Archives for posts with tag: Election Reform
Gee, I wonder “WHY” Facebook really wanted this Meme, ‘censored’? Other than, of course, all of these States mysteriously “flipped” in Joe Biden’s favor after the vote counting resumed later that morning.
Excellent point, apparently Coca-Cola dabbles in a number of different brand names. It’s important to Boycott ALL its products.

What a brilliant idea — Let’s all email Coca Cola’s scumbag Board of Directors a comment or two on how we REALLY feel about them screwing around with the State of Georgia Election System. If Coca Cola’s not happy about Georgia’s Election laws, maybe it should uproot and set up its operation in some other Country that enjoys drinking its brown-colored Urine!

The final votes — mostly of the Mail-In Ballots in the 2020 Presidential election — just didn’t seem to add up. You don’t really need to be a ‘Rocket Scientist’ to know that if the number of returned ballots blatantly exceed the number of Registered Voters residing in a certain area, then there must be something really BLEEPED up about that Election. Despite this Meme, Pennsylvania was not the ONLY State which this screw up took place.