Archives for posts with tag: endorsement

(Thank God for small miracles. Damn happy to hear our RINO Governor, Chris Sununu won’t be seeking reelection next year for a 5th Term. Last year, Sununu didn’t even bother to help out the Republican challengers running for the U.S. Senate & the 2 Congressional seats, but when they ALL LOST, Sununu ran to both CNN & MSNBC [or any other Liberal TV network who would pander to that jerk] & publicly proclaim that it was ALL DONALD TRUMP’S FAULT that they lost – What a Pathetic little Scumbag our Governor is !!! I wonder if there’s any Truth to the Rumor that Sununu plans on taking over to replace recently terminated, TV host, Don Lemon at CNN.)

GOP N.H. Gov. Chris Sununu Won’t Seek 5th Term in 2024

Wednesday, July 19, 2023, 1:26 p.m. EDT

New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu, a Republican who considered but decided against runs for president and the U.S. Senate, said Wednesday he will not seek reelection in 2024.

Sununu, 48, who has been governor since 2017, said in an email that he will not seek a fifth two-year term.

“This was no easy decision as I truly love serving as governor,” he stated.

“Public service should never be a career, and the time is right for another Republican to lead our great state.”

Sununu did not say what his immediate plans would be and did not endorse anyone to succeed him. He said he reached his decision after discussions with his wife, Valerie, and his children.

Shortly after his announcement, Chuck Morse, former Republican president of the New Hampshire Senate and a former U.S. Senate candidate, announced his campaign for governor.

He said in a statement that he’s proud to have worked with Sununu “to put together a conservative, pro-jobs, pro-growth, family first economic agenda that has made New Hampshire the envy of New England and the nation. We lead the nation in economic freedom. We have the lowest poverty rate in the nation and are the number one state for taxpayer return on investment.”

Two Democrats, Executive Councilor Cinde Warmington and Manchester Mayor Joyce Craig, have also announced their candidacies for the job.

Sununu, a popular governor who made the rounds on national talk shows this year, announced in June that he will not seek the presidency in 2024. He argued that Republican candidates with “no path to victory must have the courage to get out” of their party’s increasingly crowded primary to stop former President Donald Trump.

Sununu has said he would endorse the GOP’s ultimate nominee in 2024, but argued in the op-ed that Republican must embrace a “course correction” away from Trump.

He said he planned to speak with “a little more of an unleashed voice” to make the Republican Party bigger.


Rather than sitting back & blaming Donald Trump for ALL the Democrats who were elected in last year’s Midterm election, why didn’t NH governor Chris Sununu get off his excessively fat butt & help endorse the Congressional candidates in his own Backyard??? RESULT – Clean Democrat sweep in NH for both the US Senate seat, & the two US Rep seats. Sununu also FAILED to mention, he was Polling nationally, as well as in his home State of NH, at about 0% for the 2024 Republican Presidential primaries.

What a BLEEPIN Hypocrite our Governor is – it’s ALL about ‘beating Trump’ & ZERO mention about possibly beating the blatantly incompetent incumbent with Dementia, Joseph Robinette Biden.

In last year’s Midterms, Sununu did BLEEPIN Nothing to help campaign for the Republican ticket, which resulted in a Democrat sweep in Congress for NH.

As far as I’m concerned, Sununu is about as, Useless as BLEEPS on a Bull!!! Can YOU say, Useless Pile of Smelly Dog BLEEP?

Was NH governor Chris Sununu LYING a little bit in this interview by accusing Donald Trump of “losing” the 2022 Midterm Election for Republicans?? What about Sununu HIMSELF in those particular NH Congressional races??

If Don Bolduc had beaten Maggie Hassan, the U.S. Senate would have enough votes right now to Impeach “Dementia” Joe Biden out of the Presidency – so what “possessed” our Governor to endorse Chuck Morse in THAT Republican Senate Primary? In the NH-2 District race, Sununu first announced that he was “endorsing” Beer brewer Jeff Cozzens in that Race, then when Cozzens dropped out, Sununu immediately gave his Primary support to George Hansel – What the BLEEP??

I don’t follow the NH-1 District that closely, but I noticed that Karoline Leavitt, who’s now on a fairly popular radio talk show, doesn’t appear to be a very big fan of Sununu’s.

Can you say, “Hypocrite”, Gov. Sununu?

FILE UNDER: Pot Calling the Kettle Black


2016 Libertarian Presidential candidate Gary Johnson

September 15, 2016 – 11:44 AM

An Editorial — Joseph W. McQuaid, Publisher: A better choice for President (No need to hold your nose)

New Hampshire Union Leader Publisher—-joseph-w-mcquaid-publisher-a-better-choice-for-president-no-need-to-hold-your-nose–20160914

A joke on the Internet: Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are together in a lifeboat in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. No land in sight. No ships in sight.

Question: Who survives?

Answer: The American people.

– – – – – – – – –

In 1972, Union Leader Publisher William Loeb found himself having to recommend either President Richard Nixon or challenger George McGovern.

Loeb’s advice: Hold your nose and vote for Nixon.

At least Loeb had a choice between two capable, if flawed, candidates. Godson of one President and personal friend to another, Loeb would not envy the choice America faces today between a selfish, self-centered, sanctimonious prig and Donald J. Trump.

Voters leaning toward Trump are understandably fed up with the status quo, of which Clinton is a prime example. But they kid themselves if they think Trump isn’t pretty much a part of that status quo as well, or that he is in any way qualified to competently lead this nation.

The man is a liar, a bully, a buffoon. He denigrates any individual or group that displeases him. He has dishonored military veterans and their families, made fun of the physically frail, and changed political views almost as often as he has changed wives.

