House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (right) decides to stand, smile, and rub her knuckles together immediately after President Joseph Robinette Biden started talking about “Toxic fumes generated from Burn Pitts”. To each his (or her) own, I guess.

Andrew from the YouTube blog, ‘Don’t Walk, Run! Productions‘ did an excellent job breaking down the various categories of President Joe Biden’s State of the Union address last week at the Capitol building in Washington D.C. Among the topics discussed in this Video includes: the current War in the Ukraine, the COVID virus, our Southern border, the American Inflation (Economy) problem, and the Crime problem (riots) in our Major Cities. In his 2022 SOTU address, which was a little more than an hour long, President Biden NEVER mentioned China, NOR did he bother talking about America’s FAILED MILITARY DEPARTURE FROM AFGHANISTAN.