Archives for posts with tag: Ray Comfort

To call The Fool — The Movie, a truly amazing testimony would be an understatement. In this video production, which lasts just over an hour (about 66 minutes), popular Evangelist Ray Comfort is shown going through one of his more popular commentaries on how a banana was an Atheist’s Worst Nightmare because God created this fruit perfectly for people to hold, peel, and then eat. It’s color always indicated when it was: too early (green), too old (brown), or perfectly ripe (yellow). Even it’s non edible peel is bio-degradable and naturally reverts back to dirt.

Unfortunately for Comfort, the consumable bananas we buy in supermarkets are scientifically enhanced with chemicals. The banana, in its original form, isn’t really fit for human consumption. Who knew? And needless to say, when the Atheist community found out about it, they immediately dubbed Comfort, “The Banana Man” and used the Internet to make him the #1 source of public scorn and ridicule among their supporters. At the very least, Comfort often referring to the banana as, ‘The Atheist Worst Nightmare’, maybe proved among their ilk that the guy was not credible in his testimony and then asking themselves, what else could he be wrong about?

Comfort might’ve been down at this point, but he certainly wasn’t out when it came to sharing the Gospel message. He focused on scriptures like Philippians 1:12, which Paul the Apostle talks about how God used his negative predicament for a positive result. This evangelist had numerous opportunities to publicly debate Atheists and continue to spread his Gospel message through these venues. Comfort was also publicly called out a couple more times by the Atheist community when he was chatting with one of them and responded to being referred to as a “bibliophile”, falsely thinking that might’ve had something to do with pedophiles. Or another time, Comfort asked a well-known Atheist his “thorts” about a certain subject, when he obviously misspelled the word, “thoughts”.

I think the main message Comfort is trying to convey here is, once in a while when Christians try to share their testimony or maybe the Gospel message with others, they may wind up getting their nose pushed in every now and then. Maybe they’ll misquote a verse in the Bible. If that happens, is that the, ‘end of the world’? I don’t think so — not by a long shot.

I strongly exhort and encourage, Christians and non Christians alike, to watch this video, The Fool — The Movie, which is just a couple minutes longer than an average network TV show. It’ll be well worth your while and it’ll probably wind up changing your life.

An excellent testimony focusing in on Politicians like House Speaking Nancy Pelosi, and former First Lady and Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, and why they pray. Ray Comfort of Living Waters Ministry interviews two gentlemen to get their thoughts on this subject. The video is a little more than 20 minutes and is well worth watching.

So would you consider Parkland Fla., shooter Nikolas Cruz, or maybe even the gunman behind the more recent Santa Fe (TX) high school killings, “Evil” or “Insane”? Is there any difference between these two terms? In this 20-something minute video, ‘School Shooting’, Evangelist Ray Comfort interviews several random individuals I assume in his native California and offers some very fascinating perspective on the subject:

Okay staunch Christians out there, please weigh-in and let us know what you think about this subject.

Various Christian ministries have devised several hundred, maybe even several thousand, different types of Gospel tracts in an effort to lead others to Jesus Christ. For the purpose of this particular posting, however, I’d just like to focus on two rather “unique” tracts which sort of stand out from all the others like a sore thumb.

One is a Trillion Dollar Bill tract, which at a quick glance, looks extremely similar to a regular American dollar bill — it causes one to take a lengthy second look just to verify that it’s not the real thing. Another interesting tract, produced by the same ministry that manufactures the Trillion Dollar Bill, looks like a thin cardboard coaster used for glasses and cups on a table and this product is called a, Round Tuit.

Both of these products were initiated by Ray Comfort, who has a show on Christian TV called, ‘Way of the Master’, and his website is, . One of the individuals in Comfort’s ministry is former TV teen idol, Kirk Cameron, who is very active in many of the TV and internet productions.

Personally, I don’t see anything wrong with distributing these Gospel tracts. I mean, if one of these things help eventually lead someone to Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior — Praise God, what’s wrong with that? But I know at least a couple of Christian leaders who view these as, too much gimmickry to lead someone to the Lord.

I guess I just don’t get it.

Granted, I can fully understand Christian leaders wanting to be as honest and straightforward as possible when it comes to leading others to Jesus Christ or the Word of God. I just don’t see how it could be construed as deceitful or dishonest to publish a short but effective Gospel message on a tract that resembles either a dollar bill or drinking glass coaster. I would hardly put this approach on the same plateau as, lets say, a minister who would either exploit sexual favors from his female congregants or maybe guaranteeing people that they’d be healed of a chronic disease if they’d just join his church.

If someone wrote and performed a Christian song that had a very addicting beat to it, like a lot of Rock and Roll music for example, would most Christians automatically trash it as being too secular or too worldly? Assuming the songwriter didn’t plagiarize someone else’s music — what the heck would the problem be?

Another interesting facet about these Gospel tracts is the message being conveyed on the back side — citing verses like Matthew 5:28 (equating lusting after a woman as having already committed Adultery); or 1 John 3:15 (hating or disliking another individual is like being a murderer in God’s eyes). In other words, a message that would prompt people to study and learn a little bit more about God and His Word (the Bible), before they eventually face Judgment Day.

Granted, the message on these particular tracts won’t lead anybody to Eternal Salvation, per se, but it’s definitely a step in the right direction. Besides that, if a person wants to make Jesus Christ, “Lord and Savior in their Life”, wouldn’t you want to know absolutely everything there is to know about Him and what He’s all about?

A couple more points, if one of the main purposes of publishing a Gospel tract is to get people to actually read the entire thing — then BINGO, it’s so corny and unique that most people would read everything on it just to see what it’s all about.

Lastly, youngsters absolutely love them. And the best time for anybody to get involved with God and the Bible, is from pre-teens thru maybe 20-somethings. Since the Bible quotes Jesus as saying that his Second Coming will take place like a “thief in the night” and for us to always “be ready”, then I would argue, the younger the better is probably the absolute best time to want to declare Jesus Christ as, Lord and Savior in your life. After reading over either the Round Tuit or Trillion Dollar Bill tracts, they’re ideal to either tape on a school locker or maybe your bedroom wall because they look so cool.

Because of their effectiveness on people — non Christians, in particular — wanting to examine its entire message, I think these tracts are truly a brilliant concept and Ray Comfort might be a marketing genius for coming up with the idea. Could this be a bit of a stretch on my part? Yeah, probably. But I never really viewed people or Gospel tracts responsible for anybody else to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior — God is ultimately responsible to inspire people to follow Him while Christian believers, Gospel tracts, and everything else are just basically seeds planted to help make it happen.

I’d love to hear from some staunch Christians — or even not so staunch Christians — on what they think about these tracts.

It’s too bad the majority of the U.S. Supreme Court didn’t watch this video, ‘AudacityBEFORE it made homosexual marriage the, Law of the Land a couple weeks ago. Ray Comfort, and his Living Waters ministry, has produced some EXCELLENT videos on Bibically-related topics such as: Evolution and Sharing the Gospel. Please take the time to watch this video on the movie, Audacity, which is less than 15 minutes — I can assure you that it’ll be well worth your while. Also, please check out, AudacityMovie.comĀ  .

The Biblical truth about Gay people.