Archives for posts with tag: Screamin Heart records
Divorced Dads Tim Bickford (left), and Dan Shepard shared their testimony recently on, ‘Frankly Speaking’ about how their complaints to the Attorney Discipline Office (ADO) in Concord NH, may have prompted both Brian D. Kenyon and Keri J. Marshall, of Marshall Law in East Kingston NH, to resign as Attorneys instead of answering some very serious unethical allegations. Specifically, Kenyon and Marshall had represented the ex-wives of both Bickford and Shepard. This video is just less than an hour long, and it’s well worth the watch.

This episode of, ‘Frankly Speaking’ featured two divorced dads, Tim Bickford and Dan Shepard, who each filed ethical complaints against their ex wives attorneys working out of the Marshall Law office on 47 Depot Road in East Kingston NH. The interview took place in the Nashua Public TV studio on 1/25/24.

Both Bickford and Shepard represented themselves Pro Se and filed their complaints with the, Attorney Discipline Office (ADO) in Concord NH about 10 years apart – Shepard in 2012 against Atty. Keri J. Marshall, and Bickford in 2022 against Atty. Brian D. Kenyon. Marshall and Kenyon opted to resign as Lawyers rather than go through any intense scrutiny of these ethical complaints. There was also another individual, Michael Kimball, who also filed a complaint with the ADO shortly after Bickford did in ’22. Apparently, Kimball had a meeting with Ms. Marshall for over an hour and was billed about $300. When his case fell apart because there was no action taken on it, Marshall then informed Kimball that she wasn’t a licensed Lawyer anymore in NH, hence Kimball’s complaint to the ADO office.

Unfortunately, there were no newspapers, or electronic media outlets (radio and TV) who pursued this story. A NH state-wide news blog, Granite Grok did a fairly nice article about this situation. A nationwide site – , included both Kenyon and Marshall onto something it refers to as: the ‘Wall of Shame’. Then another entity called, The Committee to Expose Dishonest & Incompetent Judges, Attorneys & Public Officials on the site, , referred to Atty. Kenyon as an, ‘idiotic slacker’.

One unusual aspect to the, Granite Grok article, published on, 1/16/24 – the Marshall Law office on 47 Depot Road in East Kingston, despite not currently having any licensed attorneys employed with that organization, it still has a sign in front of its building giving folks the impression that it’s still operating as a Law firm. Somebody like Michael Kimball, however, would probably disagree 100% with that statement.

Incidentally, if you wish to contact the organization that Bickford represented the first time he appeared on, ‘Frankly Speaking’, several years ago – The Fathers Rights’ Movement of New Hampshire – please log onto: . Since that TV appearance, however, Bickford is no longer actively involved with that group.

Boston area singer Sharon DiFronzo of Screamin Heart records sang the intro and outro theme song to this particular episode.

Kurt Wuelper, vice president of the New Hampshire Right to Life organization, was my guest for this episode of, ‘Frankly Speaking’. Since Wuelper appeared on my show about two weeks earlier, we had more than enough material regarding the Pro Life agenda for a second episode, hence this was ‘Part 2’ of our conversation. This interview took place in the Nashua Public TV studio on, 9-13-23.

We started off the show with a Meme with someone holding up an infant with the inscription that less than 1 percent of all Abortions pertained to either Rape, Incest, or Life or the Mother, hence, according to the author of the Meme, more than 99 percent of the Mothers who have Abortion were just selfish and inconsiderate. Wuelper argued that it was really tough to tell “WHY” any woman goes through with an Abortion because there aren’t really any statistics or records kept.

Along the same lines as the aforementioned Meme, Pro Life advocates often invoke a hypothetical scenario as if we were in Heaven throughout all Eternity and got a chance to ask Jesus himself “WHY” He allowed so much humanity waste away via Cancer, Alzheimer’s, ALS, Muscular Dystrophy, etc.? Would Jesus possibly respond and say that He did create people destined to cure all those diseases but they were all Aborted by their Mothers? Wuelper responded and said it was his beliefs that we could never have Love without first experiencing Pain. The V.P. of NHRTL then went on to cite the Biblical excerpts between God and Job, when God asked, “Where were you when I did…etc., etc. Wuelper then brought up Paul the Apostle when he talked about how we’re all God’s workmanship and to do ‘good works’ there must be some suffering in the process.

