Archives for posts with tag: Gloria Allred

Is Atty. Lisa Bloom (a.k.a. the daughter of popular Atty. Gloria Allred) a Bloom-ing Hypocrite, OR, just simply Honest? Here the blogger, Sarah Sansoni, calls Bloom out for Tweeting that she believes alleged sexual assault victim Tara Reade, however, she still plans to support and vote for her violator, Joe Biden in November.

Did I mention that Bloom specializes in defending sexual assault victims? I’m fully aware that a Lawyer is fully capable of representing a Client without necessarily supporting anything they may say or do — they learn that very early in Law School.

Although I’ve got to side with Sansoni here a little bit that maybe Bloom would’ve been much better served had she just kept her mouth shut and voted without giving any indication on who she picked. Personally, if I knew a woman who was in desperate need of an attorney to pursue a guy who sexually abused her, I sure as heck wouldn’t recommend a scumbag like Lisa Bloom.


P.S. Here’s Lisa Bloom’s Tweet in its entirety:

Lisa Bloom

“You may be entitled to your own opinion, but you certainly aren’t entitled to your own facts.” — former President Ronald Reagan

So we had a Presidential election in the United States last month and it appears that there are still a couple factors that MSNBC TV show host Rachel Maddow still can’t seem to come to grips with:

1) Hillary Clinton LOST the Election.

2) Donald Trump WON the Election.

What’s so hard about that?

In my lifetime (and I’m very close to my retirement), the United States has never had one political party occupy the Presidential office for more than three (3) consecutive terms. It’s like American voters want and need a change in its top elected leadership every 4-12 years or so.

So what’s the big deal on the Americans electing a Republican as its President this time around?

Now getting back to the aforementioned video, Ms. Maddow appears to be referring to anyone who could possibly be supporting Trump in this Election as being a “brain-dead retard”. Just look at her pompous, arrogant, condescending body language and facial expressions throughout her whole rant.

Four years ago, FOX News chose to terminate correspondent Dick Morris after he was totally wrong on the possibility of then-Republican nominee Mitt Romney having the poll numbers to defeat incumbent Barack Obama in our last Presidential race. Why doesn’t MSNBC take a tip from rival FOX News and do the same thing with Ms. Maddow?

So instead of publicly apologizing for her obvious screw-up depicted in the aforementioned video just before the Election, Ms. Maddow now appears to be on a rant that Trump will probably be Impeached from the Presidency, early in his term, due to all the alleged unethical and immoral choices he’s making with his both his personal business, and the hiring of his upcoming Cabinet slots. And again, gauging from both her facial expressions and body language, if you choose to disagree with whatever Ms. Maddow is preaching, you obviously must be a, “brain-dead retard”.

What can I say, some imbeciles never learn their lesson(s) from past experiences.

P.S. Speaking about ‘Fake News’, whatever happened to the 10 women, who came forward between the second and third Presidential debates, claiming that they were all sexually assaulted and/or raped by Donald Trump — some from about 30 years ago? At least one of these women was supposedly being represented by celebrity attorney Gloria Allred.

Why would a story about 10 women being Raped and/or Sexually Assaulted automatically disappear from the public spotlight just because the alleged perpetrator got elected President about a month later?

Don’t tell me Ms. Maddow that you actually LIED about that whole situation in a vain attempt just to get Hillary Clinton elected as President, did you? Oh, the utter shame of the mainstream media these days!