Archives for posts with tag: Donald Trump Jr.

I absolutely loved watching Donald Trump Jr., along with his beautiful girlfriend Kimberly, shut up those stupid ignorant bitches on, ‘The View’ once and for all!

For example, I loved seeing Joy Behar getting publicly called out for wearing ‘Black Face’ after claiming she went out for Halloween one year as, “a beautiful African woman”. Or how about that other stupid bimbo, Whoopi Goldberg — whose white dreadlocks make her look as if she’s wearing a mop on her head — claimed that disgraced Hollywood Director Roman Polanski didn’t actually “rape, rape” the 13-year old girl he was convicted of having sexual intercourse with.

Again, assuming Joe Biden is elected the Democrat nominee for President, I’d love to see Don Jr., debate Hunter Biden as part of the 2020 Election campaign.

ATTN: 2020 Presidential Debate Committee — If Joe Biden wins the Democrat nomination for President next year, why not add another nationally-televised debate to the tentative programming agenda between the two main candidate’s sons, Hunter Biden vs. Donald Trump Jr.

Perhaps you could headline the event — The ‘Chip-Off-the-Old-Block’ Debate. Both of these guys appear to be eloquent and well-versed enough to argue and defend the standard talking points on behalf of their respective fathers. I don’t believe either one of these guys could say or do anything in an event like this to actually hurt their dads from ever becoming President.

The American voting public would greatly benefit, I believe, from witnessing such a TV broadcast. What the heck?


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