Then when I asked Wuelper on how would he respond to a Pro Choice advocate who would accuse him of being very “selfish” and “inconsiderate” for not agreeing to use aborted fetus parts for medical research, Kurt said, “It’s never easy to do the Right Thing.”

We also talked about RU-486, a.k.a. Mifepristone, the Abortion pill, etc., and it’s Side-effects.

We discussed how different faith backgrounds could get involved with NHRTL because everybody has varying degrees of ethics and morals.

We got into the importance of next year’s Election, which Roe v. Wade could easily reverse back to Federal law, if enough people go out to vote for it. Wuelper, needless to say, along with his colleagues at NHRTL, would ideally love to see all abortions illegal, but they realize the public isn’t quite there yet. Hence, the Pro Life advocates would, realistically, like to regulate abortions here in the Granite State to, as few as possible.

I suggested joining a Facebook fan page titled, ‘I regret my abortion’, which might serve as a great counseling tool for people contemplating abortion.

Incidentally, if you wish to examine further information on the New Hampshire Right to Life group, please log onto: .

Local entertainer Sharon DiFronzo of Screamin Heart records sang the intro and outro theme song to this episode.

Jacob Wells, founder & chief financial officer of the Online Fundraising group, ‘Give Send Go‘, was my guest for this episode of, ‘Frankly Speaking’. This particular interview took place on, 9-6-23, in the Nashua Public TV studio.

Give Send Go‘ is a Christian-based Online Fundraising, a.k.a. Crowdfunding, business created by Wells, along with his sister, Heather Wilson about eight years ago. Although this business had been turning over profits during its first five years in operation, its public visibility strongly increased when it represented Kyle Rittenhouse, an alleged vigilante during one of the 2020 Black Lives Matter riots in Wisconsin which Rittenhouse had shot and killed two individuals, and severely wounded a third all while trying to protect his relatives Auto Parts business from being destroyed in this event.

Another business which gave, ‘Give Send Go‘ quite a bit of public exposure was that of the Canadian truckers when they were protesting against their country’s government a couple years back.

We talked quite a bit about how the name, “Give Send Go” was first initiated, and what were some of the main distinctions between it and it’s main rival, ‘Go Fund Me‘. We further talked about how someone in need of fundraising can avail themselves of ‘Give Send Go‘ services.

Much of the Internet criticisms against, ‘Give Send Go’ stem from many others, who most likely never used their services but attempt to “cancel” both Jacob and his sister Heather mainly because they refuse to conform themselves to our country’s “Woke” community. Wells added that he and his sister strive to help those following ‘Give Send Go‘, live their lives “selflessly”, and hopes to prove to its public audience that, “our (Give Send Go’s) actions speak louder than their (Woke community critics) words.”

I joked with Wells in the interview that he and his sister Heather ought to go on the TV show, Shark Tank, and ask the Sharks if they’d be willing to give you two, $1 million for 1 percent of your business. I told Wells that even if none of the Sharks were willing to give you and your sister $1 million (sometimes 1-2 Sharks might make a ‘counter offer’), him and his sister would be afforded about 10-15 minutes of Prime National (or International?) broadcast visibility. I further joked about one of the more popular Sharks on that show, Kevin O’Leary, a.k.a. Mr. Wonderful, has an old cliche which he’s shared on that production about a zillion times – ‘Anybody who’s been operating a business for at least three years and still hasn’t made a profit yet, is actually doing a Hobby as opposed to running a Business’. Funny thing – both Wells and his sister, Heather, DISPROVE O’Leary’s theory as they didn’t really hit “the Big Money” till about the Five-year mark of, ‘Give Send Go’.

After the studio interview, I inadvertently forgot to ask Wells about the situations that ‘Give Send Go‘ would automatically REFUSE to represent, right up front. He told me that it would be any type of funding for Abortions, and secondly, any type of funding for either a youngster or a teenager to have, Gender Reassignment Surgery.

