Archives for posts with tag: Divorce
Divorced Dads Tim Bickford (left), and Dan Shepard shared their testimony recently on, ‘Frankly Speaking’ about how their complaints to the Attorney Discipline Office (ADO) in Concord NH, may have prompted both Brian D. Kenyon and Keri J. Marshall, of Marshall Law in East Kingston NH, to resign as Attorneys instead of answering some very serious unethical allegations. Specifically, Kenyon and Marshall had represented the ex-wives of both Bickford and Shepard. This video is just less than an hour long, and it’s well worth the watch.

This episode of, ‘Frankly Speaking’ featured two divorced dads, Tim Bickford and Dan Shepard, who each filed ethical complaints against their ex wives attorneys working out of the Marshall Law office on 47 Depot Road in East Kingston NH. The interview took place in the Nashua Public TV studio on 1/25/24.

Both Bickford and Shepard represented themselves Pro Se and filed their complaints with the, Attorney Discipline Office (ADO) in Concord NH about 10 years apart – Shepard in 2012 against Atty. Keri J. Marshall, and Bickford in 2022 against Atty. Brian D. Kenyon. Marshall and Kenyon opted to resign as Lawyers rather than go through any intense scrutiny of these ethical complaints. There was also another individual, Michael Kimball, who also filed a complaint with the ADO shortly after Bickford did in ’22. Apparently, Kimball had a meeting with Ms. Marshall for over an hour and was billed about $300. When his case fell apart because there was no action taken on it, Marshall then informed Kimball that she wasn’t a licensed Lawyer anymore in NH, hence Kimball’s complaint to the ADO office.

Unfortunately, there were no newspapers, or electronic media outlets (radio and TV) who pursued this story. A NH state-wide news blog, Granite Grok did a fairly nice article about this situation. A nationwide site – , included both Kenyon and Marshall onto something it refers to as: the ‘Wall of Shame’. Then another entity called, The Committee to Expose Dishonest & Incompetent Judges, Attorneys & Public Officials on the site, , referred to Atty. Kenyon as an, ‘idiotic slacker’.

One unusual aspect to the, Granite Grok article, published on, 1/16/24 – the Marshall Law office on 47 Depot Road in East Kingston, despite not currently having any licensed attorneys employed with that organization, it still has a sign in front of its building giving folks the impression that it’s still operating as a Law firm. Somebody like Michael Kimball, however, would probably disagree 100% with that statement.

Incidentally, if you wish to contact the organization that Bickford represented the first time he appeared on, ‘Frankly Speaking’, several years ago – The Fathers Rights’ Movement of New Hampshire – please log onto: . Since that TV appearance, however, Bickford is no longer actively involved with that group.

Boston area singer Sharon DiFronzo of Screamin Heart records sang the intro and outro theme song to this particular episode.

Bill Stevenson (left) was initially married to our current First Lady. The big question is: Is the photo on the right with then-Senator Joe Biden, Jill as Mrs. Stevenson, or as a teenage babysitter?
Here’s the actual Meme that the Facebook Fact-Checkers claimed was “erroneous” because Jill Biden was never then-Senator Joe Biden’s Babysitter. However Joe and Jill initially met, Facebook refuses to get back with me on this subject. Gee, I wonder why?

So I guess if you’re employed by the social network, Facebook as a “Fact-Checker”, your response to the question in the title would probably be, “it’s erroneous to claim Jill Biden was ever Joe Biden’s babysitter.” But then when asked if Jill was married to a Delaware nightclub owner who was supporting then-Senator Joe Biden’s candidacy, Facebook just seemed to have disappeared into thin air. It’s pretty funny how Facebook Fact-Checkers love to screw with people like that, eh?

Jill’s first hubby was a guy named Bill Stevenson, who owned and operated the ‘Stone Balloon‘ nightclub in Newark, Delaware. As the story goes, Jill and Bill married in the early 70’s and then divorced sometime in the mid-70’s. Ironically (or maybe not so ironically), Jill happened to first meet then-Senator Joe Biden around the mid-70’s. Apparently, Bill Stevenson actively supported Joe Biden’s senate campaign back then.

