In a rather hysterical exchange between the female bimbos on the weekday morning TV show, ‘The View’ — led mostly by excessively fat cows Anna Navarro and Joy Behar — they attempted to discredit U.S. Rep Matt Gaetz of Florida after he painted Democrat Presidential front-runner Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, as the REAL Ukraine corruption problem during the recent Congressional Impeachment hearings against President Donald Trump.

Needless to say, these airhead bimbos failed to mention that both Bidens are expected to testify about their own interests involving Ukraine corruption when the Impeachment against Trump moves to the U.S. Senate, specifically, how U.S. aid was distributed to that country while the elder Biden served as Vice President under Barack Obama, and the younger Biden wound up as an Ukrainian oil board member grossing about $83K per month.

Ironically, Hunter Biden made the news recently when a stripper from the Washington D.C. area whacked him with a paternity lawsuit claiming he owed her back child support for his new son. It was reported that Hunter Biden lost his lawyers in that case and is now claiming he has no money.

The House of Representatives, which is predominately Democrat, is expected to vote to Impeach Trump as President with ZERO crimes and ZERO evidence against him. The vote is expected to go somewhat along party lines with perhaps Democrat Congressmen who won in Districts that Trump also won in 2016 voting against the Impeachment.