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Frederica Wilson

U.S. Representative Frederica Wilson — D., Florida

SEAN HANNITY, FOX NEWS: First, Gold Star father, White House chief-of-staff John Kelly, General Kelly, completely obliterated Congresswoman Frederica Wilson and other Democrats and the liberal media for their disgusting, despicable and utterly shameless attempts to politicize the death of an American soldier. All in an attempt to attack President Trump.

So, what these people are doing is morally repugnant, it is beyond disgusting. It’s a slap in the face to the Americans who have fought, bled, and died for this country. Democrats, those in the media, you should be ashamed and embarrassed tonight. Now tonight, you all owe Gold Star parents, the brave men and women that wear our uniform for this country and the president, an apology for even daring to politicize and use the death of an American hero to score your cheap political points. And that is tonight’s very important news breaking opening monologue.

White House chief-of-staff, General John Kelly, retired Marine general whose own son was killed defending this country in Afghanistan in 2010, absolutely unloaded on Congresswoman Frederica Wilson, the Democrats and the media earlier today. It was so emotional, so moving and the best take down of the press I’ve ever seen. We are going to show you all of General Kelly’s comments, must-see comments in just a second.

But first, let me explain how the liberal media, the Trump-hating Congresswoman Frederica Wilson, are exploiting the death of an American hero in one of these most disgusting displays in American history. I’m going to tell you, this is sick. This is repulsive. It proves what we’ve been telling you. The left in this country has zero moral compass and they will use anyone and anything to bludgeon President Trump.

Now, Sergeant La David Johnson, he is an American hero. He laid down his life defending this country. But instead of honoring his sacrifice and his family and trying to comfort his heart broken in grieving family, what do we have? The liberal, ideological mainstream media, we have a congresswoman who hates President Trump, Frederica Wilson, using the dead body of an American soldier as a pawn in their sick and twisted political gain to take down the president.

Now, just look at some — this is a tiny sampling of the many shameful ways the liberal mainstream media is exploiting Sergeant Johnson’s death all to attack the president. Watch this. It’s nauseating.


WILLIE GEIST, MSNBC: He’s so quick with a tweet, why didn’t we hear just basic condolences to the four men who fell in Niger, the four Americans who gave their lives for their country in Niger?

MIKA BRZEZINSKI, MSNBC: Because he tweets about things he cares about, Willie.

LAWRENCE O’DONNELL, MSNBC: But no one can point to — what no supporter of Donald Trump can point to is a shred of public evidence that Donald Trump cares about any pain that is not his own. There is simply no evidence that anyone’s description of their pain can reach Donald Trump.

JAKE TAPPER, CNN: The problem that President Trump might have here, however, is that when it comes to sensitivity, when it comes to sensitivity about service and sacrifice specifically, he has already made what critics have assessed to be some grievously bad decisions.

JOSH EARNEST, FORMER WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY, MSNBC: It’s another example of President Trump’s willingness to go lower than anyone else in American politics to try to build himself up. And it is disgraceful.


HANNITY: This just shows you how morally bankrupt the media in this country is. To them, nothing, including the death of an American soldier, is off limits when it comes to bashing President Trump. What they are doing is beyond disrespectful and beyond the pale. The media is literally spitting on the graves of every single American who has died defending this country and their rights to be stupid like they are every day.

Then there’s Democratic Congresswoman Frederica Wilson. Oh, she is the number-one Trump hater in the country. What she is engaging in, in orchestrating here, is the epitome of gutter, bottom of the barrel politics. This woman is a disgrace to the U.S. Congress and doesn’t have an ounce of shame and her body. Frederica Wilson saw the death of Sergeant Johnson, oh, just as a way to manufacture controversy and try and hurt the president, and that’s exactly what she’s doing. Watch this.


REP. FREDERICA WILSON, D-FLA., ON CNN: There’s no reason for the president to be so insensitive. Not only to the family of this soldier but the impervious rhetoric. It’s disrespectful to the family of every soldier.

This man is a sick man. He’s coldhearted and he feels no pity or sympathy for anyone.

This might wind up to be Mr. Trump’s Benghazi.

So, the president evidently is lying because what I said is true. I have no reason to lie on the president of the United States.

He needs to learn from past presidents like President Obama and be presidential during times like this.

This gentleman has a brain disorder and he needs to be checked out.


HANNITY: Really, Congresswoman? Your deep hatred of this president shows no bounds. No limits. What kind of person is doing what Congresswoman Wilson is doing here? Think about this for a second. How low, how pathetic do you have to be to try and manipulate the tragic death of an American hero for bitter, partisan political gains?

