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Aaron Louie, music pastor at Merrimack Valley Baptist Church, was my guest for this episode of, ‘Frankly Speaking’. This interview took place on 4/5/22 at the Access Nashua studio.

Among the topics discussed during this show included: Easter, specifically why does this holiday go from March to April, year-to-year; comparing Easter to pro football fans, would Easter be like “the Super Bowl of Christianity” since Jesus actually rose from the grave to give Christians their actual spiritual power; and, of course, the musical arrangements Pastor Louie has planned for both the MVBC service on the evening of Good Friday, as well as Easter Sunday morning.

This coming July, MVBC will hold some upcoming major events for its 40th Anniversary. Aside from the fact that it’s a major milestone for any church to reach a 40 year milestone, MVBC has several hundred members, as well as operates a K-thru-12 school, and has a missionary headquarters — all housed in the same complex. It should be noted here too that when the Gallup polling organization conducted a nationwide poll on which States were deemed “Most Religious” in the Country, New Hampshire ranked 49th, just ahead of Vermont for being the absolute worst. Needless to say, there were many challenges en route to making MVBC the tremendous congregation it is today.

Greg Odiorne, pastor of the MVBC, initiated the phrase, “Love Like Jesus” as the annual theme for the current calendar year. Pastor Louie and I talked about the love of Jesus, particularly how His level of Forgiveness and Patience were simply beyond human comprehension. Or, how to literally follow in Jesus’ footsteps by just believing that a Mountain would go into the ocean or any of us could ‘walk on water’ are miraculous feats most people would just limit to Jesus himself.

Last but by no means least, since Pastor Louie is the music pastor of MVBC, we discussed how he composes songs, as well as how he feels about the Christian music genre of today.

To find out more information about Merrimack Valley Baptist Church, please log onto: . Local entertainer Sharon DiFronzo of Screamin Heart records sang the intro and outro theme songs for this show.