Archives for posts with tag: infidelity
Currently, there are a handful of Congressional candidates who publicly vow — IF ELECTED — not to serve any more than 2-3 terms, or self-imposing a Term Limits pledge on themselves. Using that exact same Logic, why aren’t there any current candidates running for either U.S. Senate, or U.S. Rep, willing to fight and hopefully dissolve this “secret” Slush Fund to immediately terminate Taxpayer-funded pay-offs for Sexual Assaults and Affairs? These folks usually proclaim themselves to be totally above reproach, why not actually PROVE IT by completely doing away with this rather immoral and unethical Perk?

This is fascinating stuff in light of what Joe Biden claimed about his “relationship” with his former employee, Tara Reade.

Both Jill and Joe Biden claimed they first met because Joe’s brother, Frank recognized her picture in a newspaper ad, knew her phone number, and called her up on Joe’s behalf. Jill’s ex-husband is now claiming their marriage broke up because Jill was screwing around with Joe, and both had worked on Joe’s first Senate campaign.

Jill’s ex husband, Bill Stevenson, who owns the, ‘Stone Balloon’ lounge in Delaware is currently writing a book on the whole relationship. Getting back to Tara Reade, if Mr. Stevenson’s account of his divorce is true, then why should anybody believe what Joe Biden had to say regarding Ms. Reade’s testimony being a Lie?

It’s pathetic enough that there are numerous video tapes and Google Images of Joe Biden inappropriately touching women — and sometimes under-aged girls, but how did Joe and Jill Biden REALLY get together with each other? If Mr. Stevenson has evidence to substantiate his claims that they were both messing around on the side which led to Stevenson’s divorce, I think it’s about time to take a second look at Ms. Reade’s accusations against her former boss, Joe Biden.
