Archives for posts with tag: Mike Huckabee

I realize there are only a couple more hours until Christmas 2022 is “officially” Ancient History, but you REALLY need to watch this Video — ESPECIALLY if you’re Christian. I watched the ‘Huckabee’ show last night and this gentleman, Joe Castillo, was a finalist on the show, ‘America’s Got Talent’ and he expresses himself via, Sand Art. In this video, Mr. Castillo will display the Gospel message in about 6 minutes via, Sand Art. You honestly need to see it to believe it. Enjoy:

Do you really want to get into the Christmas spirit & discover the true meaning of this festive holiday? Please watch this approximate 9 minute video of comedian Gordon Douglas, specifically, his personal rendition of, ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas’. Personally, I think it’ll probably change the way you view the life of our risen Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, not only thru Christmas but for quite some time to come. Douglas’s poem is so great and outstanding, it’s probably something you might want to save on a computer file somewhere and re-watch year after year after year. If you happen to be a Christian, this particular story just never gets old. God bless!

So did the House of Rep’s “Impeachment” against President Donald Trump last week (Trump’s supposed 2nd Impeachment against him) pass the Constitution test — which are the rules governing both the Presidency as well as Congress?

Well, not really, according to famed attorney Alan Dershowitz.

Among other things, President Trump was clearly denied “Due Process” and “Witness Testimony” prior to the House of Representative members taking the Impeachment vote.

Also, if there’s any hope to prevent “Private Citizen” Trump from receiving his Presidential pension, personal protection from the Secret Service, or the opportunity to run again for President in 2024, the U.S. Senate better hurry-up and conduct a hearing and subsequent vote by tomorrow (Wed., 1-20) at Noon, while Trump is STILL our President.

You’d obviously have to go BEYOND our U.S. Constitution to “successfully” Impeach and then subsequently strip a “Private Citizen” of his/her Presidential rights.

Incidentally, as mentioned in this video clip, Atty. Dershowitz is neither a Republican nor a Trump supporter, but he did agree to legally represent Trump during his first Impeachment hearing in the U.S. Senate basically arguing that Trump’s Constitutional rights were being violated.

Former Arkansas Governor turned TV personality Mike Huckabee focuses his weekly commentary on a group of former Republican consultants now known as, The Lincoln Project, who have joined forces with the Democratic agenda to support Joe Biden’s Presidential campaign in hopes to defeat Donald Trump from reelection.

It’s hard to believe that it’s been 46 years already that the passage of Roe v. Wade, making Abortions legal in the United States to take place. Since 1973, about 60 million infants have been murdered, LEGALLY, in America all thanks to this legislation. And the organization most responsible for performing these heinous acts, Planned Parenthood, was initiated by a woman named Margaret Sanger, who basically wanted to control the Black population in America due to the fact that she was a blatant Racist — Unbelievable!

Needless to say, I wholeheartedly agree with former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee’s view on this subject.


(From the Gov. Mike Huckabee Twitter site on 10-13-15. Huckabee is also a candidate for the Republican Presidential nomination in 2016.)

Poor liberals think it’s racist to deplore a brutal dictatorship.

I trust Bernie Sanders with my tax dollars like I trust a North Korean chef with my labrador!

Marijuana question appropriate. Democrats smoking it if they think their policies will save this country.

Congress should get healthcare from the V.A.
No Veteran will rot and die again if they’re waiting alongside a U.S. Senator!

I pledge to oppose amnesty & government benefits for illegal immigrants who violated our laws.

The Democrat plan: Give amnesty AND ObamaCare to illegal immigrants.

Bernie Sander’s free college Ponzi scheme would make Bernie Madoff blush.

Hillary Clinton’s Keystone Pipeline defense is as believable as Tonya Harding in a deposition. #TripleAxel

Hillary Clinton is a charter member of the Washington-Wall Street elite. #PartOfTheProblem

I trust Bernie Sanders with my tax dollars like I trust a North Korean chef with my labrador!

Racism exists because we have a sin problem in America, not a skin problem.

ALL lives matter. It’s time we stop burning cars, shooting cops, & recognize that life is a gift from God.

Black lives matter because ALL lives matter. Haven’t we learned from history?

Hillary Clinton – It’s not about your emails, it’s about you hiding the truth @ the expense of our national security.

Hillary Clinton – You may not want to talk about your emails, but you’re not above the law.

Hillary Clinton – Hard Choices: Transparency Should Not Have Been One of Them

Hillary Clinton truly believes the law does not apply to her.

