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Gold Star wife

Gold Star Wife, Ms. Laura Youngblood weeping over the grave of her husband Travis L. Youngblood at section 60, Arlington

1. DON’T WISH ANYONE A “HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY!” This is not a holiday like Christmas and this day was not created to bring glee! Despite what the day has transitioned to in American culture, it was established to reflect, honor and remember America’s military fallen.

2. DON’T DISREGARD ITS IMPORTANCE. Sure enjoy the sales, grill some amazing steaks, and find the perfect mattress on sale, just don’t forget to raise a glass in honor of those servicemen and women who gave the ultimate sacrifice.

3. DON’T FORGET IT EXISTS. This holiday exists for a reason. Use this day to reflect and honor our fallen heroes who paid the ultimate sacrifice for you!

4. DON’T LET POLITICS KEEP YOU FROM RENDERING RESPECT! Even if you don’t agree with the idea of war, or the reasons America goes to war, or the policies of a particular president who was the Commander in Chief during a specific war, it doesn’t matter. People have defended the people and interests of America for over 200 years, and your right to disagree with the reasons for war should be separate from your opinion of the troops themselves.

Possible ideas: Have a peaceful, mindful, respectful, grateful, blessed MEMORIAL DAY!

by Mark Soto
May 22, 2020 at 5:45 AM
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