
Gary Johnson (left), and William Weld

{Let me make three (3) points about Libertarian Presidential candidate Gary Johnson’s campaign:

1) If he’s still polling at 10% — which he currently is against Clinton & Trump — he DEFINITELY deserves to have a podium at the nationally-televised debates, as well as his running mate Bill Weld at the vice presidential debates. Ross Perot didn’t have anything close to a 10% poll rating in ’92 and neither did most of the Republican candidates debating Trump in the Primaries last year and earlier this year.

2) Both Johnson (New Mexico) and Weld (Massachusetts) were both elected and re-elected Republican Governors in predominately Blue States. They’ve got to have something going for them. Unlike Perot and his running mate retired Admiral James Stockdale in ’92 (which was a complete and utter joke), I think both Johnson and Weld will come off very respectable and viable after the televised debates.

3) Until a viable 3rd Party Independent Presidential candidate emerges — and gets their name officially on the ballot in ALL 50 States — Gary Johnson and Bill Weld are the best options American voters got to have a President in the White House next year NOT named either Clinton or Trump. As far as Write-in candidates like Ted Cruz or Mitt Romney go — when was the last time a Write-in candidate ever won a major election, especially in a nationwide race? Keep in mind too, City Clerks and Town Clerks have the option to discard Write-in votes that are not legible or spelled incorrectly — do you really want to rely on that for picking our next President?

#JohnsonWeld2016 }