Are you a little confused on what to give your young kid, or maybe a grandchild, for Christmas next month? Why not give them, arguably, THE WORST CHILDREN’S BOOK EVER WRITTEN?

I’m referring to, of course, ‘Joey — The Joe Biden Story’, written by that great, world-renown, best-selling Author, Dr. Jill Biden, a.k.a Joe Biden’s wife. After watching this video, I’m not quite sure which was more funny — The blogger, Andrew of, ‘Don’t Walk, Run! Productions’ doing his own personal book Review, or the Book itself.

Yeah, I might suggest watching thru this video before you run out and waste your money buying this stupid book.

P.S. According to this publication, Joe Biden’s childhood nickname was, “Hands” — In light of his sexual assault escapade with former staffer, Tara Reade, along with the vast number of incidents of “inappropriate touching” currently posted on Google Images (sometimes with under-aged girls), “Hands” could serve as a very applicable nickname for our alleged President-Elect even now in his rather mature, golden years.

Biden also mentioned during this past campaign trail, that he encountered a “bad dude” known as, Corn Pop, when he was a kid, but for whatever reason there was no mention of Corn Pop in this particular publication. Oh well.

Enjoy everybody