Americans are being told that we have to choose the lesser of two evils. No, we don’t.

Libertarians Gary Johnson and Bill Weld are on the ballot in all 50 states. Their records (as Republican governors in politically-divided states) speak well of them. They would be worth considering under many circumstances. In today’s dark times, they are a bright light of hope and reason. The Union Leader and Sunday News endorse them.


Johnson-Weld 2016: A better choice


It’s a binary election, we’re told.

Trump or Clinton. Pick a side.

That’s a lousy choice, and a false one. As our Publisher writes on today’s front page, we refuse to choose the lesser of two evils. Not when there’s a reasonable, and honorable, alternative.

Former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson has a stellar record as a fiscal conservative in a swing state. His running mate, former Massachusetts Governor Bill Weld, proved that it’s possible to hold off a big spending Legislature, even in Taxachusetts. They are both intelligent, competent, experienced executives.

Running on the Libertarian Party ticket, Johnson and Weld don’t stand a chance, unless American voters demand better than the horrible candidates foisted on them by the two major political parties.

Electing a third party President might be just the ticket to snapping a squabbling Congress out of its partisanship. Both Republicans and Democrats would be independent of the White House, and freer to debate issues apart from tribal loyalties.

Restoration of these checks and balances might be the most promising benefit of a Johnson presidency. The pattern of presidential overreach stretches back not just eight years, but eight decades, as every commander-in-chief worked to consolidate political authority in the Executive Branch, and every Congress meekly consented.

Gary Johnson would be the first President in modern memory to limit the scope of both the federal government, and his own power as President. Neither Hillary Clinton nor Donald Trump show any signs of such political humility.

As the Winston-Salem Journal of North Carolina wrote in its endorsement of Johnson and Weld, “They are principled and honorable in a time when our country sorely needs such qualities.”

The Richmond Times-Dispatch of Virginia argues “Johnson’s clear and consistent support for limited government, free enterprise, social tolerance and individual freedom appeals to our own philosophical leanings.”

After the two major parties failed to produce a decent presidential candidate, Johnson and Weld offer voters a lifeline. But voters need to know it’s there. This is the best chance for a third party ticket in more than a century. Johnson and Weld are on the ballot in all 50 states, and should have significant appeal to disaffected conservatives and liberals looking for a better option. They must be included in this fall’s presidential debate.

If you’re curious about Johnson and Weld, we urge you to watch our recent interview with the two former governors as part of our Voters First series at

Don’t waste your vote on candidates who don’t deserve it. Gary Johnson and Bill Weld are the only choice for President and Vice President.

First things first, the 2016 Republican National Convention in Cleveland is definitely NOT “the Donald Trump Convention”, but rather, “the REPUBLICAN National Convention”. Former Presidential candidate Ted Cruz EARNED his spot at the speaker’s podium — in the prime-time evening time slot — perhaps more so than any speaker at this every-four-year event.

Secondly, I think Senator Cruz’s speech was a heck of a lot more classy and dignified than what I would’ve said about a former campaign opponent who purposely (and ignorantly) attacked my family members — who had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with this Presidential campaign, or even politics.

For starters, Trump tweeted out side-by-side photos of Cruz’s wife and then his own wife (which happens to be Trump’s THIRD WIFE and young enough to be “The Donald’s” granddaughter), and then asking his Twitter followers, Whose wife is better looking? Is this the temperament and maturity we should expect from the next President of the United States?

If that wasn’t bad enough, several weeks later, Trump cites a National Enquirer — a publication not really known for its truth and integrity — on Cruz’s dad being tied to the assassination of former President John F. Kennedy. Trump would stump on his campaign speeches saying, “That’s Horrible!”, while FOX News ass-kissers Bill O’Reilly and Sean Hannity refused to ever call out their buddy, “The Donald” as a, “Liar” or ever ask him to substantiate what the heck he was talking about.

Who’s REALLY the individual(s) here with “no class”?

As for Cruz’s actual speech, he mentioned Hillary Clinton and President Barack Obama quite a bit, but not one mention of Trump’s name. He did exhort the audience to vote their conscience, and select candidates up-and-down the ticket this year who support the Constitution. I guess the pundits and audience must figure, if a speaker at this year’s Republican convention is not willing to bend over and kiss Trump’s fat stinkin’ butt, then they must be Trump’s enemy.

Incidentally, why aren’t the pundits commenting and criticizing the prominent Republican who chose NOT to attend this particular convention? Where is Mitt Romney? Where is John McCain? Where is the Bush family? Where is Lindsay Graham? Where is Carly Fiorina? Where is NH Senator Kelly Ayotte? Where is Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker?

How about former Presidential candidate and current Ohio governor John Kasich? At last check, Cleveland was one of the major cities in the state of Ohio — shouldn’t the Republican governor of that state be at the RNC to help “endorse” the Republican Presidential nominee?

And what about former Presidential candidate Marco Rubio sending in a minute-and-a-half video of himself endorsing Trump? Dude…seriously? Rubio is certainly intelligent and eloquent enough to talk at least 15-20 minutes on endorsing his Party’s Presidential candidate. Are we supposed to believe that was the absolute best Rubio could’ve done to endorse Donald Trump — OR, is he a little bit pissed-off at “The Donald”, as well?

Is it REALLY 100 percent Ted Cruz’s fault that the Republicans appear to be a “DIVIDED” political party right about now? I seriously don’t think so.

Needless to say, put yourself in Cruz’s shoes and ask, what would YOU do in that same situation? I think the answer should be rather obvious.