Incidentally, Wells and his sister, Heather operate an Internet podcast called, ‘Shine Brightly‘, which largely correlates to their Non Denominational Christian upbringing in nearby Salem NH. If you wish to learn more about, ‘Give Send Go‘, please log onto its website – .

Local entertainer, Sharon DiFronzo of Screamin Heart records, sang the Intro and Outro theme song for this particular episode.

‘Give Send Go’ co-founders Jacob Wells & Heather Wilson deliver a public presentation at the 2022 CPAC event.

Kurt Wuelper, vice president of New Hampshire Right to Life, was my guest for this episode of, ‘Frankly Speaking‘. This interview took place at the Nashua Public TV studio on 8-30-23.

It’s been approximately one year since the Supreme Court overturned our country’s legislation on Abortion – which was intact for nearly a half century – thus putting the onus on each of the 50 States as to how they choose to legally manage this item. The NHRTL, long-time staunch Pro Life advocates, would love to see Abortion prohibited here in the Granite State.

Among the topics discussed on this episode: how NH fares on its Abortion laws versus other neighboring States, have there been any reports of arrests or threats against any NHRTL members following protests or public confrontations, does NHRTL present Adoption as a viable option to Abortion, does NHRTL offer a ‘Report Card’ system to provide Voters a gauge on how each State elected official is rated according to their Pro Life stance, and should “Infanticide” be viewed as, Murder?

Incidentally, if you’d like more information on, The New Hampshire Right to Live group, please log onto: .

Local entertainer Sharon DiFronzo, of Screamin Heart records, sang both the Intro and Outro song to this particular episode.

Walter Mailhot, outreach/recruiting coordinator of Concord (NH) Men’s Prison for, Kairos Prison Ministry International, was my guest for this episode of, ‘Frankly Speaking‘. This particular show was taped in the Nashua Public TV studio on 8/28/23.

Mailhot made it clear that Kairos is NOT an Inmate advocacy group, and that the prisoners were there to face the consequences of their own bad choices.

Simply put, Kairos is basically a Christian ministry helping Prisoners find Jesus Christ, via Biblical teachings and sharing with each other. Kairos views itself as an “Ecumenical” Christian organization as opposed to any specific denomination such as: Baptist, Catholic, Lutheran, Non Denominational, etc. As you might’ve guessed, the Recidivism rate for inmates released after participating in the Kairos program is much better of not returning to Prison, versus if they had never experienced it.

Two of the key Bible scriptures used on the Kairos brochures include: Mark 10:45 – For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many. Secondly, Matthew 25:35-40  for I was hungry and you gave Me food; I was thirsty and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in;  I was naked and you clothed Me; I was sick and you visited Me; I was in prison and you came to Me.’ “Then the righteous will answer Him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry and feed You, or thirsty and give You drink? When did we see You a stranger and take You in, or naked and clothe You? Or when did we see You sick, or in prison, and come to You?’ And the King will answer and say to them, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.’

After talking about origin of the word “Kairos”, we discussed how a lot of folks might feel apprehensive about volunteering to serve within a Prison. Mailhot agreed that serving in a Prison is not for everybody and there were other available volunteer services within the Kairos organization, which people can definitely help out and make life a little better for the inmates.

Being involved in a Prayer Partners group via the Internet is much needed and always welcomed. Youngsters drawing pictures with the inscription, ‘God loves You’ are encouraged, and financial donations can help out as well.

Another way to help out this Prison Ministry is to lobby your local Pastor if either Mailhot, or somebody else from Kairos, could make a short presentation at your Church during, perhaps, the morning announcements. Maybe even leave some brochures for anyone who may want additional information.

Incidentally, if you’d like more information about, Kairos Prison Ministry International, please log onto: .

Local entertainer Sharon DiFronzo, of Screamin Heart records, sang the Intro and Outro song for this particular episode.

Meet Jennifer (Jen) Robidoux, a never married 40-something year old who’s a para-educator in a New Hampshire local public school system for elementary level students with Autism. She joined a Facebook fan page called, ‘Good Humored Single Catholics’ hoping to just socialize and have a nice friendly dialogue with other like-minded individuals.

