Archives for posts with tag: protocol
Gold Star wife

Gold Star Wife, Ms. Laura Youngblood weeping over the grave of her husband Travis L. Youngblood at section 60, Arlington

1. DON’T WISH ANYONE A “HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY!” This is not a holiday like Christmas and this day was not created to bring glee! Despite what the day has transitioned to in American culture, it was established to reflect, honor and remember America’s military fallen.

2. DON’T DISREGARD ITS IMPORTANCE. Sure enjoy the sales, grill some amazing steaks, and find the perfect mattress on sale, just don’t forget to raise a glass in honor of those servicemen and women who gave the ultimate sacrifice.

3. DON’T FORGET IT EXISTS. This holiday exists for a reason. Use this day to reflect and honor our fallen heroes who paid the ultimate sacrifice for you!

4. DON’T LET POLITICS KEEP YOU FROM RENDERING RESPECT! Even if you don’t agree with the idea of war, or the reasons America goes to war, or the policies of a particular president who was the Commander in Chief during a specific war, it doesn’t matter. People have defended the people and interests of America for over 200 years, and your right to disagree with the reasons for war should be separate from your opinion of the troops themselves.

Possible ideas: Have a peaceful, mindful, respectful, grateful, blessed MEMORIAL DAY!

by Mark Soto
May 22, 2020 at 5:45 AM
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Image[Is there any honor and respect associated with the office of the President of the United States anymore? Call me an old fart or an old “geezer” if you will, but I just feel there ought to be a certain decorum or protocol regarding this position – even if you no longer hold the office. Enter former U.S. President, Bill Clinton, who was actually impeached from that office due to the fact that he LIED to a Grand Jury over his extra-marital affair with then-White House intern Monica Lewinsky.

So do you think Bill Clinton has learned his lesson over the Lewinsky oral sex in the Oval Office experience (Clinton’s sperm stain on Ms. Lewinsky’s blue dress, which she failed to get dry-cleaned)? Not really. Now, our former President is posing with a couple of Nevada prostitutes at a big social LA fundraiser. This begs the question: Do we really want this guy’s wife, Hillary, to serve as our President in 2016? Wouldn’t Ms. Clinton be better served by trying to get her own marriage in order rather than trying to get our country back in order? Lastly, why wouldn’t Bill Clinton have asked either wife Hillary – or even daughter Chelsea – to have joined him in this particular photo with the Nevada hookers? If not, why not?

Hopefully, most American voters will be so sick-and-tired of eight years with Barack Obama that they’ll have just enough common sense to, at least, vote Republican for a change. We’ll have to see what happens.]

“You are judged by the company you keep.”

“Birds of a feather, flock together.”

Bill Clinton poses with prostitutes Barbie Girl and Ava Adora at humanitarian gala 

The former President snapped a photo with two sex workers from the Nevada Bunny Ranch brothel at the Unite4Charity benefit.

What would Hillary say?

Former President Bill Clinton raised eyebrows on Friday night when he paused to snap a photo with two prostitutes at the star-studded charity ball Unite4Charity.

Clinton, 67, was working the crowd at the fancy LA gala when he paused to take a picture with two young fans, Ava Adora and Barbie Girl, two sex workers from the Moonlite Bunny Ranch brothel in Moundhouse, Nevada.

The working girls were the invited guests of Dennis Hof, the 68-year-old proprietor of the brothel made famous by HBO’s series “Cathouse.”

“These two girls are just incredible fans of Bill Clinton,” Hof told the Daily News. “They kept saying, ‘Please take me, Daddy.'”

Hof brought 23-year-old Adora and 22-year-old Barbie to the event along with longtime pal, porn superstar Ron Jeremy.

On her website, Adora describes herself as a “passionate lover.” Barbie Girl’s bio boasts that she specializes in “devirginizing parties.”

Clinton gave the event’s keynote address, and also received the gala’s Unity Award from Forest Whitaker.

Clinton was going through there pretty fast, and the girls happened to get up front. They told Clinton that they were big fans and they took the photo,” Hof continued.

Clinton, Hoff confirmed, was busily snapping photos with well-wishers, and didn’t realize that he had posed for a picture with ladies of the evening.

“He didn’t know they were hookers,” Hof said. “But I guess when you’re a President, you like pretty girls too.”

Hof also contradicted a previous TMZ report that the girls had snuck in and were thrown out after snapping the picture.

“There’s no truth to that,” Hof said. “They stayed for the entire event and enjoyed it. The girls were enthusiastic about the event, and thrilled to meet Clinton. It was a great night for a great cause.”

The ex-commander-in-chief was one of the honored guests at the charity event, which also featured Robert De Niro and Martin Scorsese. But Ava Adora and Barbie Girl only had eyes for Clinton.

“They didn’t have any interest in Sean Penn or Robert DeNiro,” Hof said. “But Clinton they loved meeting.”