Archives for posts with tag: National Director
‘Inciting a Riot’ is DEFINITELY a Federal crime — so WHY is the January 6th Committee ignoring this jerk, Ray Epps???
Why the BLEEP would the FBI take Ray Epps off its ‘Most Wanted List’?
Megyn Kelly has author Julie Kelly on her podcast to talk about Ray Epps & January 6th
Now it’s becoming crystal clear as to WHY the January 6th Insurrection Committee REFUSED to subpoena Ray Epps — they obviously didn’t want to piss-off wifey, Robyn (or Dominion Voting Systems) so therefore they just ignored Ray.
Do we REALLY need to overturn Congress to Republican during the Midterm Election just to subpoena this jerk to testify before the January 6th Insurrection Committee?? What the BLEEP good is THAT Committee anyway?

Father Frank Pavone, who’s the National Director of Priests for Life, makes an excellent argument in his latest YouTube video titled, “God uses Flawed People to accomplish His purposes!” as to WHY elected officials we choose to serve in our government don’t necessarily have to be strong, virtuous men and women of Faith.

Although Pavone doesn’t mention any specific names or offices in the upcoming 2020 Presidential election, the two main presumptive opponents as of the date of this posting, Republican incumbent Donald Trump; and expected Democratic nominee Joe Biden could both appropriately fit in the description for this approximate nine-and-a-half minute video.

Pavone starts off by saying when you’re about to elect someone to a public government office, you need to basically look at: a) the individual, and b) the role they’re pursuing. He said that if you were electing either a Priest or Pastor to a Church, or maybe someone to Sainthood, the moral criteria would be much higher for someone like that.

But then he threw out the analogy of choosing a Mechanic, which you would want to know if that person could actually repair your vehicle at a fairly reasonable price. The fact, for example, of whether that Mechanic was married a couple times before would probably be totally irrelevant if you’d want that person to fix your car. Pavone also used the analogy of choosing a Doctor, who obviously you’d want to make sure they knew what they were doing before you had them operate on you.

He brings up Biblical examples on how God used very flawed individuals, like King David who was an adulterer and a murderer, or Rahab the prostitute, or King Cyrus all to fulfill His purpose.

And as a Priest whose main assignment is to promote the Pro Life agenda, Pavone also encouraged his viewing audience to avoid politicians who wish to contribute government funds to Planned Parenthood, which initiates many, if not most, of the Abortions in this country. He also encouraged folks to favor politicians who appoint Conservative judges to the Supreme Court as well as the Federal District court system.

As for the two names mentioned earlier in the 2020 Presidential race, Trump seems to have the much more favorable record in office with Christian and Pro Life advocates.

For more information about Father Frank Pavone and his organization, log onto either:

Or, go on , and subscribe to the Channel: Father Frank Pavone .