Sometime after it became clear that Joe Biden was going to be the 2020 Democrat Presidential nominee, Bill Stevenson had mentioned in some circles that he planned to author a book on how Joe Biden broke up his marriage to Jill about 25 years earlier. It was unclear, however, if Stevenson changed his mind about writing and distributing a book like that, or perhaps he was talked out of pursuing that deal.

More on this rather fascinating story as it unfolds.

Not only do I agree 110 percent with Benny Johnson in this particular Meme, I would also like to see Joe Biden address his “alleged” extramarital affair with his former employee, Tara Reade; as well as his relationship with Bill Stevenson, who’s Jill Biden’s ex-husband and now has a book out claiming her “alleged” affair with Sleepy Joe broke up their marriage. Inquiring minds, like Me, want to know BEFORE the Nov. 3rd Election.

EVEN MORE BREAKING NEWS — New court documents from ’96 further corroborates Tara Reade’s sexual assault claim against presumptive Democratic Presidential nominee Joe Biden from three years earlier. Specifically, these were from Divorce documents of Reade’s then husband, Theodore Dronen. Granted, evidence may not hold any weight in a court of law, but as the blogger Christo Aivalis mentions here, it certainly holds plenty of weight in the court of public opinion.


Marilyn York, a Nevada attorney who solely represents men in Divorce cases, gives a fascinating lecture on Fatherhood in America. Although the stigma regarding most Child Custody laws tend to favor the Mother, society suffers greatly when Fathers’ rights are ignored. This is a Must-Watch video, which lasts less than 15 minutes.


So you notice a close friend or relative wearing a MAGA (Make America Great Again) hat — most likely, because they support President Donald Trump — would that serve as immediate grounds to simply terminate that friendship? Even if that friendship had hundreds, if not thousands, of fantastic and wonderful moments — maybe over a span of years or decades — you wouldn’t want to replace even if your life depended on it?

Is this ‘just cause’ to de-friend somebody on Facebook?

Even worse, if you caught your spouse ever wearing a MAGA hat or tee shirt, would this immediately prompt you to Divorce that individual?

Needless to say, I’ve got to agree 110 percent with blogger Matt Christiansen’s aforementioned video on this particular topic.

Have you ever noticed some of these Liberal Lunatics who like to claim President Trump is a: Racist, Sexist, Homophobe, etc., never can produce one shred of evidence to back up their statement(s)? Personally, I think if you were to attach a Polygraph (Lie Detector) machine, or inject them with Sodium Penathol (Truth Serum), you’d probably discover that these folks are still bitter over Hillary Clinton LOSING the 2016 Presidential election to Mr. Trump.


I have been deprived of peace;
I have forgotten what prosperity is.
So I say, “My splendor is gone
and all that I had hoped from the LORD.”

I remember my affliction and my wandering,
the bitterness and the gall.
I well remember them,
and my soul is downcast within me.
Yet this I call to mind
and therefore I have hope:

Because of the LORD’s great love we are not consumed,
for his compassions never fail.
They are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.
I say to myself, “The LORD is my portion;
therefore I will wait for him.”

The LORD is good to those whose hope is in him,
to the one who seeks him;
it is good to wait quietly
for the salvation of the LORD.

— Lamentations 3:17-26

After the nearly 16 years I spent paying Child Support, there are a few things that I definitely learned from this emotionally painful experience.

First of all, I believe that God was with me every step of the way. Although I’m fairly close to my retirement (Golden) years, I could’ve easily have wound up addicted to either drugs or alcohol, or maybe even dead (suicide?). A lot of guys in my same predicament, wind up moving back in with their parents – that particular option just wasn’t available for me nor would I want to pursue that type of arrangement. And had my youngest son not joined the military last November, I could’ve legally been on the hook for about five more years of Child Support payments. Lucky me, I guess.

