Jason Riddle, a Keene NH resident who served 90 days in Federal prison for his involvement in the January 6th Insurrection (J6), has publicly announced his intentions of running for the Republican nomination of the U.S. Representative to New Hampshire’s 2nd Congressional District (NH-2) in 2024. Although Riddle said he had sent a, Letter of Intention of running to the Federal Campaign Commission for this U.S. Rep seat next year, he appeared for an interview on my government-access T.V. show, ‘Frankly Speaking’, at the Nashua Public TV studio on 1-31-23.

Riddle, or whoever should win next year’s Republican nomination in this race, will tentatively run against Incumbent Democrat Congresswoman Ann Kuster in the 2024 General Election.

In our interview, we rehashed Riddle’s J6 experience, along with his subsequent 3-month stay at the Devens Federal Correction Facility (formerly known as, Fort Devens Army Base), in Massachusetts. Actually, Riddle was a candidate for this same Congressional seat last year. But since Riddle served his prison sentence just prior to the 2022 Primary Election, he realized that his chances of actually “winning” were somewhere around, slim-to-none due to the fact that he wasn’t able to physically participate in any of the scheduled candidates’ debates. Therefore, Riddle managed to post on his Facebook page within the first month of his sentence that he was withdrawing his candidacy from that race.

We talked about any advantage(s) a candidate might have to campaign for an office, like U.S. Rep, for almost two years (which is just about the entire elected term of that office). Riddle mentioned he’d love to purchase either a tee shirt or hoodie with an inscription like: ‘Riddle for U.S. Congress’ on the front of it, and then maybe go into some of the Diners in the Cities and Towns of NH’s 2nd Congressional District and just get into conversations with the folks there and campaign for their Votes. Also, Riddle could also attend special community events like Fourth of July celebrations, or maybe Memorial Day or maybe Thanksgiving parades and just meet and talk to people.

I ribbed Riddle a little bit about coming on my T.V. show wearing a Plaid Neck Tie, along with a Plaid Shirt, but he shot right back that he was a unique individual who didn’t care too much about fashion.

Riddle also might’ve been the only political candidate appearing on, ‘Frankly Speaking’, to use an email address, ‘RiddleMeThisCongress@yahoo.com‘ , rather than a regular campaign website. I reminded Riddle that there are websites like: WordPress.com , or blogger.com , that offer people FREE websites which, a political candidate, like himself, could amply lists all the major Issues of their campaign, along with offer people a dialogue exchange which they can ask any questions of anything they wish.

The Keene resident assured me that a campaign website would be forthcoming, but there are still a couple of ways people can contact him if they really wanted to. On Facebook, he’d be the Jason Riddle who’s shown in his Profile photo, with a tee shirt that reads, “Hillary for Cellmate 2022”, and his cover photo is a red Meme with a white fist that read, “Let’s Take Congress by Storm”.

Incidentally, if you’d rather not become a ‘Facebook Friend’ of Jason Riddle, you can still ‘Message’ him through that forum, as long as you have an account yourself on Facebook.

Also, if you wish to call or text Riddle personally, then you can contact him by just dialing (203) 464-3984 . I must say that I was mildly surprised when Riddle publicly divulged that tidbit on my show like that.

Should Riddle obtain a campaign website within the not-too-distant future, I will gladly post it here on this blog.

Lastly, local entertainer Sharon DiFronzo of Screamin Heart Records, sang the intro and outro song, “Comin and Goin” to this particular episode.

And Very Lastly, Mr. Riddle wanted me to remind everybody that any Financial Contributions for his 2024 U.S. Rep election campaign are all extremely welcomed and appreciated.