Archives for posts with tag: criminal offense

So the Facebook Police have chosen to “CENSOR” Yours Truly for 3 months for trying to post the aforementioned Meme – no opportunity to possibly Appeal the Decision, or even get some type of back-and-forth dialogue to talk about the situation. Why shouldn’t something like that surprise me?

Gee, I wonder if I had referred to Donald Trump as a “Dictator”, or maybe another “Adolf Hitler”, if Facebook would’ve Censored something like that for a couple months? Somehow, I seriously doubt it.

BOTTOM LINE – This is truly a sad, pathetic time in the United States of America.

Former president Donald Trump was arrested & charged yesterday in Georgia for basically complaining about results of the 2020 Presidential Election. Prior to that, Al Gore (2000), John Kerry (2004), and Hillary Clinton (2016) – ALL publicly complained about their Presidential election losses, but were NEVER arrested & charged because of it.

In the same state (Georgia), Stacey Abrams still continues to publicly complain that she got screwed out of being elected Governor of that State in 2018, yet they never bothered to arrest & charge her over it.

But whether you love or hate Trump, as American citizens we all need to consider – if our Government can Arrest & Charge a former U.S. President for ‘just about anything’, then WHY couldn’t they do the Same Thing to you or I?

Think about it.

So how will the Donald Trump ‘mug shot’ rate in all of World History? Arguably, it will probably be the most iconic photograph of all time. YouTube blogger Mark Dice puts it all in perspective in this short, but informative, video.


Alleged Assault and Battery criminal, Alec Baldwin

Alec Baldwin charged with assault after allegedly punching man during parking spot spat

By Sasha Savitsky | Fox News

Hot-headed thespian Alec Baldwin has been charged with misdemeanor assault and harassment following his arrest Friday afternoon after he allegedly punched a man in New York City’s ritzy West Village neighborhood, law enforcement sources tell Fox News.

Police sources say the frequent “Saturday Night Live” host was released around 4 pm EST from custody after getting into an argument over a parking spot. He is due back in court on November 26th.

In a video obtained by Page Six, Baldwin, 60, is seen walking out of the NYPD’s 6th Precinct station house in Greenwich Village. The actor kept quiet as he made his way towards a waiting car.

Law enforcement responded to a 911 call for an alleged assault around 1:30 pm EST, sources told Fox News, in which a 49-year-old male was treated for an injury to his left jaw. The individual was conscious and alert and transported to Lenox Hospital.

Hours after his arrest, Baldwin took to his family foundation’s Twitter account to address the incident.

“Normally, I would not comment on something as egregiously misstated as today’s story,” Baldwin wrote.

“However, the assertion that I punched anyone over a parking spot is false,” he continued. “I wanted to go on the record stating as much. I realize that it has become a sport to tag people w as many negative charges and defaming allegations as possible for the purposes of click-bait entertainment.”

Baldwin concluded: “Fortunately, no matter how reverberating the echos, it doesn’t make the statements true.”

A rep for the actor had no comment when reached by Fox News.

Baldwin lives in the tony downtown Manhattan neighborhood with his wife, Hilaria Baldwin, 34, and their four children.

This is not the first arrest for the notoriously tantrum-prone star. Baldwin was cuffed in 2014 after he became “belligerent” with a police officer who stopped him on his bike after he was riding in the wrong direction.

Baldwin was placed into custody and taken to the NYPD’s 6th precinct after allegedly punching a man in the face over a parking spot.


NYPD told Fox News at the time that Baldwin, who had no identification on him, “refused to [identify] himself, became belligerent, cursing and yelling. He was then placed in handcuffs.”

Baldwin went on a Twitter rant after that arrest, posting the arresting officer’s name and badge number. The actor tweeted that he was taken into custody while “photographers outside my home ONCE AGAIN terrified my daughter and nearly hit her with a camera. The police did nothing.”


He then added, “New York City is a mismanaged carnival of stupidity that is desperate for revenue and anxious to criminalize behavior once thought benign.”

Baldwin has also had several other run-ins with the general public that did not involve law enforcement.

In 2011, the former “30 Rock” star was removed from a flight after refusing to stop playing the game “Words With Friends” on his phone.

In 2012, he was accused by a photographer of getting aggressive with him on a New York City street, and in 2013 another photographer filed a harassment claim against Baldwin.

The prickly man about town had been laying relatively low recently when it came to street scuffles, making more headlines for his frequent attacks on President Trump and his popular parody of the president on “Saturday Night Live.”

But Trump didn’t seem to take Baldwin’s impersonation personally when asked about the actor’s parking-spot spat at a gathering of reporters on the south lawn of the White House on Friday.

“I wish him luck,” Trump said upon being informed of Baldwin’s predicament.

The liberal actor doubled down on his anti-Trump rhetoric at a fundraiser for New Hampshire’s Democratic Party just last month.

“It is time to overthrow the government of Donald Trump — not in a violent way or unlawful way — but it must be overthrown nonetheless,” Baldwin told a crowd of some 800 party office-holders, candidates, officials and activists, drawing loud applause.


Baldwin also told reporters that he’s “always dreamed” of running for office himself, but explained it’s not in the cards for him at this time.

“My wife told me she’d divorce me if I ran for office,” he joked.

He also downplayed suggestions that his Democratic activism would limit the success of his struggling “The Alec Baldwin Show,” his new venture on ABC, which is scheduled to air this weekend as planned, despite Friday’s arrest.

“’The Alec Baldwin Show’ will air as scheduled on Sunday,” an ABC spokesperson told Fox News.

Fox News’ Mariah Haas, Brian Flood and Paul Steinhauser contributed to this report.