Archives for posts with tag: Muslim

Needless to say, I’m really BLEEPIN Jealous right about now – if I could “re-do” my Postal Service career all over again, I should’ve ‘followed in the footsteps’ of Gerald Groff (a Christian Postal Worker, who the U.S. Supreme Court ruled earlier today that he was entitled to have religious days off, like Sundays).

In MY particular case, not only on Sundays, but a bunch of Christmases & Easters that I was “REQUIRED” to work, which I could’ve spent with my sons back when they were still young. Furthermore, I wonder if any Muslim Postal Workers ever had any problems getting THEIR religious holidays off from work – Hmmmmm !!!!

Anywho, a special salute goes out to Mr. Groff, along with his attorney, Hiram Sasser, for now establishing this as the “official”, Law of the Land.

Esther Clement, a Christian missionary with IBM Global (which is an off-shoot of Merrimack Valley Baptist Church in Merrimack NH) has been currently helping to move the Biblical Gospel in the African country of South Sudan for about a year. She stopped by the Access Nashua studio on 7-11-16 to give her testimony on, Frankly Speaking.

On that particular episode, Ms. Clement spoke about some of the challenges a missionary faces on the Mission field. I’ve always had the utmost respect for anybody who’d work in a field like this.

Sharon DiFronzo of Screamin Heart records sings the opening and closing song (Comin and Going) for this particular episode.


Boston Marathon bomb terrorists: Tamerlan Tsarnaev (left); and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev

When FOX News TV anchor Bill O’Reilly asked his guest Boston columnist and local radio show host Howie Carr last Friday on, The O’Reilly Factor — when it became apparent that the second Boston Marathon Bombing suspect, 19 year-old Dzhokhar Tsarnaev would soon be taken into custody in Watertown, MA – what would be tomorrow’s headline in the Boston newspapers, Carr aptly replied, “No good deed goes unpunished”.

I couldn’t agree more with Howie Carr’s response to O’Reilly’s question.

Carr went on to say how these two terrorist brothers who immigrated here from Russia in the past decade, were given all the freedoms afforded American citizenship YET still turned on their new homeland, killing at least four innocent people and permanently injuring hundreds more – all for the Muslim cause. Soon after immigrating here and residing in Cambridge MA, the boys’ mother became a convicted felon herself by shoplifting about $1500 worth of merchandise from a local Lord & Taylor department store. Their father, who still resides in Russia, was quoted as saying that these two sons are “good boys” and if American law enforcement officials wind up killing the youngest son, like they did the eldest, “there will be Hell to pay” – a rather poor choice of words in light of all the death and destruction these two young men had just initiated in the city of Boston.

What’s especially amazing is how much taxpayer money was spent last week to bring these two thugs to justice. Even though they both still remained in the Boston area after detonating about three, pressure-cooker pipe bombs at the annual historic marathon race, Boston, as well as its immediate suburbs, were in a virtual “martial law” situation for the next five days with local, state, and Federal police everywhere monitoring the streets with roadblocks and investigating every home in Watertown on Friday, hoping to find Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. Taxpayer costs had to be AT LEAST in the millions of dollars just to bring these two brothers to justice.

The oldest son in question, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, 26, was previously arrested on a domestic disturbance charge and quoted as saying that he didn’t even have one friend in the United States YET nobody here held a gun to his head forcing him to become an American citizen in 2007. The younger brother, Dzhokhar, who’s now in custody, became an official U.S. citizen last September 11th (how very appropriate).

As the old cliché goes, “that’s gratitude for ya.”

Howie Carr also mentioned on, The O’Reilly Factor, that the Tsarnaev family automatically qualified for Welfare and Food Stamps upon immigrating here to the United States – go figure on that one. To pour even more gas on the proverbial fire, prior to be taken into custody last Friday night, young Dzhokhar received a $2500 scholarship from the City of Cambridge to the University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth, which he was an enrolled full-time student. Somehow, I seriously doubt the Tsarnaev family would have it this nice if they were still residing in “Mother Russia”.

So where do we go from here?

1)     Immediately implement the Death Penalty in Massachusetts and every other State: Use the Tsarnaev brothers as the proverbial “poster children” to pass this through every State’s legislative body. At 19, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev could easily live at least another 50 years in our Federal prison system at a cost of about $1 million to keep him alive – AND HEALTHY — for the rest of his natural life. Dzhokhar’s medical and dental needs will be paid 100 percent by WE THE TAXPAYERS!!! Also, if Dzhokhar chooses to have a medical procedure, like a Sex Change operation, perhaps to please his fellow inmates, and would probably cost YOU or I a couple hundred thousand dollars since it’s not covered by most employee health insurance plans, we taxpayers would be required to pay for that as well. Wouldn’t initiating the Death Penalty on this guy be A LOT better for society than keeping him alive and rehashing this story year after year after year???

2)     Lobby President Barack Obama NOT to pull our military troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan next year: Keep in mind, this Boston Marathon bombing incident was just two (2) little thugs who converted to Muslim, working independently from al Queda. Had this been a plot initiated by a couple dozen Muslim terrorists, the USA would probably be in its second week here of full-fledged “Martial Law”. I’d say, keep the Muslim whack jobs occupied in their section of the planet while keeping the North American continent as safe as possible. If Obama is going to lie or “flip-flop” on any of his promises to the American people, I sure as heck hope he changes his mind and leaves our military troops in the Middle East for the rest of his second term. Otherwise, I think it’ll be a VERY BIG, BIG, BIG MISTAKE!!!

3)     The FBI official who allowed Tamerlan Tsarnaev to remain in the United States after being warned by Russia that he was a “terrorist” ought to be immediately terminated: After the whole 9/11 fiasco, how the heck do you screw up something like this??? BTW, didn’t then-President Bill Clinton have an opportunity to capture Osama bin Laden and lock him up at Gitmo? I believe he did. But I definitely want to hear how this guy managed to “slip through the cracks” and then subsequently cause all the death and destruction he did in Boston last week.

4)     The Tsarnaev family ought to be legally prohibited from making any financial profit off any book, movie, or any other media outlet deal from this incident: First Amendment or no First Amendment, this particular family – which the United States of America was gracious enough to accept as “immigrants” here – should have ZERO opportunity to cash-in on this tragedy by virtue of the fact that they’re related to these two guys. Under the same circumstances, most other countries would probably deport them for pulling a stunt like that. If the Tsarnaev family feel they’re getting royally screwed here, let them immigrate back to “Mother Russia”. As far as I’m concerned, any financial profits generated by a book, movie, or any other media outlet deal regarding this tragedy ought to go straight to the victims and their families.

5)     Two ironic twists to this whole incident – bumper sticker on the carjacked vehicle & name of the boat Dzhokhar was hiding in: A couple things which I found rather fascinating concerning this incident. First, the vehicle the brothers had carjacked in Cambridge had a bumper sticker on the back which stated, “Coexist”, that is basically a Liberal type credo after the 9/11 tragedy urging all Americans to hold hands and sing, Kumbaya, with all our Muslim brethren. Somehow, I think the owner of that particular vehicle might’ve reconsidered his overall liberal philosophy since the Boston Marathon bombing escapade and is looking to remove that stupid “Coexist” bumper sticker off his vehicle. Secondly, the name of the boat in Watertown that Dzhokhar was hiding in last Friday was, “Slip Away 2”. Somehow, if they do have a book or a movie about this tragedy, I sort of think that bumper sticker and name of the boat will be aptly included, for nothing else, giving it some interesting perspective.