Archives for posts with tag: mental fitness

Why the BLEEP doesn’t Joe Biden ever Blink his Eyes???

Watch this video, which is a little over nine (9) minutes in length, on how the Media tries to proclaim that Donald Trump has some type of early “Dementia”, on off-the-wall physical behaviors he may have experienced YET, they choose to completely Ignore Biden’s actions, which appear far more concerning.

Popular podcaster Andrew of, ‘Don’t Walk, Run! Production’ initiated this Video.

What a BLEEPIN Embarrassment!!!
“So don’t screw around, guys.” Those Secret Service agents were quick to pick Biden up.

$64,000 QUESTION: Does there appear to be a blatant Media bias whenever comparing the Physical/Mental Fitness between Joe Biden & Donald Trump? Here’s YouTube blogger, Andrew, of the Podcast, ‘Don’t Walk, Run! Productions’ weighing-in on the differences between the two. Can you say, “Double Standard“? This video is approximately 11 minutes long.