I realize that I’ve probably said this before here on this blog, but this whole issue has got to be the absolute epitome of ignorance.

If you’re going into an establishment like Starbucks and you’re waiting more than a couple (2-3) minutes to meet some individual(s) there, it’s just common courtesy (or maybe, common sense) to, at least, buy something like a small cup of coffee or a pack of gum to show you’re a good faith paying customer.

Otherwise, it’s blatant Loitering and Trespassing (or how about Theft?) to just simply take up a table, use the restroom facilities, use the WiFi, etc., under the guise of, “waiting for a friend”?

And if this situation isn’t stupid enough, since the two supposed “customers” in question both happened to be Black, a handful of social activists in Philadelphia are proclaiming this as a Racist issue against Starbucks.

So how does the owner of Starbucks remedy this situation? They immediately FIRED the Manager who had the Police remove these guys, and they plan on closing every Starbucks establishment this Sunday to give all the employees, “Sensitivity Training”. In addition, Starbucks allegedly plans to offer coupons to Black people for a free cup of small coffee, as part of a Reparation apology for what happened to the two guys in Philadelphia.

Un – BLEEPIN – believable!

If life were fair, some good attorney with testicular fortitude will represent the terminated former manager in a Wrongful Termination or Defamation of Character lawsuit and proceed to sue Starbucks for every penny they’re worth. It’ll serve them right for pulling a very stupid “Politically Correct” stunt like this.

We can only hope.