Archives for posts with tag: Pro Choice

Joe Bouchoc, pastor of Discipleship Connections, with the Merrimack Valley Baptist Church in Merrimack NH, was my guest for this episode of, ‘Frankly Speaking’. This interview was filmed on 6/22/23 in the Nashua Public TV studio.

Pastor Bouchoc had done a 3-4 part series, along with one of his colleagues, titled, ‘A Christian’s Response to Abortion’. Although I brought out that we were taping our interview on just about the 1-year Anniversary of the Supreme Court’s overturning Roe v. Wade, which Federally-mandated Abortions nationwide for nearly a half century, and now gives each individual State the right to initiate its own Abortion laws.

But Bouchoc assured me that the series presented in January by MVBC, had absolutely nothing to do with the Midterm election which preceded it. It was basically to afford MVBC members the opportunity to understand what some of these people experience en route to these obvious life-altering decisions.

He also described his rather “unique” position at MVBC of serving as its, ‘Pastor of Discipleship Connections’, which Jesus himself was quoted in the Bible as ‘building Disciples in all nations’.

We discussed a Pro Life meme, which proclaimed that less than one percent of all Abortions involved either: Rape, Incest, or Life of the Mother – therefore, the other 99 percent of women got Abortions just for their own convenience. Although since there was no concrete evidence to substantiate that Meme, there was a more than fair chance that it was totally False.

We also discussed the option of Adoption, adopting with the United States versus adopting Overseas, and the Foster Parenting system in this Country.

We talked about the possibility of someone helping, who’s not directly involved in an Abortion situation, in the Pro Life movement. Bouchoc said that in Elections involving Federal or State candidates, it would be a game-changer for him personally, on whether the candidate proclaims themself as either Pro Choice, or Pro Life. Getting off the subject a little bit, we discussed how even local school board races are especially important on how these candidates view current issues like Critical Race Theory, Pronouns, Woke-ism, Gender Reassignment Surgery, etc.

Another sort of off-beat topic I raised was with Bouchoc was the whole notion on whether he’d counsel someone who got pregnant if they, “had to get Married”? I told Bouchoc if either of my sons were in that situation, I’d tell either one of them that unless they thought for sure that they love that woman very much – and she also loved them – just stay Single & pay Child Support.

Incidentally, if you wish to contact Pastor Joe Bouchoc, please log onto: .

Furthermore, if you happen to be contemplating getting an Abortion, the New Hampshire Right to Life organization has some excellent counselors who can advise you on what your options are, its website is: .

Lastly, another great option to just simply network and vent your concerns or questions, if you happen to be on , they’ve got a Fan Page titled, ‘I regret my abortion‘. They’ve got nearly 4000 members, 3.8K to be exact, and I would assume all of the ladies who serve as the Administrators for that Fan Page have had adverse experiences in the aforementioned subject matter.

Local entertainer Sharon DiFronzo of Screamin Heart records sang the intro & outro theme song for this episode, ‘Comin and Goin’.

If you could tell someone considering abortion one (1) thing, what would it be?

The aforementioned question was recently posed on the Facebook Fan Page, ‘I regret my abortion’ and a few of the responses were as follows:

Kristi D.

Memories cannot be displaced. If you think no will know and it will be easy to forget, it just isn’t possible. Every time you see a child or someone pregnant, it will be a reminder of your pregnancy and the child you don’t have now.

I lost my only child to abortion.

Esther J.

The relief is short lived, the burden of regret is life long!! You’re forever left wondering who that little one would have become and what they would have all accomplished.

Ashley B

I actually told a friend how the regret and the ‘what ifs’ can you eat you alive.

She ended up keeping her daughter and shortly after, married the dad and had another son.

When I think of my friend who became unexpectedly pregnant in college with someone she wasn’t even sure about, it makes me realize our life choices have such a domino effect.

It really is mind blowing how strongly it affects the entire rest of our lives. It’s a choice that has such a widespread ripple effect, but I don’t think most people who consider abortion even think that far ahead.

Annette R

A person is declared dead when their heartbeat stops, maybe they should be declared alive when their heart is beating. Your tiny little baby already has a heartbeat. Their little life has already started and they’re trusting you to keep them safe until they’re able to take their first breath.

(And I’m not saying it’s not a baby from the conception, but most abortions occur after the baby’s heart has already starting beating, in itself declaring him or her alive)

Deserves the Right to Live His/Her Life