Looking back over the past decade-and-a-half, I still don’t understand how I possible managed to make ends meet, financially speaking. At some points, I would take on seasonal full-time jobs, simultaneously along with my regular full-time job, and wind up sleeping or “just going through the motions” a lot of the time. Justifiably, I probably should’ve been terminated from some, if not all, of these gigs. God Almighty MUST’VE been looking out for my best interest.

Simply put, I was probably too set in my ways to live with a roommate, unless of course I ever got the opportunity to have my kids live with me again but that opportunity never took place. I probably would’ve loved the opportunity to have dated, but I barely had enough money to pay my Child Support and regular living expenses never mind pursuing any type of romantic love interest. My “social life” was relegated entirely to my kids and fellow church members in my congregation at the time.

I’m also extremely grateful that both my sons are fairly well prepared for adulthood. Do I think they’ll fall on their faces every once in a while? Absolutely, they’re not perfect so they’re probably going to stumble every now and then. I just refuse to accept the excuse that they may fail because they’re the byproducts of divorced parents or “a broken home”.

But my oldest is a graduate of one of the better colleges in Massachusetts, while my youngest will probably mature very quickly assuming he at least honors his initial military enlistment. How many American teenagers or 20-somethings, from either broken homes or “happy” homes, can honestly say they’ve reached either one of these plateaus in life?

Making my Child Support emancipation officially “Legal”

Within a span of about three weeks last year, my oldest son turned 23 and my youngest enlisted in the active duty military and entered into Basic Training (two stipulations of emancipation outlined in my Divorce agreement). So when I contacted the lawyer who handled my Divorce, she immediately informed me that her hourly rates were now set at $300. Realistically, between office visits, phone calls, her personal research on my situation, representing me in Court and, oh yeah, the time spent on her round-trip vehicle travel from her office to the Court and back, she probably would’ve billed me somewhere around a couple thousand bucks – which is a couple thousand bucks I don’t really have in my bank account.

So I called her secretary after a couple days and told her that I had problems coming up with the required up-front retainer fee. At this point, I decided to go it alone and represent myself. Pro se, I believe is the Latin term for this. I’m also well aware of the old cliché, “anyone who chooses to represent themselves in Court has a fool for a client”. Personally, I think the individual who initiated that cliché obviously assumes that everybody must have tons of money in the bank. Had I lost my case, I probably would’ve taken Prison over paying any further Child Support but not before I retained a less expensive attorney to somehow overturn the Court’s ruling.

Besides that, with a copy of my oldest son’s Birth Certificate and my youngest son’s military enlistment contract, I was fairly confident and felt I had all the “substantiating evidence” to prove my case.

I proceeded to go to the same Court I was Divorced, which is in Cambridge Mass., and I asked the Clerk for the proper procedure on filing a, “Complaint for Emancipation”. I was given a Court date about a month-and-a-half later, which ironically, was just two days after my youngest son entered his active duty military Basic Training. I had to pay the Court just under $60, and was required to pay a local area Constable just over $60 to serve my ex-wife with the Court paperwork.

On the same day my ex-wife was served with the Court paperwork, she phoned me and asked if she could sign some type of document and legally waive any challenge to contest this petition for child support emancipation, which she did in front of a Notary Public. From her standpoint, this made perfect sense – Why would she try to pursue further Child Support action against me in Court when we no longer had any “Child” who required any more financial support?

So from what I’ve stated thus far, you’d assume this case would be a real “slam dunk” in my favor, right? Well, if you assumed that, you’ve already assumed wrong.

Two days after my youngest son goes off to Basic Training in Texas, I go to Cambridge for “my day in Court”. Needless to say, there were about a hundred other people waiting to talk to the Judge about some type of modification to their Divorce agreement. When I finally got to talk to the Clerk, she gave me a couple more documents to fill out asking me stuff like my social security number, Driver’s License number, and employer’s phone number. Huh???? And when I showed this Clerk that I had a notarized letter from my ex wife stating that she was waiving her right to challenge me on the Child Support being emancipated, she told me that she would’ve had me fill out a financial disclosure statement but she’d let that go in light of my ex wife’s letter.