Make no mistake. This should not be a surprise coming from Congresswoman Frederica Wilson. She has a very long history of doing nothing else but trashing President Trump. The media hasn’t told you about this part. Wilson has called for the president’s impeachment. She’s labeled him a racist, she said he was crazy. And the list of insults, I can go on and on and on, but here’s the bottom-line: Congresswoman Wilson is a national disgrace. Her conduct is beneath the position that she has in the U.S. Congress.

And while all of this is going on, the White House chief-of-staff General Kelly, retired general now, Gold Star parent, has been sitting back and watching with the media and the Democrats are doing, and keep in mind, unlike most of the president’s critics, General Kelly actually knows what it means to serve the country. And more importantly, General Kelly actually knows the unimaginable pain of losing a family member in combat. By the way, he never got a call from President Obama.

“You can’t fix stupid,” — Ron White, comedian with the, ‘Blue Collar Comedy Tour’

(So needless to say, comedian Kathy Griffin has received more than her share of public criticism for her asinine stunt last week of posing with a replica of President Donald Trump’s severed head — ISIS style — in a vain attempt for a “joke”. Trump supporters and critics alike are calling for employers and company endorsers of Ms. Griffin’s, like Squatty Potty, to publicly boycott and disassociate themselves with this tasteless comedian for obvious reasons.

A little more than 33 years ago I remember a teenager, who like Griffin, made an extremely stupid mistake and then subsequently paid the price for it.

This 19-year-old kid, who I’ll just refer to as, James, came to Lowell MA from New Orleans as sort of a Missionary to help promote a Christian-related doctrine of an organization that he was involved with at that time. James resided with three other “Missionaries”, from other parts of the country, for a one-year commitment to faithfully serve the Lord — or more accurately, this organization. As part of this Missionary program, the individuals were expected to obtain part-time jobs in order to financially sustain themselves to help pay food, rent, etc., for the year-long duration.

To say that James was a little overwhelmed to enter this spiritual commitment and then be sent to an area of the country, which jobs and industries were thriving, is truly an understatement. Add to this that James was both illiterate and a high school dropout made him more of a liability on any Missionary “family” because he was unable to understand and fill-out a job application.

To make matters even worse — if that’s possible — James was, to put it bluntly, just plain ignorant, immature and inconsiderate when it came to getting along with his roommates. For example, he would have a bowel movement and not flush the toilet afterwards, or perhaps floss his teeth in front of the bathroom mirror and not wash off the assorted food particles, etc. But when the tables were turned, James would publicly call out the roommate he was unhappy with and say, “I’m not blessed by that” or maybe, “Jesus wouldn’t do something like that”. In other words, James was like the roommate from Hell but about halfway thru the Missionary year, the tension in that household was going to escalate from bad to worse.

In the middle of January of that year, James noticed a “Help Wanted” sign in the window of a popular Dry Cleaning establishment, which was also located in Lowell and well within walking distance from where he resided. Since James viewed himself as the life of the party, and yearned to someday become a Comedian, he thought he’d have a little fun on applying for that job. He had a ski mask — with just the eyes exposed — in his coat pocket, proceeded to put it on, and say to the clerk behind the counter, “this is a hiccup” and then made the sound of a hiccup. The clerk — whom James had never met nor had he ever been inside that Dry Cleaning establishment before — replied, “please just get the hell out of here or I’ll get my gun”. Incidentally, the clerk was quoted in the local newspaper as saying that James had said, “this was a holdup.” So when James left, the clerk immediately called the Police and they proceeded to arrest James and charge him with, Attempted Unarmed Robbery.

Long story short, James was obviously represented by a Public Defender — since he obviously couldn’t afford his own attorney — and his case was immediately thrown out of Court. No prior offenses, no weapon, no robbery; James said afterwards that the case was “laughed out of Court” — although in reality, James seemed to be the only one laughing, while everyone else associated with this case thought it was just a plain stupid stunt to pull. James would later tell me that when he left the Dry Cleaners after the clerk had told him to get the hell out, he told her that she obviously was possessed with a “devil spirit” and he really didn’t want to work there anyway.

So like my former fellow church member James, Kathy Griffin did the severed Trump head photo pose just for the “shock value” of that moment under the very thinly veiled guise of trying to be funny. As far as comedians go, that’s their schtick, so to speak. To be honest, neither are actually funny. Both James and Ms. Griffin have the same color hair and are about the same age. Griffin, obviously has had more success on being a comedian than James, but I seriously have to wonder if she might have exploited herself, maybe sexually, to get where she got in the entertainment business. To even remotely consider this woman as the Second Coming of Carol Burnett, or maybe the Second Coming of Lucille Ball, would be just a blatant bold-face Lie.

