Archives for posts with tag: evangelicals

Here we’ve got a secular media outlet — ABC News — doing about an 11-minute feature on “WHY” Evangelical Christians are choosing to support Donald Trump for President IN DROVES.

Can God use brash and arrogant men to proclaim “His Will”? King David (the guy who killed Goliath with his sling-shot) was an Adulterer and Murderer. Paul the Apostle (who wrote most of the books in the New Testament) killed Christians before he gave his life to the Lord Jesus.

In the Old Testament, both King Cyrus, and Jehu, are often compared with President Donald Trump, weren’t exactly the best Role Models as Christians yet God still managed to use them to get His point across to the people of that time. Come to think of it, other than Jesus Christ, every other person mentioned in the Bible has some type of flaw or imperfection associated with them.

I believe there’s a verse in the New Testament, that God uses the silly to confound the wise — 1 Corinthians 1:27. So why is it such a “stretch” for God Almighty to use President Donald Trump to fulfill His Will?

Bottom Line: There’s obviously hope for us all — Romans 10:9-10.

EDITORIAL: What Happened to the Evangelical Voters?
 By: Susan Wright (Diary)  |  May 22nd, 2016 at 05:30 PM

It is when people forget God that tyrants forge their chains.Patrick Henry

Are we a nation so far gone that we have no more respect or room for our more virtuous nature?

Is God, country, and family a passé notion?

For years, I have championed the cause of conservatism, based on not just sound policy, but on the grounds of moral principle. I counted myself as a true Evangelical voter, because if it directly affected my life, my God was going to be a part of it. As citizens, what affects us more than our government?

That moral principle derives from my beliefs as a Christian, a born again believer that every word written in the Holy Bible was just, righteous, and the absolute true word of an omnipotent Creator.

That same true Word is the foundation of our nation and our laws.

Our citizens should early understand that the genuine source of correct republican principles is the Bible, particularly the New Testament, or the Christian religion. Noah Webster

So where were our Evangelical principles during this primary? When our nation could least afford to leave moral and just judgment out of our decision making process at the polls, those who identified as Evangelical voters rejected every Christian candidate available to us in favor of a man who not only is completely unqualified for the seat of the presidency, but who has publicly denied the need for God’s forgiveness, and is also an unrepentant adulterer. He operates gambling houses, is abusive in his speech and manner, has expressed support for abortion, spoke of his own daughters in sexual terms, and overall, has shown no fruit of a principled or moral life.

I’ve posed this question to those who I know define themselves as “Christian” because I sincerely want an answer. I know all people are fallible, but we should have been looking for a David, not an Ahab.

The most common answer I get is that we’re not electing a pastor, but a president.

That’s true, but as leaders are a direct reflection of those who vote them into power, when you look at 2008, 2012, and this season, what we see in that reflection should grieve us, if we truly seek to be seen as bearers of the Spirit of God.

Deuteronomy 1:13 AMP “Choose for yourselves wise, understanding, experienced, and respected men from your tribes, and I will appoint them as heads (leaders) over you.”

I have been shaken by the outcome of this primary season, as I know many others have. We’ve seen good men slandered and the discourse brought down to levels of nastiness that no civilized society should ever be comfortable with.

What is most striking is how it has taken on the air of the Roman coliseum, and candidate after candidate has been tossed to the lions, represented by a despicable, unprincipled man, except it is the Christians, not the Romans, in the stands cheering him on, as he ripped into one good man after another.

Just yesterday, I had one Trumpidian cultist tell me that if I didn’t support Trump, I was against God and country.

Within moments, I had a second sneering that Christians and God had no part in the party, anymore. It was Trump’s party, now, and he was going to make America great again.

Somehow, I don’t believe those two have met.

I also don’t believe a party or a nation that turns its back on God can exist on any level of greatness.

If we ever forget that we are One Nation Under God, then we will be a nation gone under. Ronald Reagan

Another assertion I hear from those who wave the banner of Christian, but want to justify their dalliance with their flesh, in supporting such a despicable man is that he could be our Cyrus.

Cyrus was a pagan king from the Old Testament (2 Chronicles and Ezra), who allowed the Hebrews to rebuild the temple, even giving them resources from his own wealth to do so. Though he was pagan, God still used him.