So why do I now feel, almost 16 years after the fact, that I’m going through my Divorce and subsequent Child Support all over again?

After filling out all these documents, I proceeded to give everything I had to the Clerk in the Probation Department. The lady there then told me to have a seat in the lobby area and someone would call me when they’re ready. After about 45 minutes of sitting there and checking out the latest stuff on my iPhone, some other lady from the Probation Department called my name and asked me to initial some statements on a paper she had. Apparently, while I was there waiting, the Court did a Police and Department of Motor Vehicle background check on me, as well as phoned my ex wife on her voicemail I assume to check the validity of her letter.

Un – BLEEPIN – believable!!!

First of all, it’s usually a rule in Court that if one of the parties (litigants) fail to show up, the party that does show up automatically wins. Not only did my ex wife provide me a notarized letter basically stating she would waive her right to challenge me in Court for any further Child Support, she was also served by an official Constable more than a month earlier informing her of this Court hearing. I also provided this Court with the document that the Constable signed stating that she was served, in-hand, with this paperwork. Hypothetically speaking, had my ex wife answered the phone when the Court clerk called that day, would the Court have sent a limousine – or maybe a Uber contractor – to go pick her up about 50 miles away for her Court appearance? Absolutely ridiculous!

Secondly, how difficult would it be for a Massachusetts Court Clerk to check the validity of a Massachusetts Notary Public? I would assume that’d be extremely simple. Unless they’re friends with that individual, a legitimate Notary Public would require some type of photo ID from that person prior to officially stamping a document.

Thirdly, I guess I was fortunate that I didn’t have any outstanding Warrants in my file. Otherwise, I would’ve gotten nailed right then and there via the background check. Over the years, I’m sure this Divorce court has literally heard all types of complaints from all types of folks, so maybe that’s a good way for them to seek out those with outstanding Warrants on other Civil or Criminal matters.

Fourthly, I was also fortunate that I happened to take this Court date as a vacation day, as opposed to a sick day from my employer. Otherwise, my employer probably would’ve issued some disciplinary action against me for abusing my sick time. Now I can probably understand the rationale of a Court investigating outstanding Warrants on a would-be litigant – but hassling someone’s employer is just a little over the line. Getting – and keeping – a good job in this day and time is so difficult with today’s economy. Besides that, in this particular case, what the hell difference does it make on whether I was “gainfully employed” or “on Welfare and Food Stamps” in light of what I was pursing to do in Court?

Fifthly, common sense would dictate that kids really mature within the span of 16 years. When I got Divorced my youngest son was 3 years old and today he’s in the U.S. military. Do you honestly need to conduct a Scotland Yard type investigation on whether or not my sons are legitimately “emancipated”?

Waiting even longer just to see the Judge

Now that the Probation Department finally provided me with a nice folder full of legal documents, I was officially off to the Court room to meet with the Judge who’d be hearing my case. Sitting in Court with a couple dozen others who were all waiting to do the same thing as me, the Judge soon left I assume to either go to the bathroom or smoke a cigarette. I saw some nice dressed people, I guess were lawyers, handing paperwork and talking to a female assistant of the Judge’s near his chamber area. I thought maybe I should probably go up and give this lady my folder – otherwise, I’d probably be in Court waiting to meet with the Judge a lot longer than I bargained for.

When I had talked to this lady, she told me that the Judge may issue me a “temporary” break on my Child Support. In my younger years, I probably would’ve yelled and insulted that lady right then and there. There was nothing “temporary” about my oldest son already being 23 and living on his own, or my youngest son being enlisted in the military. But knowing that I was representing myself, pro se, I couldn’t afford to lose this case on me acting stupid. I simply hoped and prayed that the Judge had more God-given common sense than his assistant.

After a few more minutes of even more “waiting”, I was finally called up to see the Judge. I told him of my sons’ situations and he commended me for having a son who was now serving in the military. Fortunately, he granted my “Complaint for Emancipation” within a couple of minutes.