A short time later, Ms. Robidoux engaged in an Internet dialogue on this same forum with Ed Draughn, a.k.a. “Eddini”, who’s a Magician or ‘Street Performer’ in Portsmouth NH, which is about an hour drive from where Jen resides. Due to health reasons, Ed was on Disability, resided in Public Housing, and didn’t own a vehicle. Long story short, the first face-to-face meeting between Jen and Ed was at an Olive Garden restaurant in Portsmouth.

Both agreed that the food was great, as well as the conversation, but while Ed claimed afterwards that this was an official “date”, Jen said afterwards this was NOT a date but rather just a get together of good friends. Although they still “chatted” with each other on the ‘Good Humored Single Catholics’ forum, they never had any more face-to-face meetings for about a year.  

Their relationship intensified, however, when Ed discovered he was diagnosed with Stage 4 Cancer. Moving quickly ahead, they soon got married, but I’ll yield to the attached video to fill-in a lot of the ‘missing pieces’ in this story.

But Jen stayed loyal and faithful to her wedding vows, as well as her Catholic faith. In a situation which most people probably would’ve avoided having an intimate relationship with someone who was ‘terminally ill’, Jennifer embraced the opportunity to serve her husband for the rest of their lives, regardless of how long that actually lasted.

As I mentioned earlier, Jennifer is an educator for Autistic youngsters and has been doing that for about 15 years. Honestly, how many people could do that type of work for any length of time? I know that I definitely couldn’t. When it comes to displaying love and compassion to others, this lady is just simply wired differently than probably anybody else that I’ve ever met.

As for “Eddini” – incidentally, he nicknamed himself that after his childhood idol, Harry Houdini – arguably the greatest Magician of all time, whom he tried to professionally imitate and follow in his footsteps. He probably also learned, after having lived a mostly rough life up to that point, that a fantastic lady like Jennifer would love him, unconditionally, despite being terminally ill, along with any other shortcomings he might’ve had.

It should be noted here too, that Ed had a good nature to him as being a ‘Street Performer’, he was constantly trying to put a smile on peoples’ faces. For example, Ed’s nickname for Jennifer was, ‘The Miracle’, and he once told his Bride that, ‘the greatest gift he ever received was a, Straight Jacket’ (a typical prop he often used in his performances).

Ed perhaps also discovered that his loving relationship and marital experience with Jen would be a small sample of what he was in store for after he went on to be with his Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, in Heaven throughout all Eternity.

The Catholic “saints” simply take this story to a whole new level

Personally, I was born and raised a Catholic and then when I was about 19 and joined the Air Force, I chose to convert to a Protestant type faith. But when I made my First Communion at age 7, I was tested on something called, ‘The 7 Sacraments’, which I passed. Then when I was about 15, I had to memorize the 10 Commandments to successfully pass my Confirmation. Aside from that, and perhaps praying the Rosary, I knew little to nothing about the Catholic faith.

So when Jennifer told me about how numerous, “saints” prayed and interceded to God on behalf of her and Ed, I felt like such an “Agnostic” for not having a clue of what the heck she was talking about. I mean, I was aware of some devout Catholics who put St. Christopher medals on the vehicle’s sun visor, I assume to protect them from being hurt in any car accident. Needless to say, listening to Jennifer give her testimony – especially all the stuff about the “saints”, it was all just a new eye-opening learning experience for me.

For example, Ed and Jen were engaged on January 21, which is the Feast of St. Agnes – and she just happens to be, the Saint of Engaged Couples. They both said they prayed to a number of Saints for intercession with God to find future spouses. St. Therese of Lisieux, Padre Pio, St. Rita of Casia, and, of course, the blessed Virgin Mary apparently all had their proverbial hands on bringing their marriage into fruition.

Moving right along, Ed and Jen got their Marriage License on February 14, which is the Feast of St. Valentine (a.k.a. Valentine’s Day).

The Saints’ intercession would soon play an important role on the specific dates surrounding Ed’s passing, as well. Ed died on March 17 (St. Patrick’s Day). His Wake was on March 22, the Feast Day of St. Lea of Rome – she happens to be the patron saint of…widows. Finally, Ed’s funeral was on March 23, which was the traditional Feast Day of Our Lady of Victories, it’s now known as, Our Lady of the Rosary, which is celebrated on October 7th.

