Archives for posts with tag: murdering babies

It’s hard to believe that it’s been 46 years already that the passage of Roe v. Wade, making Abortions legal in the United States to take place. Since 1973, about 60 million infants have been murdered, LEGALLY, in America all thanks to this legislation. And the organization most responsible for performing these heinous acts, Planned Parenthood, was initiated by a woman named Margaret Sanger, who basically wanted to control the Black population in America due to the fact that she was a blatant Racist — Unbelievable!

Needless to say, I wholeheartedly agree with former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee’s view on this subject.

AbortionPhoto(Source: Heritage House ’76, Inc. – )

It is easy to feel helpless in the fight to save a million unborn children that die from abortion every year. Yet, we are not really helpless. There are many things that each of us can do that have proven to be effective.

1) Wear your Precious Feet pin every day, everywhere you go. People will ask about the pin and what it means. It is a perfect opportunity for you to speak up for the humanity of the unborn. The card that it comes mounted on give the story of the baby’s development from conception. Precious Feet pins are available via .

2) Spread the pro-life message one-by-one with literature. Literature is the most powerful weapon you have in this fight. Passing out literature is probably the easiest and yet, most effective thing you can do. You can pass out literature as you go about your daily routine. Leave it in waiting rooms, rest rooms lobbies, airports, Laundromats – anywhere people are likely to pick it up. And include a piece of literature in all the bills you pay and letters you send.

3) Write letters to your congressmen, both state and federal, on legislation concerning abortion. These letters don’t have to be long. Simply tell them your position on the legislation and how you would like them to vote, see for information.

4) Create a circle of like-minded friends and start a phone chain. When abortion legislation comes up, start calling and urging your people to contact their legislators.

5) If you know any pro-life teenagers, provide them with literature to share at school. While you cannot to onto campus and pass out literature, students have a constitutionally protected right to do so.

6) Find out the name of an abortionist in your city and commit to pray daily for his/her change of heart. Carol Everett is a classic example of an abortion clinic owner whose heart was changed. She is now an outspoken pro-lifer and author of the excellent book, Blood Money, which tells how the abortion industry is really about making money, not “women’s rights.”

7) Purchase a video and literature about abortion and offer to show it at church youth groups and other gatherings. You don’t have to be an eloquent speaker – let the video share the message. After the video, pass out these pamphlets so they too can get involved.

8) Volunteer at a local Crisis Pregnancy Center. These groups really do help women and save babies lives. They are always desperate for volunteers.

• Help in their “mommy store.”

• Sort, mend and wash baby and maternity clothes.

• Help get newsletters and mailings out.

• Volunteer to be a counselor.

• Type, file and assist with other office duties.

• Join their speakers’ bureau and give presentations to groups and churches.

• Man pro-life tables and booths at fairs.

• Coordinate volunteers for any of the projects needing done at the clinic.

• Help with their annual fund-raising dinner.

• Participate in their Walk for Life – better yet, help organize it!

• Contact, CareNet at, or Heartbeat at for a referral to a local Crisis Pregnancy Center. You can also check in your local Yellow Pages under Abortion Alternatives.

9) Go to yard sales and buy baby clothes and maternity clothes and donate them to your local Crisis Pregnancy Center or maternity home.

10) Write letters to the editor. If you don’t know what to say, refer to the numerous articles written about abortion. Editing and changing a few lines of the article may be all you need to do.

11) Join a pro-life group, either national, state or local, that reflects your occupation, age or personal interest (see resources at the end). Contact the national headquarters and they will tell you if they have a local chapter or center in your area.

12) Financially support one of the many worthy pro-life groups and pregnancy centers. They cannot function effectively without funds to operate.

13) Join in the March for Life. Your local pro-life group will have the information on where and when. The yearly National March for Life website:

14) Investigate your local school district’s sex education curriculum. If it is pro-sex or pro-abortion, request permission to show the “other side” of this issue. Purchase the video “No Second Chance”, and ”Eyewitness 2” and show them in your high school classes. These videos are available via .

15) Join the 40 Days for Life Campaign in your community. It is a community-based campaign that draws attention to the evil of abortion through the use of prayer, vigil, and community outreach –

16) Arrange for a pro-life speaker to do a presentation at your church or civic group.

17) Plan a pro-life Sunday at your church. January 22, the anniversary of Roe v. Wade that legalized abortion (or the closest Sunday is the ideal day). Churches across the country take a Sunday to talk about abortion. Have a table with literature and Precious Feet. If allowed, give a short talk during the service and pass out pro-life bulletin inserts.

18) Use pro-life checks. Every time you write a check you share the pro-life message. Be careful though as some check companies sell to both sides! Pro-life checks from a completely pro-life company – .

19) Put pro-life bumper stickers on your cars. Magnetic bumper sticker holders are available to make them simple to remove or change. Both pro-life bumper stickers and bumper magnets are available via – .

20) Keep informed! Subscribe to Life News for complete, up-to-date information on abortion – .

21) Educate yourself! National Right to Life News has an excellent periodical on the legal issues of abortion – . Archives: .

If you have become aware of the horrible reality of abortion, you probably want to do something. But, in the face of something so big and so prevalent in this country, you may wonder, “What can just one person do?”

You can make a tremendous difference. Not because you have to do it all, but because you will be joining with so many others who started out with this same question. This is the beginning of a powerful “grass roots” movement.

You can become active in the pro life cause. The ideas presented here range from simple to time consuming. You know how much time and effort you can put in and what your personal strengths are. It is our hope that you will use the information as a springboard to become involved in the pro-life movement in some area. Together, we will make a difference!