Archives for posts with tag: Jill Biden

President Biden Speaks Out on Hunter’s Daughter, 4, with Ark. Woman: ‘Jill and I Only Want What’s Best’ (Exclusive)

By Virginia Chamlee

Virginia Chamlee is a Politics Writer at PEOPLE. She has been working at PEOPLE for three years. Her work has previously appeared in The Washington Post, Buzzfeed, Eater, and other outlets.

Published on July 28, 2023 05:02PM EDT

President Joe Biden, first lady Dr. Jill Biden and granddaughter Navy Roberts. Photo: Celeste Sloman, Lunden Roberts/instagram

President Joe Biden has offered his first statement on 4-year-old grandchild Navy Joan Roberts, the daughter of Hunter Biden and Lunden Roberts, an Arkansas woman who filed a paternity suit against the president’s son in May 2019.

“Our son Hunter and Navy’s mother, Lunden, are working together to foster a relationship that is in the best interests of their daughter, preserving her privacy as much as possible going forward,” President Biden said in a statement provided exclusively to PEOPLE.

Navy, one of the president’s seven grandchildren, has recently been the subject of headlines as Republicans have criticized the president for previously touting his “six grandchildren.”

“This is not a political issue, it’s a family matter,” President Biden’s statement continues. “Jill and I only want what is best for all of our grandchildren, including Navy.”

US President Joe Biden, First Lady Jill Biden and Hunter Biden with his son Beau watch the Independence Day fireworks display from the Truman Balcony of the White House in Washington, DC
President Joe Biden, first lady Dr. Jill Biden, and son Hunter Biden. SAUL LOEB/AFP via Getty

A source familiar with the situation tells PEOPLE that the recently resolved child support dispute between Hunter and Lunden has dictated how the relationship has played out so far.

“You have to remember there were some fairly contentious legal proceedings between Navy’s parents happening until just a few weeks ago. As grandparents, the Bidens are following Hunter’s lead,” the source says, adding, “They are — and have been — giving Hunter and Lunden the space and time to figure things out.”

The legal dispute between Lunden and Hunter worked its way through Arkansas courts for more than four years and led to a November 2019 ruling that, despite his denials, Hunter did father the child (which was confirmed with a DNA test).

Speaking to PEOPLE, the source notes that the situation is a family issue.

“Thousands of families have faced similar circumstances, working it out in private, versus the spotlight,” the source says. “At the center is a 4-year-old girl and everyone wants what is best for her, including all of her grandparents.”

Hunter Biden, the son U.S. President Joe Biden, holds his son Beau as they arrive for the National Thanksgiving Turkey pardoning ceremony on the South Lawn of the White House November 21, 2022
Hunter Biden carries son Beau at the White House on Nov. 21, 2022. Win McNamee/Getty

In January 2020, Hunter agreed to pay an undisclosed amount in child support to Lunden, including retroactive payments going back to November 2018.

But in April 2021, she filed a “motion for contempt” which claimed Hunter had withheld evidence and ignored previous court rulings throughout their paternity dispute. The contempt motion echoed a previous filing made by Roberts ahead of the January 2020 settlement, when Lunden argued that Hunter should be held in contempt by the judge for ignoring various court orders. She also requested that he be required to pay her attorney fees, which was included in the recent filing, too.

In June 2023, Hunter settled the child support case in Arkansas state court, reaching an agreement with Lunden, the terms of which have been under wraps. CNN has reported that, as part of the settlement, the child will receive both monetary child support and some of Hunter’s paintings.

Lunden, meanwhile, dropped an earlier attempt to change Navy’s last name to “Biden,” according to the court filing.

“A lot has thankfully been sorted out, and Navy’s parents are working on a way forward that’s best for her,” the source tells PEOPLE.

U.S. President Joe Biden embraces his family First Lady Dr. Jill Biden, son Hunter Biden and daughter Ashley after being sworn in during his inauguration on the West Front of the U.S. Capitol on January 20, 2021 in Washington, DC
President Joe Biden and first lady Dr. Jill Biden embrace son Hunter Biden and daughter Ashley Biden after the Democratic politician was sworn in on Inauguration Day 2021. Drew Angerer/Getty

Hunter is a father to four additional children. He shares daughters Naomi, 29, Finnegan, 22, and Maisy, 21, with ex-wife Kathleen Buhle, and son Beau Jr., 3, with his current wife, Melissa Cohen.