My ex wife and I are still very much Divorced (although somewhat amicable) but the real tough part of that whole arrangement is now over and done with. Praise God for small miracles. If I ever was to remarry again, having any more kids is just not an option for me. That particular season of my life is definitely over and done with – thank God. Spending some “quality” time with grand-kids (wishful thinking on my part?) – now might be a different story.

In reality, I still plan to spend quite a bit of money on my sons (birthdays, Christmas get-togethers, weddings, Super Bowl parties, the birth of my grandchildren, etc.), but nothing even close to what I was forking out on Child Support payments since the turn of this century. After I’m dead and buried, my sons will probably be the beneficiaries of any earthly possessions I’ve got left but until that time comes, I hope to pursue some type of a “Bucket List” on the next chapter in this thing known as, My Life.

I just hope and pray that I’ve got a few more productive years left in me for some great and exciting experiences before I go on to meet my risen Lord and Savior.

We’ll see what happens.

Kevin Avard (left), and Peggy Gilmour

Kevin Avard (left), and Peggy Gilmour

Okay, so the mid-term election for 2014 has been ancient history for almost two weeks now, but there was one State Senate race in southern New Hampshire that probably deserves a little more public discussion before voters return to the polls any time soon.

I’m referring to the race between then-incumbent state Sen. Peggy Gilmour, D-Nashua, and her challenger, former state Rep. Kevin Avard, R-Nashua; specifically, an extremely scathing last minute mailer that was distributed district-wide against Mr. Avard.

The mailer titled, “A Candidate of Convictions” (or maybe it was called, A Candidate with Convictions) cited Avard, among other things, as being: convicted twice on Driving Under the Influence charges, arrested once on Violating a Restraining Order, filed for Bankruptcy, had a vehicle repossessed, and was divorced at least twice before.

Now don’t get me wrong, under most circumstances, the aforementioned paragraph is more than enough information for any common sense voter to simply reelect the incumbent, Ms. Gilmour in this race, however, since that period in Mr. Avard’s life, he’s sort of redeemed himself in the public eye with serving a term as a NH State Rep from 2010-12 and hosting two community cable TV shows on the Access Nashua network: Gate City Chronicles, and Speak Out. Avard also appears to be in a content marriage now at this point in his life.

Avard managed to defeat Gilmour earlier this month by about 300 or so votes but one has to seriously wonder if the challenger’s margin of victory could’ve been a lot greater had he been given the opportunity to address some of these “controversial issues” weeks earlier in the campaign.

For example, is somebody who was ever whacked with a Restraining Order – especially in conjunction with a soon-to-be divorce, automatically a violent “convicted” Assault and Battery recipient? I don’t think so. Ask any lawyer.

Usually when there’s a soon-to-be divorce with a possible Child Custody hearing involved, the wife will often file a Restraining Order against her husband that’s usually absolute bullBLEEP. That supposedly gives the woman extra ammunition to get custody of her kids in the eyes of the Court. As far as substantiating evidence goes, it’s more important here that the Police and Court err on the side of caution rather than digging up any actual proof, which tends to be a rather time-consuming process.

In defense of the small percentage of women who are actually protected from being beaten or killed in this particular situation, I guess I can understand the logic of issuing Restraining Orders against soon-to-be-divorced men with little-to-no evidence of physical violence or even threats against them, but in Avard’s case, I wouldn’t necessarily hold that against a guy who was running for elected public office.

Aside from being whacked with a Restraining Order in conjunction with his then soon-to-be divorce, what other evidence was there that Avard was ever arrested for either Assault and Battery, or Criminal Threatening? If there were any previous arrests on Avard in this area, I’m fairly sure Ms. Gilmour, along with her political cronies, would’ve amply mentioned that in her pre-election mailer.