They believe climate change is a greater threat than Islamic extremism, that a sunburn is worse than a beheading. It’s nonsense!

If only Hillary Clinton was as passionate about protecting American diplomats as she is about blasting the GOP. #Benghazi

Wake up, Hillary Clinton. You know who else was “burning up the phone lines begging for help”… #Benghazi

“This is not time for a Chamberlain.

This is time for a Churchill.

We either stand against

Evil or we don’t.”

Where did Hillary Clinton get these State Dept accomplishment talkers? Baghdad Bob?

Hillary Clinton doesn’t exercise judgement, she follows polls.

Oh please. Putin’s rolling the Barack Obama/Hillary Clinton foreign policy like Chinese tanks in Tiananmen Square.

“The Second Amendment is the Last Line of Defense against Tyranny and MUST BE PROTECTED.”

I pledge to defend our 2nd Amendment rights & oppose gun control legislation

Hillary Clinton is proud to be to the left of Bernie Sanders on the 2nd Amendment. Unbelievable.

Why is it a negative in a Democrat primary to try to establish law & order in a violent city?

Bernie Sander’s socialist math is as solid and sound as El Chapo’s prison security.

Hard Choices: Protecting American Workers Should Not Have Been One of Them

They believe climate change is a greater threat than Islamic extremism, that a sunburn is worse than a beheading. It’s nonsense!

Donald Trump – Any last-minute hairstyle advice for Bernie Sanders before he takes the stage

At Dem Debate, Hillary will demonstrate her high level of intelligence by managing to remember, on every issue, the side she’s currently on.

Republican presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee and Kentucky town clerk Kim Davis

Republican presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee and Kentucky town clerk Kim Davis

( “When you a ‘has been’, just think of where you HAS BEEN!!!” — late great comedian Nipsy Russell

So I guess the 80’s rock group best known for singing the theme songs to a couple of Rocky movies – Survivor – is now suing Republican Presidential candidate Mike Huckabee, along with Kim Davis who’s the Kentucky town clerk who was jailed for about a week for refusing to issue marriage licenses to homosexual couples. Apparently, when Ms. Davis was finally released from jail a week or two ago, Huckabee and others staged a gathering with a couple hundred people outside the correctional facility and played the song, “Eye of the Tiger” in the background.

Needless to say, the scene in question made numerous news broadcasts and YouTube videos, which probably prompted this lawsuit by Survivor. I don’t believe this video – or event – financially enhanced either Huckabee or Davis, nor did it help Huckabee in the current Presidential polls against either Donald Trump or Ben Carson. Ethically speaking, I guess Huckabee or the organizers of this event should’ve made some type of effort to reach out to Survivor and attempt to ask their permission to use their music in this context.

It’s my understanding that Survivor experienced a similar lawsuit four years ago when then-Republican presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich was also using, “Eye of the Tiger” during his campaign rallies. That lawsuit, I believe, was settled out of court. Isaac Hayes also experienced a problem when former Republican presidential candidate, Bob Dole, made a spoof off Hayes’ song “Soul Man” to sound like “Dole Man”. I’m not sure if that ever became a lawsuit, I think Hayes just warned the Dole campaign to cease using his song anymore. Ditto with another Republican presidential hopeful when he used the Bryan Adams hit, “Everything I do, I do it for you”, I believe that just stopped when Adams complained about it.

Then several years ago, the late great former Beatle George Harrison lost a plagiarism lawsuit when portions of the music from his 70’s hit, “My Sweet Lord” was taken from the 60’s hit, “He’s so fine”. Or one parody artist who does get permission to twist the music for his own comedy is Weird Al Yankovic – I would assume that Yankovic is pretty financially comfortable with his record sales and concerts but he’s got to be paying out a ton of royalties to the people whose music he’s using in his songs.

One individual who made out like a bandit was 70’s one-hit wonder artist Norman Greenbaum, whose classic song, “Spirit in the Sky” has been a movie theme and used in several TV commercials providing this guy a rather nice financial stipend long after his rock singing days were over.

It’s my understanding that if a song is at least 75 years old, it’s considered Public Domain and anybody can use it without any fear or repercussion of Copyright Infringement. Christian hymns like: “Amazing Grace”, “Leaning on the Everlasting Arms”, and “Lilly of the Valley” would definitely fall into this Public Domain category.

I’m not sure what exactly is going to happen with Survivor’s lawsuit against Huckabee and Davis, but I do respect the fact that they probably should’ve, at least, first asked for permission to use it in that event before they actually used it like that. Although since neither Huckabee nor Davis made a financial killing off that event – or any money at all — $1.2 million does sound a wee bit steep. It’ll be interesting to see what happens.)

