Archives for posts with tag: Infanticide

Kurt Wuelper, vice president of New Hampshire Right to Life, was my guest for this episode of, ‘Frankly Speaking‘. This interview took place at the Nashua Public TV studio on 8-30-23.

It’s been approximately one year since the Supreme Court overturned our country’s legislation on Abortion – which was intact for nearly a half century – thus putting the onus on each of the 50 States as to how they choose to legally manage this item. The NHRTL, long-time staunch Pro Life advocates, would love to see Abortion prohibited here in the Granite State.

Among the topics discussed on this episode: how NH fares on its Abortion laws versus other neighboring States, have there been any reports of arrests or threats against any NHRTL members following protests or public confrontations, does NHRTL present Adoption as a viable option to Abortion, does NHRTL offer a ‘Report Card’ system to provide Voters a gauge on how each State elected official is rated according to their Pro Life stance, and should “Infanticide” be viewed as, Murder?

Incidentally, if you’d like more information on, The New Hampshire Right to Live group, please log onto: .

Local entertainer Sharon DiFronzo, of Screamin Heart records, sang both the Intro and Outro song to this particular episode.

I realize that it would sort of cliche to say that this was the best show I ever did for the Nashua local access TV channel. Although if you’re a Christian residing in New Hampshire, the group in question here, Cornerstone Action, would be an excellent organization to support in building a better state government.

Virginia governor

Meet the Governor of Virginia Ralph “Coonman” Northam, Democrat. Believe it or not, he defeated his Republican rival Ed Gillespie, largely by publicly accusing him via TV campaign ads of being a Racist.

Can you say, “hypocrite”?

Now, about a week after barely failing to initiate full-term (9 month) abortions, a.k.a. Infanticide, in the state of Virginia, the above photo surfaced of Governor Northam either wearing “Black Face” or in a Ku Klux Klan outfit — both blatant signs of racism against the Black American community. This photo was published in Northam’s Medical School College yearbook, making “Coonman” somewhere in his mid-to-late 20’s — not exactly a “kid” or a “teenager”.

When Northam was first confronted about the photo, he publicly apologized for it. The following day, he denied being in the photo, but admitted that he appeared in “Black Face” once portraying Michael Jackson in some event in San Antonio. He further added that he had absolutely no intentions to immediately resign as Governor of Virginia.

But as you might’ve guessed, not too many people are buying Northam’s bullCRAP of going from a public apology to absolutely denying being in the photo the following day. It just didn’t make any sense.

Keep in mind, last November, Megan Kelly was fired from her TV host job at NBC for saying there was nothing wrong with Trick or Treating wearing “Black Face” during Halloween. Earlier in the year, comedianne Roseanne Barr immediately was fired from her own situation comedy TV show on ABC after she posted a message on Twitter that former Obama administration staffer Valerie Jarrett — who was born in Iran — looks like she could play on the film, Planet of the Apes.

Even more pathetic than the examples cited in the previous paragraph, Brett Kavanaugh was almost denied a seat on the U.S. Supreme Court via unsubstantiated accusations from a woman who claimed she was raped by Kavanaugh about 36 years earlier, YET, the woman in question, Christine Blasey Ford never reported the alleged incident to the Police, nor did she recall any of the specifics of that event other than she only had one (1) beer. Many of the Legal TV pundits were saying at the time, Ms. Blasey Ford didn’t even have enough substantiating evidence to sue Kavanaugh in Court, YET the Democrat Senators on the Judicial Committee chose to taunt Kavanaugh to disprove the 36 year accusations against him. Absolutely ridiculous!

So why does Governor Ralph “Coonman” Northam — a Democrat — get a “Free Pass” from our beloved Main Stream Media for blatant, concrete Racism from when he was a young adult in Med School? Can you say, “Double Standard”? It should be noted too, that during the same time when Ms. Barr was immediately fired from he TV show for posting a Tweet about relating Valarie Jarrett to Planet of the Apes, another comedianne, Samantha Bee, made a vulgar comment about Ivanka Trump — which should’ve be at least fined by the Federal Communications Commission — but, you guessed it, nothing happened to Ms. Bee.

And why are people associated with President Trump, like Paul Manifort or Roger Stone raided in the early morning hours while those associated with Hillary Clinton’s campaign get absolutely nothing?

If “Coonman” stays running the state of Virginia for the rest of his term as Governor, I sure hope and pray the American people remember this next year and proceed to reelect Donald Trump back as President in a landslide.