Moving right along, (and please try to be honest here) how many people do YOU know who have been through AT LEAST two divorces? If the national divorce rate in America is around 60 percent, odds would dictate that most marriages in our country will end long, long before “death do us part”. Granted, one could argue that people who have been through at least two divorces (or married at least three times) exercise poor judgment and weak commitments in their personal lives, but how does that automatically disqualify a candidate for elected office if they happen to be a part of this category? If YOU are in this category, should YOU be viewed by the general public like a “criminal” for your inability to stay committed in a marriage?

I would echo the same feelings about filing a Bankruptcy, or having had a vehicle repossessed. Welcome to the Obama Administration, ladies and gentlemen. Are times a little tough in our country these days to “make ends meet”? Do a lot of people seem to be working two or more jobs these days? Why not elect a candidate to public office who understands and acknowledges these problems, and will hopefully push to get America (or New Hampshire) working again?

To be previously convicted of two DUI’s, especially if either one took place after the individual turned 30, should be viewed by voters as a very serious concern. I would definitely disqualify a candidate for elected office if they had killed, or even critically injured, another individual as a result of their reckless drunk driving. In Avard’s case, I think he “paid his dues to society” and then redeemed himself as serving as a NH State Rep for a term and currently hosting a couple of community cable TV shows on the Access Nashua network.

For those who think Avard got off with just a “slap on the wrist” for any of the aforementioned infractions, why not step up to the plate NOW and push for more stringent punishments on these improprieties? Otherwise, will you please just shut the heck up. If you’re not part of the solution, then you’re obviously part of the problem – especially in regards to Mr. Avard’s past history.

Given enough time and opportunity, I’m sure one could easily dig up a few interesting “skeletons” in Ms. Gilmour’s closet. Gilmour, incidentally, bears a striking physical resemblance to the Lillian Munster character on the popular 60’s sitcom TV show, The Munsters – so there’s at least one “skeleton” against this former NH State Senator already.

At last check, the ONLY PERFECT INDIVIDUAL that I’m aware of was crucified and died a little more than 2000 years ago – everyone else has fallen far, far short of perfection. Please remember this the next time YOU vote for the “BEST” possible candidate in the next election.


Hillary Clinton, and staffer Huma Abedin — a.k.a. Mrs. Anthony Weiner

(Is Huma Abedin married to a rather sick and disgusting individual – Anthony Weiner – ABSOLUTELY!! But who the heck is Hillary Clinton to advise ANYBODY on divorcing their spouse? At least Mr. Weiner never engaged in an extra-marital affair, like Hillary’s husband, former President Bill Clinton. At least Anthony Weiner was never impeached from elected public office for LYING to the Grand Jury, like former President Clinton was. Can you say, “hypocrite”?  )

Do as I say, not as I do: Hillary tells Huma to dump Anthony Weiner

By Cheryl K. Chumley

The Washington Times

Monday, September 23, 2013

Huma Abedin, a top staffer for Hillary Clinton and the wife of beleaguered and scandalized Anthony Weiner, was told to give her husband the boot — or leave the Clinton camp.

Huma has a choice to make,” an unnamed source said, to New York magazine. “Does she go with Anthony or does she go with Hillary?”

This is the “biggest question among Hillary’s circle,” the magazine said, as the former first lady takes the stage as the Democratic Party’s most likely White House candidate for 2016. Ms. Abedin has been a close aide for years — but her husband’s sexting scandals, followed by his failed New York City mayoral run, has strained relations over the past few months.

The worst of the fallout came over the summer when it was revealed that Mr. Weiner had not completely abandoned his sexting habit, as vowed during his 2011 step-down from Congress. Then, Ms. Clinton’s camp warned her to distance herself — but Mr. Weiner’s middle-finger flip-off on election night, as he drove from his losing campaign camp, was the final straw, The New York Post reported.

The magazine added, citing an insider source: “Abedin has struggles to reconcile her marriage to Weiner with her role as Clinton’s top aide, traumatized by the prospect of leaving her boss’ inner circle.”

On top of that, Ms. Abedin is bringing her own headaches. She faces fire for past consulting work for a former Bill Clinton associate and for the William Jefferson Clinton Foundation, seen as potential conflicts of interest with her government position.