Archives for posts with tag: Minneapolis

$64,000 Question: Why the heck is Kamala Harris promoting an organization on Twitter to donate money for bailing Thugs out of Jail? Why are at least three people from Joe Biden’s campaign staff donating to this aforementioned organization? Are Biden & Harris SERIOUS about supporting stronger Law Enforcement, OR, are they just trying to keep the Major Cities in America “chaotic” at least till the Election on Nov. 3rd?

Here’s a rather fascinating video on the “Deep State” in the Democratic party, along with just about every possible reason you might want to seriously consider reelecting Donald Trump for President on Nov. 3rd.

Memo to Self: Stay the Hell out of Minneapolis!

Derek Chauvin is a scumbag dirty Cop who should get the Death Penalty for killing George Floyd, and his three accomplices ought to get AT LEAST 10 years apiece in Prison for allowing it all to happen — No doubt about it.

But those jerks are NOT typical Police Officers, they’re the rare exception. Now, the Minneapolis City Council is seriously debating Defunding, or maybe even Abolishing, its Police force? It’s the Absolute Epitome of Insanity! Unfortunately, sometimes Insane ideas become Reality.

Incidentally, who do you suppose is the U.S. Congress member representing Minneapolis? Why it’s Ilhan Omar, who’s leading the charge to abolish the Minneapolis Police Department and should’ve been Impeached out of office long before Mr. Floyd was ever killed.

Okay, so are there any questions as to WHY President Trump declared Antifa, a “Terrorist” organization? Forgive me for sounding like some sort of a “Conspiracy Theorist” but I sort of thought that all these Riots, er, I mean, Peaceful Protests, seemed a wee bit too pre-Planned — especially the Looting, the Vandalism, the Violence, and the Arson. In the end, these Riots had very little-to-nothing with the Police killing of George Floyd and EVERYTHING to do with 1) Defunding the Police, and 2) Bouncing Trump out of the Presidency at the Nov. 3rd election. Bring in the National Guard, or whoever, but our political leaders need to keep Americans SAFE!


So, Twitter, apparently still bitter over President Trump now forcing it to stand accountable for its material in Court, REMOVED this ‘Call for Unity’ (or a tribute to George Floyd) posted by Trump without any specific reason as to WHY they did that. It does strike me as something that was VERY PRESIDENTIAL & should’ve been left posted.

Posted on, Derek Van Schaik’s YouTube page
May 31,2020

Here’s the shocking sad truth behind George Floyd’s murder by police. We’re going to piece together the footage and break down police body language. That’s next.

First, more police officers than not surely became officers to help, serve, and protect; however, there are some really bad apples. Also, this video is in no way a call to incite violence.

This is one of the most shocking, horrific, and blatant acts of police brutality we have ever seen. George Floyd was the 46-year-old man who recently moved from Houston, Texas to Minneapolis, Minnesota to seek better work. He was working as a security guard, while also getting his truck driving license.

On May 25, 2020, the Minneapolis police were called on George Floyd for allegedly using insufficient payment at a local store and this is where the footage picks up. So we’re going to piece together all the available footage and the evidence, along with breaking down police body language, to piece together how everything unfolded that terrible day and revealing the shocking sad truth behind this horrific murder by police officers.

Some may say, “We gotta wait for all the police footage to be released before we jump to any conclusions.” But it doesn’t matter what happened before because there’s no excuse to do what we just saw. George was already handcuffed, there were several officers on scene, a knee in the neck is not part of their official training. No officer questioned what was going on, George was begging for help and telling them he was going to die, the entire crowd was yelling, begging, pleading, screaming telling the officers exactly what’s going on, and what would happen if they continued. And of course, what the crowd was concern would happen happened, George Floyd died. This was not one of those split-second police decisions, they had many many minutes to stop and they refused because it surely appears that they wanted to kill George Floyd because that’s clearly what the footage shows.

This is so incredibly sad. This is not a republican, democrat, blue, black issue this is an American issue. This is something that should never happen in the United States and we just saw it happen. Nothing like this can ever happen again, real decisive action must be taken now.

I hope and would like to assume the majority of the police in Minneapolis aren’t like this, but here’s the scary part especially for those in black and brown communities, you don’t know if the cop you are encountering is like these cops because there were 4 cops that were involved in this and they all fell in line with what was horrifically happening to George Floyd, no one stood up to even question it, this whole horrific incident came across as standard operating procedure. I can’t wrap my mind around what we just saw actually happen what kind of fucking world are we living in. Rest in peace George Floyd.

(One final side note: Officer Derek Chauvin’s fellow Minneapolis cops and accomplices in this incident were: Tou Thao, Thomas Lane, and J Alexander Kueng were all reportedly fired from their jobs.

Officer Thao, shown in this video confronting the crowd while Chauvin remained with his knee still on Floyd’s neck is Chauvin’s brother-in-law.

In addition to Minneapolis, Atlanta, Philadelphia, New York, Washington D.C., and Los Angeles have all experienced serious Protests and property destruction since Floyd’s death.)

As a pathological news junkie, the choices currently available on TV really suck. I can either watch: a) Coronavirus 24/7, OR, b) the clusterBLEEP racial riot in Minneapolis. That’s sort of like a choice between which smells worse: Horse manure or Cow manure?

FORTUNATELY, there was one positive nugget that actually came out of Minnesota earlier today – the State police there arrested a CNN news crew, they didn’t exactly say WHY they were arrested, I can ONLY assume it was on a charge of, Disseminating Fake News during a Public Racial Riot.”

What made the arrest even more pathetic was that there were actually two CNN crews simultaneously covering the Racial Riots in Minneapolis during this arrest: Correspondent Josh Campbell (who’s a Caucasian), and Correspondent Omar Jimenez (who’s NOT a Caucasian).

Would you care to guess which CNN crew the Minnesota State Police arrested from this scene? One would ASS-U-Me that the folks in Minnesota Law Enforcement would learned its lesson earlier this week after the senseless killing of George Floyd, but if that’s what you assumed then you assumed wrong. One thing I will say, it couldn’t have happened to a nicer, Fake News outlet than CNN.

First & foremost, Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin ought to either be: hung from the highest tree, or ‘deep fried’ in an Electric Chair on a FREE nationwide TV broadcast. What Chauvin did to George Floyd AFTER his hands were already secured in handcuffs gives a whole new meaning to the phrase, “dirty cop”, or “pig”.

With that said, the whole Floyd episode certainly wasn’t Chauvin’s “first trip to the Rodeo” when it came to blatantly mistreating Black individuals. Current U.S. Senator & potential Democratic VP pick, Amy Klobuchar was District Attorney in Minnesota before she got elected to the Senate and among her accomplishments (or lack of) included NOT prosecuting Chauvin for a similar type controversy involving a Black individual.

If presumptive Democratic Presidential nominee Joe Biden has any sanity left in his brain, he will now NOT pick Klobuchar as his VP running mate. Biden, incidentally, already has a fairly sketchy relationship with the Black community after saying in a popular radio show interview last week that if you can’t choose who to vote for between him and Trump, “you ain’t Black”.

Furthermore, the voters of Minnesota ought to DEMAND that Klobuchor resign IMMEDIATELY as a U.S. Senator OR, at least, be forced to explain WHY she chose NOT to prosecute Officer Chauvin back when she had the chance.