Excellent Marital Relationship Compared to, the New “Normal”

Make no mistake about it, ladies and gentlemen, in order for a marriage to be “successful”, it takes a tremendous amount of commitment, passion, and, oh yeah, love.

For example, when a couple about to be married goes through their wedding vows and recites the words to each other: ‘I take this individual for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, till death do us part’, is there any “meaning” or “substance” behind that statement? When America currently has a Divorce rate of about 60 percent, do most people REALLY take these wedding vows seriously?

On the popular Reality Shows, ‘The Bachelor’, and ‘The Bachelorette’, both of these ‘match-making-leading-to-wedding’ shows have been in production now for at least 20 years and have combined for a grand total of ONE (1) successful marriage between these two programs.

What’s extremely pathetic about these shows, and others similar to it, is that when ‘The Bachelor’, for example, chooses to experiment via ‘private, intimate times’ with about a dozen of the female contestants vying to ultimately become his Bride. Is this supposed to be “Love” in the 21st Century??? Personally, I would compare this to two dogs having sex, and then a month or two later, the female dog goes off and gives birth to a litter of puppies. How romantic!

Why wouldn’t that “lucky” contestant, the one who winds up with ‘the Final Rose’, feel a desire to excessively cheat on the ‘Star of the Show’, when they can see for themselves on previous episodes from that same season, the “Star” screwing (via, ‘private intimate times’) about a dozen other fellow contestants on National TV, in front of millions of viewers? Where the heck is the commitment and faithfulness in a relationship like that?

What’s good for the Goose, is good for the Gander! Any questions as to “WHY” those types of shows are so pathetically unsuccessful? More importantly, if even one TV viewer gets the very false perception that THIS is, ‘what Love is all about’ – then that is just one viewer too many, as far as I’m concerned.

I’m Truly Blessed & Honored to Have Interviewed Jennifer

First and foremost, I just hope and pray that somehow, someway Jen can just establish some healthy “Closure” with her relationship with Ed. I realize that Ms. Draughn is currently participating in a local Grief Support Group, and plans to meet with a Catholic counselor to discuss some of her issues, but sometimes when she talks about Ed, it’s almost as if his passing away just happened yesterday when, in actually, it took place a little over a year ago. Again, I’m fully aware that with spouses, family members, friends, etc., sometimes you may never really get 100 percent closure.

Secondly, I hope and pray that this video and blog can just reach out and provide the necessary information or visibility for anyone going through a similar type situation of losing a loved one. Either through a book, or maybe a media production, the individual going through grief can just find peace and comfort in their lives.

Besides the grieving aspect of Jen’s testimony, this should serve as a standard for what true love and marriage is all about – like taking your wedding vows extremely seriously. It’s the type of story that ought to be told, and re-told, over and over and over again.

To sum up this story, Jennifer herself perhaps said it best:

“We may not have received the miracle of healing that we wanted, but I believe that he (Ed) was healed in other ways. I believe family relationships were healed. And I firmly believe our relationship was a miracle, even if we only had a limited amount of time together. In fact, I had asked God for just a week of wedded bliss. He gave me an estimated 13 days and 19 hours of marriage to Eddie. But, even if our time together was short and difficult, I wouldn’t have changed one moment of it.”

Ed “Eddini” Draughn and his bride, Jennifer, on their Wedding Day.

Jason Riddle, a Keene NH resident who served 90 days in Federal prison for his involvement in the January 6th Insurrection (J6), has publicly announced his intentions of running for the Republican nomination of the U.S. Representative to New Hampshire’s 2nd Congressional District (NH-2) in 2024. Although Riddle said he had sent a, Letter of Intention of running to the Federal Campaign Commission for this U.S. Rep seat next year, he appeared for an interview on my government-access T.V. show, ‘Frankly Speaking’, at the Nashua Public TV studio on 1-31-23.

Riddle, or whoever should win next year’s Republican nomination in this race, will tentatively run against Incumbent Democrat Congresswoman Ann Kuster in the 2024 General Election.

