Archives for posts with tag: Greatest Of All Time

I guess this makes it “Official”, as far as the consummate all-around football player goes, Tom Brady is the BEST there is, the BEST there ever was, and in all likelihood, probably the BEST there ever will be:

I realize some people might refer to this song as a, “Sports Bro-Mance”, others could probably refer to it as, just plain Gay, but it’ll definitely be the LAST TIME I post it here on the Internet. Besides that, I’m a big music fan of the late, great Kenny Rogers


Brady's Forever A Patriot

Coach Bill Belichick’s response:



Yeah, I couldn’t believe it myself. Just think of it as, New England Patriot’s quarterback Tom Brady, a.k.a. The GOAT (Greatest Of All Time) versus the Los Angeles Rams. Although this might actually have something to do with somebody’s Dream Interpretation. If nothing else, it’ll give you a great excuse to study the Bible a little bit.

Here the actual excerpt from Daniel 8:3-7 ,

3) I looked up, and there before me was a ram with two horns, standing beside the canal, and the horns were long. One of the horns was longer than the other but grew up later.

4) I watched the ram as it charged toward the west and the north and the south. No animal could stand against it, and none could rescue from its power. It did as it pleased and became great.

5) As I was thinking about this, suddenly a goat with a prominent horn between its eyes came from the west, crossing the whole earth without touching the ground.

6) It came toward the two-horned ram I had seen standing beside the canal and charged at it in great rage.

7) I saw it attack the ram furiously, striking the ram and shattering its two horns. The ram was powerless to stand against it; the goat knocked it to the ground and trampled on it, and none could rescue the ram from its power.