Apparently, White House Deputy Press Secretary T.J. Ducklo has been dating a political reporter, Alexi McCammond from a blogging website called, AXIOS. Ms. McCammond, according to Journalism ethics, should either refrain from reporting on anything regarding the White House, or, publicly disclose that she’s in a relationship with a White House staff employee. Well, McCammond covers stories about Vice President Kamala Harris for AXIOS, and she’s yet to disclose anything about her relationship with Ducklo.

The situation soon becomes extremely murky when another female reporter named Tara Palmeri from a rival political website, Politico, asked to do an article about the aforementioned relationship. Ducklo’s first response was to convince Ms. Palmeri against that idea.

“I will destroy you,” Ducklo said to Palmeri and then added he would ruin her reputation if she wanted to go through with that article. Believe it or not, Ducklo’s communication with Palmeri got even more vulgar by citing things in her supposed past which I’m not even going to mention here. Please read the material posted in this video and you’ll soon find out what I’m referring to.

Needless to say, it’s definitely NOT a Democrat vs Republican type thing as to “why” I think Ducklo should be immediately terminated. Simply put, the guy’s not mature enough to serve as a White House Deputy Press Secretary. Even the blogger of this video, Christo Aivalis, who usually favors Joe Biden and other liberals, believes Ducklo should be immediately fired. Giving Ducklo a one week suspension without pay is like a slap on the wrist for the stunt he pulled against Palmeri. Let’s see what happens.