Also, I think this latest photo shoot by Griffin further establishes the United States of America as being the greatest country in the world. If Griffin was Saudi Arabian and did a photo shoot like that with the severed head of that country’s President, she either would been thrown in Prison for the rest of her life, or immediately executed. In America, whether you like Donald Trump or not, the guy is still our President for the next four years. What Griffin is now calling a “joke”, most honest Americans would view as, Treason. Just sayin)

12 Things Kathy Griffin Might Have Considered Before Her Anti-Trump Stunt

May 31, 2017 by Fr. Dwight Longenecker

Anybody who reads this blog knows I am not a fan of Donald Trump, but the “beheading” stunt of Kathy Griffin was not only outrageous and offensive, but it was simply overwhelmingly stupid and crass.

Here are ten things Griffin might have considered before she took part in such an idiotic enterprise:

1. By Joking About Violence You Validate It – when you make jokes about something serious. What would happen, for example, if someone were to joke about a black man being lynched? You assume the joker is okay with black people being lynched. Putting aside the fact of Trump being a duly elected president, simply joking about be heading says you think its not really a big deal. That’s dumb.

2. A Photoshoot Showing a Beheading Boosts ISIS – The terrorist group really do behead people. They go public with it. They’re proud of what they do. The photoshoot plays off that and says, “ISIS is pretty cool. This beheading thing is fun.” Really?

3. A Picture Shouts a Thousand Words – You thought it was a joke? You’re a comedian and you don’t realize the power of humor and satire? Your pictures tells the world exactly how you feel–not just about President Trump, but about men, about life, about human dignity about yourself. Small person.

4. Nobody Will Believe Your Apology – There were too many conversations with your photographer friend about how you knew the image would be offensive and how you knew what you were doing was going too far. Because of this your apology is only caused further offense. Not smart.

5. People Know Cheap Publicity Stunts For What They Are – Did you think the public were so stupid? We can see a cheap and tawdry publicity stunt for what it really is. Flagging career? Need a few headlines (no pun intended) to get some attention? This is what middle school children do when they want attention. Sad.

6. This Will Not Hurt Trump – Did you really think such a childish photo rant would actually hurt Trump? Do you have so little understanding of human nature and human psychology? This will not only fire up Trump’s supporters even more, but it will push a lot of people sitting on the fence right down off the fence into Trump’s pep rally. You wanted to hurt Trump? Not a smart move.

7. The Left Will Sink Even Lower Hilary Clinton’s “resistance” is now associated with violence. Is this now the resistance of Robespierre? Do you even know who he was? Whether you like it or not people will take this as a threat not only to Trump but to anyone who supports him, or for that matter anyone who is a conservative. Did you not consider this? People will now assume that the Left are in favor of the guillotine solution. Think about it.

8. Feminism Is Smeared With Violence – I’m assuming Kathy Griffin at least has feminist sympathies if she is not a card carrying feminist. If so, the feminist movement is now associated with violence. This is the ultimate fem-argument? “Off with their heads!” I think the words for this stunt is “backfired”. Big time.

9. The Media Elite Are Trashed The Trump phenomenon sent a clear message to the media elite in America. Didn’t you get the message? The ordinary folks don’t trust the left wing media. They don’t believe you. They don’t like you. They don’t think you’re funny. They don’t respect you. They are turning you off. They’ve had enough. Did you think your funny photo shoot would help? C’mon.

10. Its Not Big and Its Not Clever – The puerility of the stunt is mind boggling. Did you and your photographer friend actually think this was big and important and witty and terribly terribly clever? You were wrong. It was crass, idiotic, puerile and just plain stupid. You didn’t see this?

11. This is a Slap in the Face to Victims of Violence – What impression do you think your funny photo had on the mother of James Foley or Steve Sotloff? If you had forgotten, these were a couple of American journalists who were publicly beheaded by ISIS. What effect did you think your photograph would have on the families of the Coptic martyrs beheaded by Muslims? What statement did you wish to make about the murders, torture and genocide going on in the Middle East every day? I guess you think thats real funny. What kind of a human being are you?

12. You Degraded All Of Us — Did you consider the fact that this gruesome picture would not only degrade you as a human being, but everyone else who looks at it? The picture was some kind of snuff porn. We’re supposed to be horrified and shocked and repulsed by such things. We are supposed to turn away and shield our children from such horrors. You thought it was funny and you imposed this “joke” on the whole nation. No one can un-see it. Thanks a lot for dragging our culture even further into the sewer.