U.S. Congresswoman Ann McLane Kuster, D, NH-2
U.S. Representative 2022 candidate Jason Riddle, R, NH-2

(The following was published as a, ‘Letter to the Editor’ in the Keene (NH) Sentinel on May 12, 2022. This commentary was submitted by Keene resident Jason Riddle, who’s a 2022 Republican candidate for U.S. Representative in New Hampshire’s 2nd District, NH-2. Mr. Riddle’s letter is in response to a campaign fundraiser emailed out by U.S. Congresswoman Ann Kuster, NH-2, two days earlier on May 10, which Ms. Kuster cited Riddle’s involvement with last year’s January 6th Insurrection, along with the 90-day Prison sentence that he will soon serve. I can only assume that the ‘Note’ published at the bottom of this Letter was authored by one of the Editors from the Keene Sentinel.)

Why would I apologize for Annie Kuster’s actions?, by Jason Riddle

Annie Kuster’s campaign team sent out an email in response to my latest letter to The Sentinel (“I hope the insurrection does better next time,” April 26). In their attempt to solicit more campaign contributions they claim that I showed no remorse for my crimes.

My only question is why would I apologize for a riot she started? It was Annie Kuster and her cronies who stole the 2020 election. She forcibly closed down New Hampshire businesses, schools, and barred families from gathering. She forced us to wear masks and worse, she wants to mandate our health care.

Now, magically, Annie is pretending she never committed these egregious injustices. She distracts her followers from their diminishing freedoms by pandering to their feelings over Roe vs. Wade. I might be an insurrectionist, but at least I’m not a baby-killing election thief.

I will be residing in the minimum-security facility know as Devens FMC in Ayer, Mass. Feel free to write me; we have a lot of work to do. It’s time for Annie Kuster’s last stand, and I’m Chief Crazy Horse.




(Note: As a would-be candidate for Congress ought to know, that body had no role in the state executive actions that closed schools and businesses during the height of the pandemic, nor has it ever barred families from gathering.)