Archives for posts with tag: domestic violence

Grace Rosado, founder & executive director of New Life Home in Manchester NH, along with NLH Program Director Jessica Aquino, were my guests for this episode of, ‘Frankly Speaking’, which was taped in the Access Nashua studio on 9/23/19.

New Life Home, which has been operating in Manchester for over 40 years, helps women battle various aspects of abuse including: drugs, alcohol, domestic violence, and sex trafficking. Ms. Aquino was a former NLH resident before she became its Program Director and her testimony was truly very compelling and emotional.

Much of the New Life Home’s program consists of Christian principles from the Bible, specifically John 10:10 which Jesus proclaims He came that those who believed in Him might have life, and have life more abundantly. NLH also focuses on job and life skills for their residents so that they may be better equipped for when they’re ready to leave and go back into society.

Since New Life Home is not a government agency, it relies on financial support from area churches and individual contributions. If you wish to donate to NLH either on a one-time or recurring basis, or have some of its residents give a testimonial presentation at your church, please log onto: for further information.

Sharon DiFronzo of Screamin Heart records sang the Intro and Outro theme song for this particular episode.

P.S. Please check out the Promotional Video initiated by the New Life Home, which I posted in the Comment section of this particular Thread. It’ll probably give you a much better perspective of this organization over and above my interview with Ms. Rosado and Ms. Aquino.

Can you say, “Double Standard”?

Wasn’t Donald Trump severely criticized by the mainstream media and Democrats a few weeks ago when he failed to correct an audience member at one of his Town Hall forums and that individual said, while asking a question, that President Barack Obama was a Muslim?

So now about a month later, at another public Town Hall forum also held in New Hampshire, Hillary Clinton simply starts laughing when a man in the audience suggested he wanted “strangle” Carly Fiorina.

Should we expect less of a “response” from Hillary Clinton than we do Donald Trump, just because Clinton is a woman? Is that supposed to be “more responsible behavior” of someone we might elect as our next U.S. President? I don’t think so.

Personally, that’s sort of like asking the question, Which smells worse: Cow manure or Horse manure?

Ex-Baltimore Raven running back Ray Rice and his beautiful "battered" wife, Janay Palmer

Ex-Baltimore Raven running back Ray Rice and his beautiful “battered” wife, Janay Palmer

Ray Rice jokes for DAYS!

There’s like maybe four or five jokes in this list that were already posted on the internet, but the rest of this list was pretty much made up by me while I was bored. Ray Rice’s incident is a gold mine of humor….just not for him. Easily offended need not apply here. Enjoy.

1.) Ray Rice’s wife just set up a website for victims of domestic violence.
She got 200 hits in the first hour.

2.) Ray Rice is gonna pursue a career as a rapper now.
I don’t think Janay is gonna like his hits.

3.) Ray Rice is getting his own show on the Food Network.
It’s called “Can’t Cook? Left Hook!”

4.) What’s Ray Rice’s favorite drink?

5.) If you can’t beat em, join em. If you CAN beat em, it’s because you’re Ray Rice.

6.) If Janay leaves Ray Rice, she’ll literally be a hit single.

7.) What does Ray Rice and Chris Brown have in common?
“Beat it” on their iPods.

8.) Why is Janay Rice lousy with directions?
She can’t take a left.

9.) Bartender just made me a drink called a “Ray Rice”
Whew, this thing really packs a punch.

10.) Trapping youself in an elevator while a man twice your size beats you.
They call that the Rice Bucket Challenge.

11.) I cut the sleeves off my Ray Rice jersey.
Now it’s a wifebeater.

12.) Why does Janay hate smoking weed?
Because she can’t take a hit.

13.) What’s Ray Rice’s favorite song ever?
“Shut up” by the ‘Black eyed’ Peas.

14.) What’s Janay’s favorite song ever?
“Hit me with your best shot”

15.) What’s the difference between Janay and an elevator?
When Janay Rice goes down, she doesn’t go back up.

16.) What happens when Ray Rice gets in your elevator?
You don’t remember it.

17.) It’s a custom for people to throw rice at weddings.
It’s a custom for Ray Rice to throw punches before weddings.

18.) How do you heal a bruise left by Ray Rice?
You use a Ricepack.

19.) What do you call it when Ray Rice throws punches in an elevator full of Mexicans?
Red beans and rice.

20.) What happens when Janay Rice enters an airplane?
It goes the BLEEP down.

21.) How long does it take Ray Rice to get mad?
About 3 floors.

22.) How hard does Ray Rice punch?
Beats me.

23.) What do you call it when Ray Rice beats his pregnant wife?

24.) Janay Rice has her own line of headphones.
It’s called “Beats” by Ray.

25.) How did Janay find out Ray was cheating on her?
She could taste lipstick on his knuckles.

26.) What does Ray Rice do when his dishwasher stops working?
He beats her in an elevator.