden handling America’s Nuclear Football?

So as a diehard New England Patriots football fan, this current NFL playoff season is really tough for me. Don’t get me wrong, I’d love to see the Pats work their way from Wildcard weekend to win their seventh and league-leading Super Bowl title but I just can’t see it happening. Quarterback Tom Brady is 42 years old playing mostly against guys that are about half his age. His supporting cast of usual Hall of Fame caliber teammates just aren’t there this time around.

I’m just hoping, praying, believing somehow the Patriots will prove me wrong once again.

As Colin Cowherd talks about in this video, Bill Belichick was a better than average football coach who drafted Tom Brady in the sixth round in the 2000 NFL Draft. Brady wound up marrying a Victoria Secret model who actually grossed more money annually than he did — which enabled the Patriots to spend more money on supporting teammates.

Rumor has it that the Pats won’t make it to the Super Bowl this year, never mind winning the thing. Brady has made it his purpose in life to prove his critics wrong, despite the fact that he doesn’t have the flashy weapons of some of his opponents. Again, I’d love to see Brady prove them wrong one more time. But even if that happens, will the Patriots be willing to sign the greatest Quarterback of all Time till he’s 45 — which he’s said numerous times he wants to do?

Win, lose, or draw this year, I’m still grateful for having Brady here for about 19 years giving New England fans the absolute best quality football we could ever imagine. Take care and may God bless, Amigo.