President Biden’s close relationship with his other grandchildren (who call him “Pop”) has been well-documented. Last November, Naomi got married at the White House.

“They’re crazy about me and I’m crazy about them,” the president said of his grandkids on an episode of the SmartLess podcast in 2022. “Every single day, I contact every one of my grandchildren.”

Bill Stevenson (left) was initially married to our current First Lady. The big question is: Is the photo on the right with then-Senator Joe Biden, Jill as Mrs. Stevenson, or as a teenage babysitter?
Here’s the actual Meme that the Facebook Fact-Checkers claimed was “erroneous” because Jill Biden was never then-Senator Joe Biden’s Babysitter. However Joe and Jill initially met, Facebook refuses to get back with me on this subject. Gee, I wonder why?

So I guess if you’re employed by the social network, Facebook as a “Fact-Checker”, your response to the question in the title would probably be, “it’s erroneous to claim Jill Biden was ever Joe Biden’s babysitter.” But then when asked if Jill was married to a Delaware nightclub owner who was supporting then-Senator Joe Biden’s candidacy, Facebook just seemed to have disappeared into thin air. It’s pretty funny how Facebook Fact-Checkers love to screw with people like that, eh?

Jill’s first hubby was a guy named Bill Stevenson, who owned and operated the ‘Stone Balloon‘ nightclub in Newark, Delaware. As the story goes, Jill and Bill married in the early 70’s and then divorced sometime in the mid-70’s. Ironically (or maybe not so ironically), Jill happened to first meet then-Senator Joe Biden around the mid-70’s. Apparently, Bill Stevenson actively supported Joe Biden’s senate campaign back then.

Sometime after it became clear that Joe Biden was going to be the 2020 Democrat Presidential nominee, Bill Stevenson had mentioned in some circles that he planned to author a book on how Joe Biden broke up his marriage to Jill about 25 years earlier. It was unclear, however, if Stevenson changed his mind about writing and distributing a book like that, or perhaps he was talked out of pursuing that deal.

More on this rather fascinating story as it unfolds.

Are you a little confused on what to give your young kid, or maybe a grandchild, for Christmas next month? Why not give them, arguably, THE WORST CHILDREN’S BOOK EVER WRITTEN?

I’m referring to, of course, ‘Joey — The Joe Biden Story’, written by that great, world-renown, best-selling Author, Dr. Jill Biden, a.k.a Joe Biden’s wife. After watching this video, I’m not quite sure which was more funny — The blogger, Andrew of, ‘Don’t Walk, Run! Productions’ doing his own personal book Review, or the Book itself.

Yeah, I might suggest watching thru this video before you run out and waste your money buying this stupid book.

P.S. According to this publication, Joe Biden’s childhood nickname was, “Hands” — In light of his sexual assault escapade with former staffer, Tara Reade, along with the vast number of incidents of “inappropriate touching” currently posted on Google Images (sometimes with under-aged girls), “Hands” could serve as a very applicable nickname for our alleged President-Elect even now in his rather mature, golden years.

Biden also mentioned during this past campaign trail, that he encountered a “bad dude” known as, Corn Pop, when he was a kid, but for whatever reason there was no mention of Corn Pop in this particular publication. Oh well.

Enjoy everybody

Okay, ladies and gentlemen, is it just me, or does Jill Biden seem to be saying here that a vote for her husband Joe on Nov. 3rd — AND IF HE’S ELECTED PRESIDENT — all Major City rioting and looting will Cease and Desist on the following day, Nov. 4; and then both Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Deborah Birx will make a joint public statement that there’s no longer a National Pandemic in the United States and nobody will be required any more to do Social Distancing, or wear those stupid COVID masks.

So why do I feel these events can ONLY take place on Nov. 4th, if Joe Biden is elected President on the day before?

As Jesus Christ once told the Apostle Peter (according to the Bible), “If you live by the Sword, you shall die by the Sword.” So if Donald Trump’s critics want to use Anonymous sources against him, then it’s only fair that an Anonymous ex Joe Biden staffer can go on the Record to talk about Sleepy Joe’s “early cognitive decline”.

I will say, having a relative myself who suffered and then eventually died from Alzheimer’s disease, if this is from a totally fabricated source then, like the blogger of this YouTube video Conservative Resurgence said, they’re definitely a damn good Liar. So according to this anonymous source, Biden has some “good days” and “bad days”, which is true till the full-blown Alzheimer’s kicks in.

