Archives for posts with tag: Healthcare Proxy

John Daniels of Portland Maine, who was a guest on my show, Frankly Speaking, with his wife Erica to talk about their support group for individuals struggling with Sex and Porn Addiction (Nathan Project), came on my show for a second time to discuss his full-time passion of Christian Stewardship, along with various Investment and Retirement strategies.

Among the topics discussed on this particular episode included: tithes, missions, pre-nuptual agreements, Last Wills, healthcare proxy, durable power of attorney, investments, retirement planning, nursing home care, and even the expected Socialism vs Capitalism debate in the upcoming 2020 Presidential election.

Daniels offered quite a bit of fascinating input on this particular subject matter — it’s definitely worth checking out for yourself, especially if you’re a Christian seeking understanding and perspective in this particular field.

Local singer and entertainer Sharon DiFronzo of Screaming Heart records sang the Intro and Outro theme song, Coming and Going, to this episode.