Archives for posts with tag: Karen Testerman

Karen Testerman, a constitutional activist and NH taxpayer, was my guest for this episode of, ‘Frankly Speaking’, which we discussed the previous 2022 Midterm Election, as well as the upcoming 2024 Election next year. This episode was recorded on 1-5-23, in the Nashua Public TV studio.

Ms. Testerman, who incidentally was a Republican candidate for Governor last year, questioned the incumbent candidate who was reelected, Chris Sununu, for his choice to “endorse” Republican candidates in both the U.S. Senate (Chuck Morse), and the U.S. Rep for NH-2 race (George Hansel) primary races. Basically, Sununu’s decision to do that, seriously compromised the cohesiveness of NH’s Republican party. Testerman refused to say at the end of the show if she’d take another run for NH Governor next year in 2024.

We talked about how both U.S. Senator Maggie Hassan, and U.S. Rep Ann Kuster severely outspent Don Bolduc, and Bob Burns respectively, and proceeded to constantly run negative TV ads and mailers against the Republicans claiming the were planning on terminate both Medicare, and Social Security yet neither one had any intention on doing that.

In her debate against Burns, Congresswoman Kuster claimed that she was nearly captured during the January 6th Insurrection and then went on to say that there were a number of people killed in that event YET neither Burns, nor the debate moderator, asked her for any videotape evidence of that to prove it actually happened.

With Senator Hassan, two of her staffers — Jackson Cosko and Samantha Deforest Davis — were both given Prison sentences in 2019 for their roles on Doxing the names and addresses of Republican Senators YET Bolduc, nor the media, chose to question Hassan about the situation. Why ignore something like that, and just leave it on the proverbial table.

We talked about President Joe Biden’s bid to move the First of the Nation Presidential Primary to South Carolina, but Testerman said that by law, the First of the Nation Presidential Primary still has to remain in New Hampshire. We finally talked about the election of Congressman George Santos of New York, who apparently Lied numerous times regarding his qualifications for that office. We both questioned where was the Media on actually vetting Santos during the actual election. Both of us agreed that Santos should remain in his U.S. Rep seat, at least, till his term expires in 2024.

Incidentally, if you wish to contact Ms. Testerman about anything mentioned in this video or anything else, please log onto: .

Local entertainer Sharon DiFronzo of Screamin’ Heart Records sang both the intro and outro theme song – Comin’ and Goin’ – on this particular episode.

Karen Testerman of Franklin NH, who’s a Republican candidate for Governor in 2022 was my guest on this episode of, ‘Frankly Speaking‘, which took place in the Access Nashua studio on 12/2/21.

Discussion for this episode included, but was not limited to, incumbent NH Governor Chris Sununu, Cancel Culture, Lying and Getting Publicly Accused of Being a ‘Racist’ or ‘White Supremacist’, Rioting and Crime Problem in major U.S. cities, possible Sales and State Tax, possible illegal aliens being situated in New Hampshire, has the Drug problem — or deaths on overdosing — increased since President Joe Biden opened the Southern Border, and how would Ms. Testerman handle the current COVID pandemic in New Hampshire.

For further information on Karen Testerman’s 2022 New Hampshire Governor campaign, please log onto: . Please be sure to vote in the New Hampshire Republican Primary on: September 13, 2022

Karen Testerman, who is currently running for the Republican nomination of New Hampshire Governor, was my guest for this episode of, ‘Frankly Speaking’. This interview took place via Skype on Aug. 11, 2020.

Testerman has resided in New Hampshire for more than two decades and has been actively involved with numerous government activities, including a local radio show and a government-access TV production. According to her campaign brochure, Testerman refers to herself as a “Committed Conservative” who’s pro life, pro gun, no new taxes, and, pro job and business.

Topics discussed on this episode included: What changes would she have initiated in New Hampshire if she had been the Governor during the Coronavirus, specifically potentially closing restaurants, businesses, and public schools? How close is NH from ever implementing a State income tax, or a State sales tax? How would she prepare for a protest in NH from either Black Lives Matter, or Antifa? Are there any Sanctuary Cities or Towns in NH, and how would she as Governor try to remedy that situation? We talked about Mr. and Mrs. McCloskey in St. Louis about how they defended their property with guns from rioters and then had their guns confiscated the following day by law officials — could something like that happen in NH? Since Testerman entered the Governor’s race about two months ago and she’s facing the incumbent Governor, Chris Sununu in the Sept. 8th Primary election, was this enough time to establish visibility to take on a candidate with his name recognition on a date which may not draw that many voters? We talked about Mail-in Ballots and potential voter fraud, including a specific situation from 2016 which President Donald Trump and then-Senator Kelly Ayotte might’ve been short-changed due to out-of-state college students voting in their home States and then again near their college residence.

Then I asked Karen about my personal favorite questions for a NH Governor candidate: Would she ever propose a helmet requirement for motorcyclists? Would she consider dissolving annual vehicle safety inspection stickers? Lastly, are most NH residents happy with the highway tolls, specifically with the number of them and the costs?

Testerman may find her toughest challenge in the Sept. 8th Republican Primary against the incumbent Governor Chris Sununu. If you’d like to learn more about her candidacy or maybe even contact her, please log onto her website: . If successful in the Primary, Testerman will then advance to face the Democratic challenger in the regular election on Nov. 3rd.

Local singer Sharon DiFronzo of Screamin Heart records sang the intro and outro theme songs to this particular episode.