On his “good days”, Biden will do his Press Conferences with the aid of a Teleprompter. One of the side effects to the medication Biden is taking includes frequent bathroom visits, which explains why he chooses to walk off stage rather than take questions either from the Press or from the audience.

When Biden appears to be experiencing a “bad day”, when one day recently he was talking about debating Senator Gary Hart, who was one of Biden’s main opponents in the ’88 Democratic Primary, which was when Biden first ran for President.

This anonymous source also mentioned that some of the staffers held a meeting to specifically discuss what type of Adult Diaper would best hide Biden’s urination problem underneath his pants? I can only assume from what this blogger was saying, if Biden wakes up the morning of Tuesday, Sept. 29th (in about two weeks), and talks about debating Gary Hart, one of the main staffers will probably announce that Sleepy Joe can’t debate Trump because he just caught COVID-19, or some lame excuse like that.

I also agree with this blogger that if this is true, shame on his wife, Jill Biden for subjecting her husband to this potential ridicule. According to this individual, Conservative Resurgence, claims that Jill Biden desperately wants to become First Lady. Well, if this story is true — and we’ve already discovered that Biden staffers have lied about Joe using a Teleprompter when answering questions in interviews — then this story is just absolutely sick to make Joe go through all this.

I realize I brought this same story up a couple months back with another YouTube blogger named Zack Leary and his blog called, The Last Outlaws. This one’s brought up by Drew Berquist and it’s a video regarding an ’09 Christmas party incident for the Secret Service agents, along with their spouses, at the White House. Then-Vice President Joe Biden made an appearance at this event, which in turn, allegedly flirted with many of the females — Married and Single — for whatever reason.

As the story goes, when Biden “cupped the breasts” of one of the married females at the party, her husband appeared to approach Biden to physically confront him but was stopped by his fellow Secret Service colleagues before there was any actual contact. The male agent in question was then suspended from the Secret Service, I assume for physically threatening the Vice President after he groped his wife (although I think most normal husbands would’ve reacted the same way if they were in that situation).

Tom Fitton is a government watchdog, who has an organization called, ‘Judicial Watch’, that investigates these types of situations. Fitton filed a, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request with the U.S. Secret Service Agency to try to find what exactly happened at that Christmas party that evening. Unfortunately, Fitton was told by the Secret Service agency that that particular “file was destroyed” and therefore, they had no record of the incident.

Bottom Line: The U.S. Secret Service admitted to Fitton, yeah there was an incident, however, they don’t have a record of it anymore because they simply destroyed the file.

In the aforementioned video posted by, The Last Outlaws, blogger Zack Leary interviewed a former Secret Service agent who happened to be present at that White House Christmas party and basically corroborated the same stuff I’ve already mentioned. I’m just saying, there’s about eight weeks till the Nov. 3rd Election. I think this is one incident perhaps the FBI ought to investigate BEFORE voters go ahead and elect this perverted pig as our President.

Aside from a ton of photos on Google Images of Biden either groping, kissing, or sniffing hair of various women (other than his wife) and sometimes even young underage girls; his former employee, Tara Reade publicly claimed Biden sexually assaulted and penetrated her; and lastly, Jill Biden’s ex-husband, Bill Stevenson is soon to release a ‘Tell-All’ book on how an extramarital affair between Jill and Sleepy Joe destroyed their marriage. I’d say it’s definitely worth investigating before most Americans are stuck with the WRONG CHOICE for President till January 2025.

File Under: Better Safe than Sorry

Not only do I agree 110 percent with Benny Johnson in this particular Meme, I would also like to see Joe Biden address his “alleged” extramarital affair with his former employee, Tara Reade; as well as his relationship with Bill Stevenson, who’s Jill Biden’s ex-husband and now has a book out claiming her “alleged” affair with Sleepy Joe broke up their marriage. Inquiring minds, like Me, want to know BEFORE the Nov. 3rd Election.

This is fascinating stuff in light of what Joe Biden claimed about his “relationship” with his former employee, Tara Reade.

Both Jill and Joe Biden claimed they first met because Joe’s brother, Frank recognized her picture in a newspaper ad, knew her phone number, and called her up on Joe’s behalf. Jill’s ex-husband is now claiming their marriage broke up because Jill was screwing around with Joe, and both had worked on Joe’s first Senate campaign.

