Here we go again, ladies and gentlemen, those purveyors of “Truth”, a.k.a. Facebook Fact Checkers are still at it, this time in defense of that ‘Mensa Queen’, Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC), who isn’t exactly a stranger to making some rather stupid statements in public.

This time, AOC, posted a Tweet on 5/20/20, urging Governors to maintain restriction on businesses till the Presidential Election on 11/3/20 (almost six months later) to ensure that Donald Trump loses his reelection bid for the Presidency. AOC continues in the Tweet that “a few business closures or job losses is a small price to pay to be free from his (Trump’s) presidency.”

AOC deleted that Tweet soon afterwards probably at the suggestion of several allies and colleagues telling her how stupid that came across by insinuating that a few businesses dissolving and people losing their jobs was no big deal if it meant Trump would soon become a “private citizen”.

Long story short, when I tried posting the aforementioned Meme on Facebook, its Fact-Checkers chimed in by calling it a, ‘Pants on Fire’ lie. Again, AOC did delete the Tweet, but why doesn’t Facebook give Donald Trump the same type of privileges as AOC — in fact, Trump is banned from posting on Facebook and has been since several months before Election?

So many questions, so few answers.