Archives for posts with tag: life of the mother

It’s a website which sort of serves as the Swiss Army Knife for females contemplating Abortion.

If you know of female contemplating an Abortion, recommending might be just what the doctor ordered. For example, if you navigate on this site a little bit you’ll run across the testimonial section at, , which you can either read or watch testimony from women who experienced every conceivable scenario regarding Abortions — i.e. Rape and Incest, Life of the Mother, Planned Parenthood, etc. You could appropriately conclude, these folks left no stone unturned.

And as it states on the site itself as one of its objectives: Healing the Shock Waves of Abortion. Please check out this website for yourselves and draw your own conclusions. I think it’ll be well worth your while.

Jennifer Robidoux, vice president of the New Hampshire Right to Life, came on my show, Frankly Speaking earlier this week and talked about facts, statistics, and various alternatives to having an Abortion. This was one of the more informative and fascinating shows I’ve ever done.

Opening and closing theme song, Comin’ and Goin’ performed by Sharon DiFronzo of Screamin Heart records.