Archives for posts with tag: Science

What the hell is going on in my old alma mater? I actually graduated from Dracut High School (MA) many, many, many years ago. Since then, they’ve obviously hired perverts like this pig, Eric Jackson to pass out kinky surveys and ask his students questions that are none of his damn business! Also, this guy Jackson has 19 years seniority as a Dracut High teacher — it’d be a crying shame if all that seniority were to get flushed down the proverbial toilet.

Science teacher on leave for giving students sex survey about their ‘turn-ons’

By Jackie Salo

May 25, 2021 | 3:52pm | Updated

A Massachusetts high school teacher has been placed on leave after giving his students a sex survey that asked them about their “turn-ons” and where they liked to hook up, according to a report.

Dracut High School science teacher Eric Jackson left parents outraged with the questionnaire, which he pulled from a sex educator’s website and gave to his 11th-grade anatomy class Friday, news station WDHD reported.

“I just thought it was very strange and that I didn’t want to be partaking in it,” junior Daniel Martin told the outlet.

The survey asked students to rate on a scale how much they identify with statements, such as “Having sex in a different setting than usual is a real turn-on for me” and “Often, just how someone smells can be a turn-on.”

“I was appalled. I couldn’t even believe it. I do not believe that came from a teacher,” parent Richard Silvio Sr. told news station WBTS.

Dracut Public Schools quickly suspended Dracut High School teacher Eric Jackson after photos of the racy questionnaire surfaced on social media, igniting outrage from parents.

His son, Richard Silvio Jr., called for the teacher to be ousted over the sex questionnaire.

“I do not think he should keep his job,” he told the outlet. “I’m sorry — I think what he did was absurd.”

Reached for comment, Jackson said the teachers union asked him not to discuss the matter, news station WBTS reported.

Jackson is on paid leave after he distributed a sex survey to students in his 11th-grade anatomy class.

Dracut Public Schools Superintendent Steven Stone said in a statement that the district is looking into the controversial lesson.

“The district takes the health and well-being of students most seriously and has initiated a review of the matter,” Stone said. “The teacher has been placed on administrative leave pending that review.”

(‘Politics with Bigos & Silvio’ definitely have a Facebook page — as this was copied off it on 5-27-21. I believe these guys also have a regular political show on the Dracut Government-Access TV Network. Since the photograph of the actual worksheet didn’t come out too well, I didn’t use it for this posting but it can be viewed on the aforementioned Facebook page.)

Politics with Bigos & Silvio

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Multiple credible sources have come forward with claims that a science teacher in the building has handed out worksheets with questions regarding “Sexual Arousal” and Organisms. A photograph of the worksheet is featured below, along with a transcript.

It is reported that the teacher, while teaching an Anatomy class, handed out this worksheet and said that “he wasn’t going to collect it”. At this time we have no reason to believe that this worksheet was assigned with malicious content. Stay tuned for further developments.

TRANSCRIPT: Note-The statements were to be rated on a scale of 0-4

Q1. Unless things are ‘just right’, it is difficult for me to become sexually aroused.

Q2. When I am sexually aroused, the slightest thing can turn me off.

Q3. I must trust a partner to become fully aroused.

Q4. If I am worried about taking too long to become aroused or to orgasm, this can interfere with my arousal.

Q5. Sometimes I feel so ‘shy’ or self-conscious during sex that I cannot become fully aroused.”

I’ve got to admit, one thing I really admire about Joe Biden, he is truly a man of Science. Especially when talking about the way Donald Trump is handling our National (or Worldwide) Pandemic with the COVID-19 situation — “Why doesn’t the President just, ‘Follow the Science’?” Wow, I’m sure glad this YouTube blogger Andrew from his blog, Don’t Walk, Run! Productions, puts this in some nice perspective for us all. After watching this video, are there any questions on why Biden refuses to answer Reporter’s questions after he gives a Press Conference?