In our interview, we rehashed Riddle’s J6 experience, along with his subsequent 3-month stay at the Devens Federal Correction Facility (formerly known as, Fort Devens Army Base), in Massachusetts. Actually, Riddle was a candidate for this same Congressional seat last year. But since Riddle served his prison sentence just prior to the 2022 Primary Election, he realized that his chances of actually “winning” were somewhere around, slim-to-none due to the fact that he wasn’t able to physically participate in any of the scheduled candidates’ debates. Therefore, Riddle managed to post on his Facebook page within the first month of his sentence that he was withdrawing his candidacy from that race.

We talked about any advantage(s) a candidate might have to campaign for an office, like U.S. Rep, for almost two years (which is just about the entire elected term of that office). Riddle mentioned he’d love to purchase either a tee shirt or hoodie with an inscription like: ‘Riddle for U.S. Congress’ on the front of it, and then maybe go into some of the Diners in the Cities and Towns of NH’s 2nd Congressional District and just get into conversations with the folks there and campaign for their Votes. Also, Riddle could also attend special community events like Fourth of July celebrations, or maybe Memorial Day or maybe Thanksgiving parades and just meet and talk to people.

I ribbed Riddle a little bit about coming on my T.V. show wearing a Plaid Neck Tie, along with a Plaid Shirt, but he shot right back that he was a unique individual who didn’t care too much about fashion.

Riddle also might’ve been the only political candidate appearing on, ‘Frankly Speaking’, to use an email address, ‘‘ , rather than a regular campaign website. I reminded Riddle that there are websites like: , or , that offer people FREE websites which, a political candidate, like himself, could amply lists all the major Issues of their campaign, along with offer people a dialogue exchange which they can ask any questions of anything they wish.

The Keene resident assured me that a campaign website would be forthcoming, but there are still a couple of ways people can contact him if they really wanted to. On Facebook, he’d be the Jason Riddle who’s shown in his Profile photo, with a tee shirt that reads, “Hillary for Cellmate 2022”, and his cover photo is a red Meme with a white fist that read, “Let’s Take Congress by Storm”.

Incidentally, if you’d rather not become a ‘Facebook Friend’ of Jason Riddle, you can still ‘Message’ him through that forum, as long as you have an account yourself on Facebook.

Also, if you wish to call or text Riddle personally, then you can contact him by just dialing (203) 464-3984 . I must say that I was mildly surprised when Riddle publicly divulged that tidbit on my show like that.

Should Riddle obtain a campaign website within the not-too-distant future, I will gladly post it here on this blog.

Lastly, local entertainer Sharon DiFronzo of Screamin Heart Records, sang the intro and outro song, “Comin and Goin” to this particular episode.

And Very Lastly, Mr. Riddle wanted me to remind everybody that any Financial Contributions for his 2024 U.S. Rep election campaign are all extremely welcomed and appreciated.

This episode of, ‘Frankly Speaking’ was a continuation of the show I did the previous month regarding the topic of, ‘Eternal Salvation – What it Is & What it Ain’t’, with the same guest, Pastor Greg Odiorne of the Merrimack Valley Baptist Church in Merrimack NH. This particular episode was recorded in the Nashua Public TV studio on 1-18-23.

Among the topics included in this show were: the 10 Commandments, and how they pertain to Salvation for those who lived before Jesus Christ; how Jesus ‘moved the proverbial goal posts’ regarding even hating someone the equivalent to murdering them; the presumption that Hell is probably more populated than Heaven; why we are now living in what the Bible refers to, ‘the End Times’; exactly how effective is Ray Comfort’s ‘The Way of the Master’ outreach approach to actually “converting people to Jesus Christ”; what can people expect on Judgement Day according to the Bible; what exactly did Jesus mean when he said that we (His followers) would be doing “greater works” than even himself; why do prayer requests sometimes fail; and lastly, what are the significance of “Crowns” in the Bible?

Perhaps to fully grasp the entire context of Pastor Odiorne’s message on, Eternal Salvation, you may also want to watch and study the initial part of this topic from the ‘Frankly Speaking’ episode we recorded about a month earlier on, 12-28-22.

