Wow, so just when everybody ASS-U-Med that Tara Reade (former staffer for then-Senator Joe Biden in the early 90’s who accused Sleepy Joe of Sexual Assault) is now being interviewed for a show called, “60 Minutes Australia” within 30 days of the U.S. Presidential election.

It’s amazing how Ms. Reade’s accusations disappeared into obscurity while something like a stupid publication can print fabricated statements about what Donald Trump supposedly said about fallen soldiers and everybody accepts that as ‘Gospel Truth‘???

Personally, I tend to believe Ms. Reade’s testimony against her former boss. Just take a look sometime on Google Images how Biden likes to approach women from behind to either sniff their hair, or kiss them in the back of the neck — sometimes, even underage girls, and most times, NOT his wife.

If we’re not even going to publicly investigate Ms. Reade’s accusations, do we really want to have a Moral Pig like Joe Biden serving as our, President?