Archives for posts with tag: modern day Robin Hood
U.S. Congresswoman Ann McLane Kuster, D, NH-2
U.S. Representative 2022 candidate Jason Riddle, R, NH-2

(The following was published as a, ‘Letter to the Editor’ in the Keene (NH) Sentinel on May 12, 2022. This commentary was submitted by Keene resident Jason Riddle, who’s a 2022 Republican candidate for U.S. Representative in New Hampshire’s 2nd District, NH-2. Mr. Riddle’s letter is in response to a campaign fundraiser emailed out by U.S. Congresswoman Ann Kuster, NH-2, two days earlier on May 10, which Ms. Kuster cited Riddle’s involvement with last year’s January 6th Insurrection, along with the 90-day Prison sentence that he will soon serve. I can only assume that the ‘Note’ published at the bottom of this Letter was authored by one of the Editors from the Keene Sentinel.)

Why would I apologize for Annie Kuster’s actions?, by Jason Riddle

Annie Kuster’s campaign team sent out an email in response to my latest letter to The Sentinel (“I hope the insurrection does better next time,” April 26). In their attempt to solicit more campaign contributions they claim that I showed no remorse for my crimes.

My only question is why would I apologize for a riot she started? It was Annie Kuster and her cronies who stole the 2020 election. She forcibly closed down New Hampshire businesses, schools, and barred families from gathering. She forced us to wear masks and worse, she wants to mandate our health care.

Now, magically, Annie is pretending she never committed these egregious injustices. She distracts her followers from their diminishing freedoms by pandering to their feelings over Roe vs. Wade. I might be an insurrectionist, but at least I’m not a baby-killing election thief.

I will be residing in the minimum-security facility know as Devens FMC in Ayer, Mass. Feel free to write me; we have a lot of work to do. It’s time for Annie Kuster’s last stand, and I’m Chief Crazy Horse.




(Note: As a would-be candidate for Congress ought to know, that body had no role in the state executive actions that closed schools and businesses during the height of the pandemic, nor has it ever barred families from gathering.)

U.S. Rep candidate Jason Riddle is shown here with a Donald Trump impersonator just prior to the January 6th Insurrection in Washington D.C.
U.S Rep Ann Kuster, NH-2

I’m writing in response to Congresswoman Ann Kuster’s campaign fundraiser email, sent out on May 10th, titled, “Insurrectionists for Congress”.

Simply put, U.S. Rep Kuster is publicly calling out Republican Congressional candidate Jason Riddle, who was recently sentenced in Federal court for his actions in last year’s January 6th Insurrection. Specifically, Riddle was sentenced to: 90 days in Prison, financial restitution of about $750, and three (3) years of monthly Probation immediately following the Prison sentence. Since that Sentencing hearing, Mr. Riddle happened to write a, Letter to the Editor, which he submitted to several local publications basically stating, he hopes the next Insurrection does better next time around.

For those unfamiliar with Riddle’s circumstances from January 6th of last year, which earned him an arrest and a Sentencing hearing in Federal court about a month ago, Riddle walked into a Senator’s office while things were getting a little chaotic on the main lobby floor of the Capitol (Congress) building, Riddle proceeded to take a bottle from a Wine rack that was in the office and poured himself a glass. He then pulled out his iPhone and took Selfie photos of himself while drinking the Wine with iconic scenes of the Capitol building in the background. Oh yeah, and then when Riddle was finished with that Wine, he swiped a leather-bound book titled, ‘Senate Procedures(from the same office) and wound up selling it on eBay for about $50.

So now we’ve got Congresswoman Kuster all ‘bent out of shape’ because Riddle has NOT shown any “Remorse” for his actions and therefore the wonderful Voters of New Hampshire’s Second Congressional District should proceed to send a Boatload of Money to HER campaign to ensure that she remains our Congresswoman at least for the foreseeable future.

Funny thing though, in the 2016 Presidential election, Hillary Clinton claimed then (and still claims it today) that the Election was STOLEN from her. In 2018, Stacey Abrams, claimed she won the 2018 Georgia Governor’s race (even though she lost) and that it was STOLEN from her. The January 6th Insurrection was allegedly a protest by Donald Trump supporters against Joe Bidden supposedly winding up with 81 million votes in the 2020 Presidential election (so why don’t those Trump supporters have the same Rights as Secretary Clinton, or Ms. Abrams when it comes to Protesting an Election, or not being “Remorseful”?).