Survivor Files $1.2 Million Lawsuit Against Kim Davis & Mike Huckabee

Sep 9, 2015
Darius Rubics
NBC News

Salisbury, NC — The band Survivor has filed a $1.2 million lawsuit against Kim Davis and Mike Huckabee over the unauthorized use of its hit song “Eye of the Tiger.”

Davis, the Kentucky clerk who was jailed after refusing to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples, was released Tuesday morning, after serving six days in prison, to the sound of Survivor’s classic song “Eye of the Tiger.” The song played in the background as she, her husband, and Mike Huckabee celebrated her freedom in front of thousands of supporters.

Survivor issued a statement on their Facebook page yesterday stating:

“NO! We did not grant Kim Davis any rights to use ‘My Tune -The Eye Of The Tiger.’ I would not grant her the rights to use Charmin! C’mom Mike, you are not The Donald but you can do better than that -See Ya really SoooooooonnnnnnN!!!!!!”

Speaking with Billboard, band co-founder Jim Peterik said he was also not pleased with the unauthorized use of the song.

“The song has motivated thousands through the years to reach beyond their limits. Its use for the release of Kim Davis does not support my views or my politics.”

Though the million dollar question is: Does Survivor have a chance winning the case?

NBC News spoke with Harvard Law Professor, Paul Horner, who believes Survivor has a strong case.

“Mike Huckabee and Kim Davis had no permission to use the song, bottom line,” Horner said. “This whole incident is in the national public spot light right now, and Huckabee is running for president; he should have known better.” Horner continued, “I hope Survivor wins their lawsuit, I truly do.

But to be honest, the thing I’m most excited about right now is that legendary skateboarder Tony Hawk has come out of retirement and joined up with Pyramid Country. You can put a price on a lawsuit, but you can’t put a price on Tony Hawk joining Pyramid Country. Praise Fappy!”

Survivor released Eye of the Tiger in 1982, and it was featured in Rocky III with Sylvester Stallone that same year.

Mike Huckabee

(I especially loved the speech of former Arkansas Governor – and former Republican Presidential candidate of four years ago – Mike Huckabee last night at the Republican National Convention. Wouldn’t you agree?)

“I was so very honored to be asked to address one of this week’s themes, “We can do better.”

Then, I heard some folks backstage say that after hearing me speak, the delegates will say, “We sure can do better than Huckabee” and will nominate Mitt Romney to be the next President of the United States.

Tampa has been such a wonderful and hospitable city to us. The only hitch in an otherwise perfect week was the awful noise coming from the hotel room next door to mine. Turns out it was just Debbie Wasserman Schultz practicing her speech for the DNC in Charlotte next week. Bless her heart.

Four years ago, Mitt Romney and I were opponents. We still are, but we’re not opposing each other.

We are mutual opponents of the miserably failed experiments that have put this country in a downward spiral.

Our country was in its origin an experiment, but an experiment in recognizing God-given individual liberty and creating a government in which no one is deemed better than another and all of us are equal.

Not equal in abilities, but in intrinsic worth and value. It is the essence of not just who we are, but what we are.

To those who question how once rivals can now be united, it’s simple – we have Barack Obama to thank.

He said, “You didn’t build it.”

Translation: “It doesn’t rightly belong to you!”

No small differences among us in our party approximate the vast differences between the liberty-limiting, radical left-wing, anti-business, reckless-spending, tax-hiking party of Barack Obama, Harry Reid, and Nancy Pelosi, versus an energized America who knows that we can do better.

For four years, we’ve given a chance to a man with very limited experience in governing, no experience in business whatsoever, and since taking office, mostly an interest in campaigning, blaming, and aiming excuses at his predecessor, the Republicans, and people in business, or as Republicans like to call them, employers.

We’ve stagnated into an economy that has taken all that hope “down the slope” and left millions without jobs, forced out of their homes by foreclosure, and herded into dependency upon a government that promises us candy and gives us cavities.

Barack Obama seems intent on enrolling more people on food stamps. Mitt Romney’s focus will be on generating more jobs that would make food stamps unnecessary for them.

We know full well that we can do better.

Mitt Romney turned around companies that were on the skids; turned around a scandal ridden Olympics that was deep in the red into a high point of profitable and patriotic pride; and turned around a very liberal state by erasing a deficit and replacing it with a surplus.

Barack Obama said if he couldn’t turn things around in three years, it would be a one-term proposition. It’s been almost four let’s make him a proposition he can’t refuse.