I get that desperate need to justify choosing such a man, but Cyrus was willing to be used, even if he didn’t worship the same God.

Trump calls himself “Christian,” while saying he’s never needed God’s forgiveness. He blasphemes the name of God by the mere suggestion. To call him a Cyrus is a stretch.

Is there hope that he can change?

Of course there is! As long as he’s breathing, there is hope. It’s that same hope we all have available to us, but the idea that Christians should abandon any desire to have a faith-filled representative lead this nation again, on the hope that the one they champion will have some conversion experience after he’s gained power is both vain and risky.

For all my harshness, I actually do pray for Donald Trump. I pray that he surrounds himself with the right people. By the right people, I don’t mean televangelist who are looking to build another wing onto their megachurches. I mean Christians with a passion for this nation and their fellow Americans. I mean Christians that will speak directly to him about his need for God’s forgiveness. And I pray that he hear them and seeks a relationship with Christ. He needs to know his true treasure is stored up in Heaven, not in Trump Tower.

If that doesn’t happen, I don’t know where we are as a nation. Either those who are identifying as Evangelicals when polled are lying, or Evangelicals need to get out from behind their church walls and reclaim their position on the stage of American politics, once again.


By Michael Brown, CP Op-Ed Contributor
May 4, 2016|7:39 am

It is altogether fitting that Donald Trump became the all-but-certain presidential nominee of the Republican Party on the same day that he cited the ridiculous allegations of the National Enquirer that Ted Cruz’s father, Rafael, had involvement in the assassination of JFK.

This is not so much an indictment on Trump as it is an indictment on the American people. God could well be giving us exactly what we deserve.

After all, we are the generation raised on a steady diet of amoral and immoral reality TV, also feasting on shows like Jerry Springer and Howard Stern and regurgitating meaningless sound bites as though they were pearls of wisdom.

No wonder, then, that Donald J. Trump appeals to so many Americans. He is a National Enquirer candidate for a Jerry Springer generation. What a match!

Of course, there are fine people who also believe in Trump’s candidacy, people of conscience, spiritual people, patriotic people.

I certainly do not condemn all of their judgments, nor is it my place to do so.

I have also listened carefully to the prognosticators who have predicted for months that Trump would be our next president – some even claimed prophetic inspiration for these predictions — and that he would be a tool in God’s hand to destroy the corrupt political establishment and do good to our nation.

I fervently hope that these prophecies will prove true and that I will have to eat every word I have written — and I am writing.

I have no desire to be right; I do have an intense desire to see America blessed; and I would far rather say, “I was so wrong about Donald Trump,” than say, “I told you so!”

That being said, it appears today in America that God has given us over to delusion, a phenomenon mentioned several times in the Bible when God takes away a people’s moral and spiritual sensibilities as a judgment on their sin.

In other words, because people reject Him and His standards, He says, “Go ahead then. Have at it,” further pushing us into our folly.

That seems to be the only way to explain how we are suddenly at the point in America where people are saying there’s nothing wrong with grown men using women’s locker rooms and bathrooms and where states like California have ruled that boys who identify as girls can play on the girls’ sports teams and share their shower stalls and changing areas.

This is cultural insanity, yet many are too blind to see.

How else do we explain college students telling a young Caucasian man that if he identifies as a woman, he is; if he identifies as Chinese, he is; if he identifies as a 7-year-old, he is — but if he identifies as 6′ 5″ he is not — how else do we explain this unless we have been given over to a spirit of delusion?

I see the Trump candidacy in the same way.

Tens of millions of Americans are not put off by his blatant, well-documented lying.

Tens of millions of Americans are not put off by his consistent practice of vile character assassination for the purpose of political gain.

Tens of millions of Americans are not put off by his vulgarity and profanity.

Tens of millions of Americans are not put off by his ignorance of critical issues and his complete flip-flopping of major positions.