Jill’s ex husband, Bill Stevenson, who owns the, ‘Stone Balloon’ lounge in Delaware is currently writing a book on the whole relationship. Getting back to Tara Reade, if Mr. Stevenson’s account of his divorce is true, then why should anybody believe what Joe Biden had to say regarding Ms. Reade’s testimony being a Lie?

It’s pathetic enough that there are numerous video tapes and Google Images of Joe Biden inappropriately touching women — and sometimes under-aged girls, but how did Joe and Jill Biden REALLY get together with each other? If Mr. Stevenson has evidence to substantiate his claims that they were both messing around on the side which led to Stevenson’s divorce, I think it’s about time to take a second look at Ms. Reade’s accusations against her former boss, Joe Biden.


First and foremost, I in no way, shape, or form hate or dislike presumptive Democrat Presidential nominee, Joe Biden. Ironically, I met Biden 32 years ago while he was a Senator running for the same Presidential office and I was a Reporter working for a weekly publication in Salem NH. I was fortunate enough to interview him for the ’88 New Hampshire Primary Election and back then, Biden struck me as very savvy, intelligent, and knowledgeable on the inner sanctum of American politics.

Unfortunately for Biden, that was then and this is now.

The Senator from Delaware withdrew his Presidential candidacy prior to any elections in ’88 due to allegations of Plagiarism. Twenty years later, Biden had an opportunity to serve for two terms as Barack Obama’s vice president. Many pundits felt Biden could’ve been elected President had he run four years ago, but the Democrats sort of yielded that opportunity to former First Lady, Hillary Clinton as “her turn” to serve in our country’s highest office — which was a disaster.

As far as the Dems now declaring 2020 as “Biden’s turn”, well um, he’s not exactly the same guy as he was 32 years ago, or even four years ago.

Aside from well documented proof of his brothers Frank and James entrenched in government fraud, as well as his son Hunter Biden siphoning millions of dollars from countries like Ukraine and China under the phony guise of “serving as a consultant”, Joe finds himself in what seems to be a sexual assault allegation from a former staffer, Tara Reade, that in ’93, which unlike Christine Blasey Ford’s Rape allegations against then-Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, the Mainstream Media REFUSES to report on Ms. Reade’s story.

Ouch! So much for the credibility of both the #MeToo Movement, as well as the #TimesUp movement, not to mention anything has-been actress Alyssa Milano ever said or did in her pathetic lifetime.

With that all said, the aforementioned probably isn’t even Biden’s biggest problem going into the Presidential election this November. If you’ve already watched the above video, it would appear Biden is experiencing early signs of Dementia. Okay, so with full disclosure here, I am NOT a Psychiatrist, however, I’ve experienced a relative of mine who spent the final years of their life in a Nursing Home with very similar conditions as Biden has now.

As you can see for yourselves in this video, Biden’s cognitive problems are just too intense to blame them all on “stuttering”, or “it’s too hot”, or “gaffes”.
Also, have you noticed that in many — maybe even most — of Biden’s public appearances, his wife Jill is either standing or sitting right by his side explaining what her husband “meant” to say? Now no disrespect to our presumptive First Lady, but there’s a time and place AFTER the Presidential election to get to know her a little bit but now it’s important that American voters get to know the presumptive Democrat nominee a little bit.

Let’s get honest here, shame on both the Biden family as well as the Democrats for allowing Joe Biden to compete in 2020 for the Presidency. Assuming he’s still living after his first term, Biden will be 83 and by far, the oldest person to ever serve as President. But what about Biden’s nominee for Vice President? Hopefully, he’ll choose somebody who’s both physically and mentally very healthy but most voters aren’t choosing a President based on who’s their Vice President — they’re probably assuming that the President will successfully fulfill their four year term with no problems.

Am I plugging everybody to vote Donald Trump for President in this commentary? Not at all. Maybe even research the Libertarian Party candidate, or the Green Party candidate, or how about Independents running for the Presidency? Does Donald Trump have his share of “issues”? Absolutely! But personally, not nearly as bad as what Joe Biden’s got right now. Unfortunately, the Democrat Primary started off with about two dozen mostly good candidates and then it all got weeded down to Joe Biden.

I’d love to hear your views or thoughts to my commentary. Lastly, all I can say is whatever happens this November 3rd, may God continue to bless America.

Blogger Christo Aivalis brings up some good points which many Liberal pundits seem to be pretending don’t exist — Presidential front runner Joe Biden on the brink of Dementia. The recent video clip shows Joe Biden’s wife, Jill, covering up for her husband apparently so he won’t have to talk that much.