Is Atty. Lisa Bloom (a.k.a. the daughter of popular Atty. Gloria Allred) a Bloom-ing Hypocrite, OR, just simply Honest? Here the blogger, Sarah Sansoni, calls Bloom out for Tweeting that she believes alleged sexual assault victim Tara Reade, however, she still plans to support and vote for her violator, Joe Biden in November.

Did I mention that Bloom specializes in defending sexual assault victims? I’m fully aware that a Lawyer is fully capable of representing a Client without necessarily supporting anything they may say or do — they learn that very early in Law School.

Although I’ve got to side with Sansoni here a little bit that maybe Bloom would’ve been much better served had she just kept her mouth shut and voted without giving any indication on who she picked. Personally, if I knew a woman who was in desperate need of an attorney to pursue a guy who sexually abused her, I sure as heck wouldn’t recommend a scumbag like Lisa Bloom.


P.S. Here’s Lisa Bloom’s Tweet in its entirety:

Lisa Bloom