Archives for posts with tag: Pat Boone

Can’t We All Get Along? Nobody can quite put that to words and music like the great actor and singer, Pat Boone.

Is the Earth millions, if not billions, of years old or was it actually created within a week of the first man, Adam, approximately 6,500 years ago? When the vast majority of the Earth’s population was destroyed by the Great Flood, were dinosaurs among the animals on Noah’s Ark?

Apparently, questions like these are not only debated between Christians and secular scientists, but even among Christians themselves.

Old Testament scholar John Sailhamer authored a book in 2011 titled, ‘Genesis Unbound‘, which he basically argues that the Hebrew word for “beginning” used in Genesis 1:1 sets a narrative for a duration of time, which could be anywhere from a couple days to millions, if not billions, of years, hence allowing for a period that might have had dinosaurs, along with other prehistoric entities like cavemen, freely roaming an undefined and unruly planet Earth. Sailhamer further asserted in this publication that this same Hebrew word for “beginning” in Genesis 1:1, is also used in the Biblical book of Job to set the narrative of Job’s successful life situation just prior to his faith being put to the test.

Then in Genesis 1:2, according to Sailhamer, God starts going to work and basically makes the land on Earth more inhabitable for human beings.

It should be noted here that promoted this publication, ‘Genesis Unbound’ on its website as, Why do people, specifically Christians, have to choose between God and Science? It sort of insinuated that people who were often confused by these types of Creation issues can now have the best of both worlds.

Needless to say, having read this book, it prompted me to invite Creation Science Evangelist Steve Grohman of CreationSeminar.Net to my government access TV show, ‘Frankly Speaking’ to discuss the matter. This was Grohman’s third appearance on my show since 2016.

So after a brief introduction by myself and Pastor David Howe of, The Sanctuary Pentecostal Church in Hudson NH (which sponsored Grohman’s stay in New Hampshire), and then ribbing him a little bit of how much Grohman resembles actor, Pat Boone, the interview turned to more serious stuff.

Grohman stuck to his guns that not only did God create the Earth and all its inhabitants in just six days but in the book of Exodus, which God gave Moses a stone tablet of the 10 Commandments, God reiterated this specific point and even literally etched it in stone.

We also discussed the Garden of Eden and some of the various theories of where it might be located on earth such as, Syria, Albania, and Palestine. Then we talked about how many people theorize that the Garden of Eden must be located in a place where the rivers: Nile, Ganges, Tigress, and Euphrates all meet. Grohman contended, however, that since the Great Flood, a lot of property was destroyed and many of the rivers back then probably were redirected afterwards. We both agreed that the Garden of Eden probably doesn’t currently look anything like it did when Adam and Eve resided there.

Bible Contradiction or Bad Science Theory?

One interesting point we raised on the show was a Bible passage that Sailhamer brought up in his book that’s caused a fairly large amount of controversy. In Joshua 10:12-13 , Joshua is praying that God makes the Sun and the Moon stand still, I assume for a few more hours of daylight so they could put the finishing touches and win the war against a wicked and evil enemy. God apparently grants Joshua’s prayer to make the Sun and the Moon stand still, in essence, freezing time. But wasn’t the Sun always “still”, while the Earth rotated around it?

So Polish scientist Nicolaus Copernicus initiated the Theory of Heliocentrism (the planets and stars all rotate around the Sun) around the 1500’s and that’s been the widely accepted consensus since then. But then again, people like Theologian Martin Luther always believed that everything, including the Sun, rotated around the Earth — probably because of the aforementioned Bible passage. Grohman was also hesitant to say this might’ve been a Bible error because who the heck knows if the Sun is actually somehow “moving”.

“Given the choice between something that’s in the Bible versus Science, I’ll go with the Bible every time”, Grohman said. The Creation Science Evangelist went on to say that he once saw a Science textbook specifically published for school youngsters that had a big disclaimer in front basically stating that the facts published in that publication were subject to change upon new evidence being discovered and proven. In other words, the facts stated in that science book may have been “true” at the time the thing was actually published, but might become disproved and obsolete some time afterwards. The Bible, on the other hand, has no such disclaimer. Advantage Bible over science publications (or any secular item) when it comes to truth, integrity, and credibility.

After reading through the first chapter of Genesis, it does appear like God put His priorities on the Earth and its inhabitants versus the Sun. In fact, God somehow, someway created “light” which not only lit and heated the earth but had the capability to separate day from night, and then on the fourth day, God created the Sun, the moon, and the stars. Absolutely amazing! To quote the late great Christian songwriter Rich Mullins, “our God is an Awesome God!”

But getting back to Steve Grohman, sitting through one of his Creation presentations is more than just a sermon or a teaching, it’s more like an experience you’ll never forget. It’s obvious that this guy puts a lot of heart and passion into his lectures. Please log onto his website, http://www.CreationSeminar.Net , and make it a point to see one of these forums for yourself. I can assure you, it’ll be well worth your while.

Sharon DiFronzo of Screamin Heart records sang the Intro and Outro theme songs for this particular episode.