Incidentally, if you wish to learn more about the Merrimack Valley Baptist Church, or maybe ask Pastor Odiorne a few questions from something mentioned in this episode, please feel free to log onto: .

Local entertainer Sharon DiFronzo of Screamin Heart Records, sang the intro and outro theme song of this show, “ Comin’ and Goin’ ” .

Pastor Greg Odiorne of Merrimack Valley Baptist Church in Merrimack NH, was my guest for this episode of, ‘Frankly Speaking‘, which was recorded on 12-28-22 in the Nashua Public TV studio.

In this episode we discussed the Biblical meaning of “Eternal Salvation“; a.k.a. “Saved“, “Born Again“, “eternity in Heaven“, etc. We spoke about the simplicity of how easy God made salvation for anyone who realized that they needed to have Jesus Christ as a personal Lord and Savior in their life via a belief in their heart, along with a prayer (often referred to as the, Sinner’s Prayer, or Salvation Prayer), which is outlined in Romans 10:9-10.

We also discussed a few misconceptions of what many people often mistake for Eternal Salvation, such as: Water Baptism, Last Rites, and Miraculous Supernatural Signs.

This is an especially fantastic episode to watch, especially if you’ve never accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior into your life yet and you still have some questions and concerns about this whole subject matter.

If you wish to contact Pastor Odiorne, or anyone else about anything mentioned in this episode, the Merrimack Valley Baptist Church is located on 517 Boston Post Road in Merrimack; and its website is: . Their regular weekly services include: two Sunday morning services, and a Wednesday evening Bible study.

Local area entertainer Sharon DiFronzo of Screamin Heart records sang the intro and outro theme song to this show, “Comin’ and Goin’.”

Zach Ellis, of the Nathan Project, was my guest for this episode of ‘Frankly Speaking’, which was taped on Wednesday, June 1, 2022 at the Access Nashua studio. The Nathan Project is a Christian-based support group, predominately operating in the New England area, ministering to individuals afflicted with Porn or Sex addiction.

Specifically, Ellis serves as the, New Programs and Media Development Director of the Nathan Project — which incidentally, might be the longest title of any guest we’ve ever had on, ‘Frankly Speaking‘.

One of the key subjects we addressed early in this episode was an annual fundraiser the Nathan Project holds at the Trinity Baptist Church on 3 Lund Road in Nashua. Ellis, incidentally, was a guest speaker at this year’s event, which was postponed for the past two years due to the national COVID Pandemic.

After we talked about the Nathan Project fundraiser, we talked about the difficulty some Sex and Porn addicts had meeting in local support groups during the COVID situation and how the membership might’ve even increased during all the quarantine requirements over the past two years.

Zach himself gave a brief testimony on how he first got involved with the Nathan Project organization. We talked about how that group “vets” or screens individuals before they actually assign them to a group. We talked about Internet devices for the internet computer called, Covenant Eyes, which helps monitor other members computers to gauge if they might be surfing on porn sites.

I asked Ellis how would he respond to someone watching this interview and claim you were lying because you’re saying that you’re a sex addict and you’re simply just a red-blooded American boy with a strong sex drive.

We also discussed the religious aspect of the Nathan Project, and how exactly non-Christians such as Atheists, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, and Buddhists manage to get ministered thru this support group.

If you’re interested in talking or emailing someone from the Nathan Project for further information, please log onto: NathanProject. net .

Local area, Boston singer Sharon DiFronzo of Screamin Heart records sang the Intro, and Outro song to this particular episode of ‘Frankly Speaking‘.

On a special side note, for posterity sake, this happened to be the very last episode that Richard “Dick” Gagnon, the Director, and Station Manager of Access Nashua would do in his lifetime. Hours after this particular show was produced and taped, Gagnon died unexpectedly at his home in Goffstown NH. He was 66 years old. As the host of ‘Frankly Speaking‘, I was truly blessed and honored to have Mr. Gagnon go the proverbial “extra mile” to make my shows a lot more professional and just simply better to all those who ever viewed them. May Richard “Dick” Gagnon eternally Rest in Peace with his living lord and savior, Jesus Christ.