Does Joe Biden honestly view American voters as this BLEEPIN stupid?

He does a Podcast video clip out of his basement in Delaware — wearing sunglasses for whatever reason — of all the supposed TOUGH, PROBING questions asked of him on YET, ZERO questions about his thoughts on either the Coronavirus situation, or his former staffer Tara Reade’s sexual assault allegations against him.

Getting back to the sunglasses thing: Unless your name is either Ray Charles, Stevie Wonder, or Jose Feliciano, you really have no business wearing sunglasses inside a house — especially if you’re running for President.

He’s addresses a lot of dumb questions like if he’s a Democrat, or did he graduate from college. He does address the Impeachment situation, HOWEVER Sleepy Joe mentions NOTHING about his own or his son Hunter Biden’s involvement with Ukraine corruption.

Stay tuned for Biden’s next Podcast video clip which he’ll address: what’s his favorite color, and what’s his astrological sign.