Getting back to Congresswoman Kuster, why aren’t Secretary Clinton and Ms. Abrams in Prison right now for NOT being “Remorseful” and publicly admitting that they lost their last Elections, fair and square???  In her email, Kuster states,…he (Riddle) defends the violence of the January 6th attack…, REALLY ANN??? Can YOU please explain to us all “WHY” the ONLY killing from the Jan. 6th Insurrection (Capitol Police Lieutenant Michael Byrd on his shooting against Ashli Babbitt) has NEVER been publicly addressed before a hearing?

Lastly, as a U.S. Congresswoman, Ms. Kuster has tremendous power to try to change the Law for her Constituents if she or they are not happy with it. For example, why not make it an automatic, ‘Death Penalty’ offense on anyone initiating an “Insurrection” act on a Government facility? I guess the problem here with Ms. Kuster and all her Democrat ilk trying to propose something like this is, what, if anything is the difference between the Jan. 6th attack on the Capitol building or the current protests taking place in front of the residences of our Conservative Supreme Court Justices? I mean, to ask which of these two scenarios is worse, is sort of like asking, which smells worse: cow manure or horse manure?

And, oh yeah, as a Constituent of Congresswoman Kuster, is Jason Riddle’s level of “Remorse”, the absolute biggest fish to fry right now, as in legitimate campaign issues to pursue for the Here and Now? What about trying to lobby President Biden to open up the Keystone Pipeline and give everybody the opportunity to buy affordable gasoline for their vehicles? For the folks that have infants, where can they get an ample supply of Baby Formula so their kids won’t starve to death? When is the price of just about anything coming down? Have there been any illegal aliens flown to NH to reside here since Biden was inaugurated? Since Biden has been inaugurated, has any NH residents overdosed on Fentanyl? Are there any plans to better moderate our Southern Border?

Finally, I sure hope everyone reading this makes it a definite point to vote both in the Primary Election on Sept.13th, and then in the Midterm election on Nov. 8th.

Jason Riddle of Keene NH, was my guest on this episode of ‘Frankly Speaking’, which was taped at the Access Nashua studio on April 27, 2022.

Besides hoping to become the U.S. Congressman in New Hampshire’s 2nd District (which includes Nashua), via the Republican Primary nomination, Mr. Riddle established a rather unorthodox reputation for himself last year when he was arrested for his actions following the January 6th Insurrection in Washington D.C.

Specifically, Riddle entered an unoccupied legislator’s office, helped himself to a bottle off a nearby wine rack, and started “chugging it” all while taking Selfies of himself with his cellphone. On his way out the door, Riddle swiped a Senator’s Orientation book, which he soon wound up selling on e-bay. Unfortunately for Riddle, he posted his favorite photos from the Insurrection on his Facebook page, and a few of his “friends” apparently reported it to the FBI.

Long story short, Riddle was recently sentenced to 90 days in Federal prison, along with having to pay several hundred dollars in restitution. He plans to start serving his sentence the later part of this month (May) after finishing his current college courses.

So why the heck would Riddle want to run for U.S. Congress at this particular awkward time in his personal life?

Riddle was quoted as saying when he was interviewed by a Reporter from NBC Boston that he feels he has a great shot at winning this Election because of the notoriety he’s gotten thus far from his January 6th Insurrection experience. As the old cliche goes, BAD News is a heck of a lot better than ZERO News — or something like that.

If elected, Riddle said he hopes to push New Hampshire to legalize Marijuana and generate tax revenue similar to that of neighboring Massachusetts and Vermont. He also vows to only take half of the $174K of a Congressman’s annual salary to also help the state of New Hampshire.

This was a rather interesting interview by Mr. Riddle as he”s a military veteran of both the Army Reserve and the Navy Reserve, he was a former Letter Carrier with the Postal Service, he was a former Corrections Officer, and there’s even a video on YouTube back when he was 18 and trying his luck as a Stand-up Comedian.

Whether or not Riddle has a “snowball’s chance in hell” on actually winning this election and becoming a U.S. Congressman is pretty hard to comprehend. He figures that his 90-Day prison sentence will take him away from his campaign for the entire months of June thru August — since the Republican Primary election is scheduled on Tuesday, September 13th, he’ll be expected to spend the crux of his campaign in prison.

During the interview, I encouraged Riddle to perhaps follow in the footsteps of psychopath John Hinkley Jr., (who actually shot then President Ronald Reagan back in 1981) who’ll be performing with his guitar in Brooklyn N.Y. to an already sold-out arena. I told Riddle he’s probably be a lot better off if he authored a book, about his whole Insurrection experience rather than try to take advantage of it by running for Congress. I guess we’ll know for sure within the next couple months.

Unlike most other candidates running for political office, Riddle doesn’t have a campaign website. If you wish to get in contact with him, please email him at: .

Local entertainer Sharon DiFronzo of Screamin Heart records sang both the Intro and Outro theme songs to this particular episode.