Let’s vote him out!

The job of President is admittedly tougher than running a company, Olympic contest, or a commonwealth, but when one sees what even Bill Clinton noted was a sterling record of problem-solving that has marked the life of Mitt Romney, we are confident we WILL do better.

Mitt has been loyal to his wife, his sons, his country, his employees, and his church.

I’m sure the press will tell you he isn’t perfect.

But for the past four years, we’ve tried the one the press thought was perfect, and that hasn’t worked out so well for us.

We can do better!

The Founding Fathers of our great nation left taxation and tyranny seeking religious liberty and a society of meritocracy rather than aristocracy. They created a bold experiment in government, believing God gave us unalienable rights, and government’s role is simply to make sure they are protected.

So fearful were they that government would grow beyond their intention that even after crafting our magnificent Constitution, they said, “We can do even better.” They added amendments that we call the Bill of Rights that limit what the government can do and guarantee what “We the people” have the unimpeded right to do – whether to speak, assemble, worship, pray, publish, or even refuse intrusions into our homes.

Many of them died to pass on that heritage. They had lived under the boot of big government and said, “We can do better.”

As a kid growing up in a household with a dad who never finished high school and a family in which no male upstream from me had ever finished high school, much less gone to college, I was taught that there was nothing I could do about what was behind me, but could change everything about what was in front of me.

My working-poor parents told me I could do better. They taught me that I was as good as anyone else. It never occurred to them to tell me that I could rest comfortably and wait for Uncle Sugar to feed me, lead me, and then bleed me.

They told me to get off my backside, work hard, take risks, and treat people honestly and honorably. And look what’s happened – I have become as the press label me, “a failed candidate.”

It’s true; I have fallen from the high perch of politics and now wallow in the mud of the media, but I still know that as a country, we can do better, and with Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan, we will.

Let me clear the air about whether guys like me would only support an evangelical. Of the four people on the two tickets, the only self-professed evangelical is Barack Obama, and he supports changing the definition of marriage, believes that human life is disposable and expendable at any time in the womb or even beyond the womb, and tells people of faith that they must bow their knees to the god of government and violate their faith and conscience in order to comply with what he calls health care.

Friends, I know we can do better!

The attack on my Catholic brothers and sisters is an attack on me. The Democrats have brought back the old dance the “Limbo” to see how low they can go in attempting to limit our ability to practice our faith.

This isn’t a battle about contraceptives and Catholics, but of conscience and the Creator.

I care far less as to where Mitt Romney takes his family to church than I do about where he takes this country. Joe Biden said, “Show me your budget, and I’ll tell you what you value.” Well, in the Senate, Joe’s party hasn’t produced a budget in three years.

What does that say about their values?

Speaking of budgets, Joe Biden’s budget shows that while he wants to be generous with your money through higher taxes and government spending, for years he gave less than two-tenths of 1 percent of his money to charity.

He just wants you to give the government more so he and the Democrats can feel better about themselves. Mitt Romney has given over 16% of his income to his church and charity, and I’d feel better about having a leader who gives more of his own money instead of mine.

My concern is not Barack Obama’s past; my concern is for the future – not his future, but the future of my grandchildren.

And under this President, we burdened each of them with tens of thousands of dollars of debt, and a system that will collapse upon itself because he thinks we can prosper by punishing productivity and rewarding reckless irresponsibility.

The Democrats say we ought to give Barack Obama credit for trying. That sounds like the nonsense of giving every kid a trophy for showing up.

Friends, we’re talking about leading the country, not playing on a third-grade soccer team!

I realize this is the man who got a Nobel Peace Prize for what he would potentially do, but in the real world, you get the prize for producing something, not just promising it.

Sometimes, we’re so close to the picture, we can’t really see it clearly. I’ve worked with Bono for the past few years in the ONE campaign to fight AIDS and hunger and disease around the world.

He’s an Irishman and a great humanitarian who told me of his admiration for America. He said we’re more than a country; we’re an idea.

He reminded me that we are an exceptional nation with an extraordinary history who owes it to the generations coming after us to leave them an extraordinary legacy.

If we don’t change the direction of our nation now, our bequest will be nothing but an extraordinary shame.

But we can do better.

President Obama is out of gas; Americans are out of patience, and our great Republic is almost out of time. It’s time we no longer lead from behind, but get off our behinds and leave something lasting for those who come after us instead of a mountain of debt and a pile of excuses.

Tonight, it’s not because we’re Republicans; it’s because we’re Americans that we proudly stand with Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan to say we will do better!”