TrumpHillary(This author, Carol Robidoux was the former Moderator of the Nashua [NH] Patch internet site, and needless to say, I’ve got to agree with her assessment on the two obvious front-runners in America’s upcoming Presidential race. Do I think a Presidential election campaign between Donald Trump versus Hillary Clinton would be “entertaining”? You bet. As far as Reality TV shows go, I’m sure their debates between each other will draw much better ratings than Survivor, The Bachelor, The Bachelorette, Big Brother, The Amazing Race, Dancing with the Stars, and WWE Wrestling combined. Do I think either Trump or Mrs. Clinton are worthy enough to serve as President of the United States? Hell no. BLEEP no. For the American voters to enable and subsequently set-up this general election campaign match up in November will do nothing more than just further substantiate P.T. Barnum’s famous phrase, “There’s a Sucker born every minute”.

And haven’t a lot of these celebrity experiments in politics failed miserably in the past? Remember Arnold Schwarzenegger when he was Governor of California? Or, how about Jesse “The Body” Ventura when he was Governor of Minnesota? Two famous “celebrity tough guys” going into public office, who came out failed “train wrecks” at the end of their terms.

How is Donald Trump any different than Schwarzenegger or Ventura?

Trump is sort of like a billionaire Archie Bunker when it comes to “speaking his mind” and just blurting out the first thing that comes out. Already on this year’s campaign trail, Trump has publicly mocked a Reporter who suffers from Muscular Dystrophy, tweeted that FOX News commentator Megyn Kelly had “blood coming out from her whatever” [insinuating that she was having her menstrual period], and also said that Senator John McCain was not really a hero because he was captured as a Prisoner of War. Lets not forget more recently when Trump insinuated at a Republican candidates’ debate that former president George W. Bush conspired with the Muslim terrorists to attack the United States on 9/11.

I find it especially amazing that the Evangelicals of our country, led by Jerry Falwell Jr., and Robert Jeffress, are throwing their support to such an ungodly candidate like Donald Trump. What a joke! Does anybody honestly think Trump will start asking God for spiritual guidance and direction when it’s obvious he hasn’t done that yet in his campaign?

Any other candidate – especially competing for the office of President – who made comments even similar to these would’ve dropped drastically in the polls and been considered “irrelevant” in the race. Yet Trump seems to be thriving in the polls – why is that? Does anyone honestly believe that Trump’s frequent ignorant comments will cease and desist once he gets elected President of the United States? I don’t think so.

In Trump’s defense, believe it or not, if he winds up as the Republican nominee this Summer, I will DEFINITELY vote for him in the November general election over either Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders – NOT because I fully support Trump, but rather because in that particular scenario he would be the “lesser of two evils” as far as our country’s best interest is concerned.

Unfortunately, the USA will wind up with the government it deserves.

The Bible verse that, I think, best describes a country’s voting majority supporting a Trump versus Hillary match up for President would be:

“But if any man [or woman] be ignorant, let him [or her] be ignorant” — 1 Corinthians 14:38

I hope and pray God is still in control of our country despite whoever wins this November. May God bless America.)

Carol Robidoux

In the U.S., right now, this is our choice: Our presidential front-runners are Donald Trump, a reality TV star and casino-obsessed billionaire on his third trophy wife (whose current business venture is making moisturizers out of caviar that cost $150 per ounce, btw) who is at the center of a class-action lawsuit for bilking thousands of people out of money for his fraudulent “Trump University,” which he promised would make them rich (but instead it went out of business and he got richer and they got nothing):; and a woman who stood by her man through more than 5 alleged consensual extramarital affairs and a few rape allegations, even while President, and who is herself the subject of a murky and disturbing investigation, this time, by the FBI, as to whether she and her top aides (including Huma Abedin who is married to Anthony Weiner, the Congressman who lost his job for sexting btw) violated the public trust, misused her power, breached national security, etc.

Where are the questions about these things from journalists on televised town hall and debate stages, holding their feet to the fire on my behalf, because I really want to hear the answers? Are we just going to pretend these are the right people to be at the top of the heap? Where is the outrage, from voters who don’t want to be force-fed candidates with questionable personal or professional integrity? All I hear from voters are the mindless repetition of campaign slogans: “I’m With Her,” and “Make America Great Again.”

Really, United States of America? This is what you really want?

Jim Robidoux, can I get an Amen?