Archives for posts with tag: Food Stamps

$64,000 Question: What the BLEEP has David Hogg actually done since bankrupting his own Pillow company, and flapping off his big Mouth about the Parkland School (Fla.) shooting incident? Granted, he still might be 20-something, but perhaps Mr. Hogg should consider enrolling himself on, Welfare and Food Stamps, and then just sucking off THAT perk for the rest of his rather pathetic Life!!!


Alleged Bingo hall thief Charles Preston (left); and alleged accomplice, ever-loving son, Justin

Could somebody please give me the phone number to New Hampshire Governor Maggie Hassan? I’d like to ask “the Governor” if the Death Penalty currently exists here in the Granite State. If not, I would personally recommend to Governor Hassan that she initiate one and push it for approval to the State Legislature real quick because I’ve got two really good candidates to go one-on-one with, “Old Sparky”.

Charles Preston, 46, and his ever-loving son, Justin Preston, 20 — both residents of 42 Worcester Street, Apt. 2, here in Nashua NH, were appropriately arrested earlier this month for attempting to rob the Eagle’s Wing Function Center (a.k.a. Eagle’s Wing Bingo hall) at 10 Spruce Street, which is just around the corner from where they reside. Specifically, Charles Preston is currently charged with one count of robbery, a Class A felony; while son, Justin, is charged with criminal liability to robbery, which is also a Class A felony.

Apparently, as the story goes, the elder Preston, along with a fake gun, entered the Eagle’s Wing facility on the evening of Saturday, September 14th, just between Bingo games. He entered the office area, pulled out his “weapon”, and demanded money from one of the employees working there. Noticed by other employees working in another area of the facility at the time, they rushed in and apprehended the fake gun from Charles, as well as held him there till the police arrived at the scene. Prior to the police arrival, a young man, who was later identified as Justin Preston, had yelled to let the alleged robber go.

Justin had then fled the scene before the police arrived at Eagle’s Wing, but was soon caught and arrested later that same night. I guess it was “the plan” to have Justin serve as the getaway driver once Daddy Dearest got a hold of the loot.

Now, right off the bat, Charles Preston ought to get the “Death Penalty” for being the absolute, Worst Father on the Planet. Granted, I guess you hear about in Mafia-type operations how all these “Godfathers” and “Lieutenants” eventually recruit their sons to take part in “the family business”, but this is just ridiculous. According to the report in the Nashua Telegraph newspaper, the police were investigating if the Prestons had any involvement with the rash of recent thefts in that general vicinity. I know for a fact that back in ’07, nearby New Beginning Fellowship Church – also on Spruce Street – was robbed of a couple hundred dollars worth of items, but Justin would’ve been about 13 years old at that time. But getting back to my original point, do you think it’s fairly safe to assume that Charles Preston ain’t exactly the greatest “role model” in the world, as far as his own kids are concerned?

Secondly, and hypothetically speaking, had Charles Preston used a real gun during this attempted Eagle’s Wing robbery and even one employee who apprehended him was either shot and maimed, or shot and killed, would they be deemed “heroes”, OR, “just plain stupid”? I’m not sure what Eagle’s Wing pays its staffers but is it really worth getting possibly killed over?

As far as using a “fake” gun goes, I sure hope Charles Preston is charged and sentenced on his being involved in an attempted ARMED robbery. Whether they use a “fake” gun or a gun with no bullets, it can still induce an individual into having a heart attack – especially the folks that usually frequent Bingo events. It’d be a crying shame if the Judge and/or Jury push to reduce Preston’s prison sentence due to the fact that the gun used here was actually “fake”.

As far as the idea of instituting the Death Penalty in this particular case, I’m actually going by some of the local blog entries, which immediately followed this incident. Most of them referred to Charles and Justin Preston as being a couple of “scumbags”, “dirtballs” – fill in the blank – mainly because somebody’s mother or grandmother regularly frequent the Eagle’s Wing to play Bingo.

And then you’d see people raise the argument on how much money for “charities”, Eagle’s Wing supposedly raises via its Bingo games – although when asked specifically how much do they raise for charity, and what “charities” does this money go to, nobody can really offer a straight answer. Now correct me if I’m wrong here, but isn’t Gambling (which, lets face it, includes playing Bingo) considered to be a “sin”, according to the Bible? I believe it is. So it sounds like some of these supposed “charities” are contradicting the Bible (God’s Word), to raise money for these “churches”. Can you say, “hypocrites”?

I think if you were to pose the question on solely just the Nashua blog-o-sphere: “What was the Most Heinous Local Crime thus far in 2013?”, I’d bet the farm that this attempted robbery of the Eagle’s Wing Function Center would rank in the top five selections – and keep in mind here, there were about a dozen murders in Nashua thus far in this calendar year.

Realistically speaking, the Prestons won’t get anything close to the Death Penalty, I think their lives are just about over for all intents and purposes.

Assuming neither one has any prior convictions, Charles will probably wind up with about 10 years in prison, while his son Justin will get approximately five. But things could be worse — A LOT WORSE — for Charles and Justin Preston had they pulled this stupid stunt in a Muslim country like Iran, Syria, or Saudi Arabia; as opposed to Nashua NH. According to Islamic Sharia law, they’d immediately get their hands cut-off for even attempting to steal something, but the fact that Charles brought a gun to the Robbery — fake or otherwise — might call for his immediate execution. As was mentioned earlier in this post, since playing Bingo is probably viewed as “legalized gambling” in most venues, Bingo events would NEVER be legally allowed to operate in a Muslim country. Thank God for the “freedoms” we all share here in the United States of America, eh?

The big question is, What the heck will they do when they get out? If neither have any skill or trade background, they’re both BLEEPED. If they’re experienced auto mechanics or plumbers or something like that, they’ll probably do okay for themselves when they get out of prison — as we all know, good quality, reasonably-priced mechanics and plumbers are really hard to find these days. If they’re unskilled in the work force, however, they’ll both probably spend the rest of their lives on Welfare and Food Stamps. Can you imagine filling out a job application to either McDonald’s or Walmart and you come to the question that asks: Have you ever been convicted of a crime? If “Yes”, then please explain:

Translation: If you answered, “Yes” to that particular question, you’re already BLEEPED from any future employment with McDonald’s, Walmart, or whoever – and in this crappy economy our country’s in right now, minimum wage employers can be extremely picky and just pass over any applicant with a criminal record.

Heck, as of about 25 years ago or so, Justin Preston could’ve enlisted and served in the U.S. military, but not anymore. The Armed Forces, with all their fringe benefits, are even more selective on who they recruit than most popular national employers.

And if either were to lie about their previous criminal convictions, that would-be employer could easily do a Google search on the job applicant and soon discover all the newspaper and blog items posted on that particular incident. It’s as if you can’t escape the very long arms of the World Wide Web.

The flip-side of that, of course, would be that as an alternative to staying on Welfare and Food Stamps for the remainder of their natural lives, Charles and Justin Preston are excellent candidates to simply return right back into the prison system – what a racket! Sort of like a dog chasing its own tail.

More on this exciting court trial as it unfolds.