Archives for posts with tag: Screamin Heart records

Jason Riddle of Keene NH, was my guest on this episode of ‘Frankly Speaking’, which was taped at the Access Nashua studio on April 27, 2022.

Besides hoping to become the U.S. Congressman in New Hampshire’s 2nd District (which includes Nashua), via the Republican Primary nomination, Mr. Riddle established a rather unorthodox reputation for himself last year when he was arrested for his actions following the January 6th Insurrection in Washington D.C.

Specifically, Riddle entered an unoccupied legislator’s office, helped himself to a bottle off a nearby wine rack, and started “chugging it” all while taking Selfies of himself with his cellphone. On his way out the door, Riddle swiped a Senator’s Orientation book, which he soon wound up selling on e-bay. Unfortunately for Riddle, he posted his favorite photos from the Insurrection on his Facebook page, and a few of his “friends” apparently reported it to the FBI.

Long story short, Riddle was recently sentenced to 90 days in Federal prison, along with having to pay several hundred dollars in restitution. He plans to start serving his sentence the later part of this month (May) after finishing his current college courses.

So why the heck would Riddle want to run for U.S. Congress at this particular awkward time in his personal life?

Riddle was quoted as saying when he was interviewed by a Reporter from NBC Boston that he feels he has a great shot at winning this Election because of the notoriety he’s gotten thus far from his January 6th Insurrection experience. As the old cliche goes, BAD News is a heck of a lot better than ZERO News — or something like that.

If elected, Riddle said he hopes to push New Hampshire to legalize Marijuana and generate tax revenue similar to that of neighboring Massachusetts and Vermont. He also vows to only take half of the $174K of a Congressman’s annual salary to also help the state of New Hampshire.

This was a rather interesting interview by Mr. Riddle as he”s a military veteran of both the Army Reserve and the Navy Reserve, he was a former Letter Carrier with the Postal Service, he was a former Corrections Officer, and there’s even a video on YouTube back when he was 18 and trying his luck as a Stand-up Comedian.

Whether or not Riddle has a “snowball’s chance in hell” on actually winning this election and becoming a U.S. Congressman is pretty hard to comprehend. He figures that his 90-Day prison sentence will take him away from his campaign for the entire months of June thru August — since the Republican Primary election is scheduled on Tuesday, September 13th, he’ll be expected to spend the crux of his campaign in prison.

During the interview, I encouraged Riddle to perhaps follow in the footsteps of psychopath John Hinkley Jr., (who actually shot then President Ronald Reagan back in 1981) who’ll be performing with his guitar in Brooklyn N.Y. to an already sold-out arena. I told Riddle he’s probably be a lot better off if he authored a book, about his whole Insurrection experience rather than try to take advantage of it by running for Congress. I guess we’ll know for sure within the next couple months.

Unlike most other candidates running for political office, Riddle doesn’t have a campaign website. If you wish to get in contact with him, please email him at: .

Local entertainer Sharon DiFronzo of Screamin Heart records sang both the Intro and Outro theme songs to this particular episode.

Video link

Aaron Louie, music pastor at Merrimack Valley Baptist Church, was my guest for this episode of, ‘Frankly Speaking’. This interview took place on 4/5/22 at the Access Nashua studio.

Among the topics discussed during this show included: Easter, specifically why does this holiday go from March to April, year-to-year; comparing Easter to pro football fans, would Easter be like “the Super Bowl of Christianity” since Jesus actually rose from the grave to give Christians their actual spiritual power; and, of course, the musical arrangements Pastor Louie has planned for both the MVBC service on the evening of Good Friday, as well as Easter Sunday morning.

This coming July, MVBC will hold some upcoming major events for its 40th Anniversary. Aside from the fact that it’s a major milestone for any church to reach a 40 year milestone, MVBC has several hundred members, as well as operates a K-thru-12 school, and has a missionary headquarters — all housed in the same complex. It should be noted here too that when the Gallup polling organization conducted a nationwide poll on which States were deemed “Most Religious” in the Country, New Hampshire ranked 49th, just ahead of Vermont for being the absolute worst. Needless to say, there were many challenges en route to making MVBC the tremendous congregation it is today.

Greg Odiorne, pastor of the MVBC, initiated the phrase, “Love Like Jesus” as the annual theme for the current calendar year. Pastor Louie and I talked about the love of Jesus, particularly how His level of Forgiveness and Patience were simply beyond human comprehension. Or, how to literally follow in Jesus’ footsteps by just believing that a Mountain would go into the ocean or any of us could ‘walk on water’ are miraculous feats most people would just limit to Jesus himself.

Last but by no means least, since Pastor Louie is the music pastor of MVBC, we discussed how he composes songs, as well as how he feels about the Christian music genre of today.

To find out more information about Merrimack Valley Baptist Church, please log onto: . Local entertainer Sharon DiFronzo of Screamin Heart records sang the intro and outro theme songs for this show.

So I did a ‘Frankly Speaking’ TV show in Nashua NH last week, featuring two brilliant guys, Pastor Greg Odiorne, and Assistant Pastor Dave Gee, both from my church, Merrimack Valley Baptist Church (MVBC), which I titled, ‘Worshiping God in a National Pandemic’.

Granted membership-wise, MVBC might be in the top 10 biggest churches of New Hampshire, but despite the National Pandemic (and everything associated with it) for more than a year now, this congregation in Merrimack NH seems to be going stronger than ever. You might say, MVBC truly has God’s blessings behind it.

I had a lot of fun doing this interview with these guys, please check it out for yourselves.

Two managers from the Good Samaritan Network — Dick Kiernan, executive director; and Joe Johnsick, chairman of the GSN Advisory Board — served as my guests for this episode of, ‘Frankly Speaking’. This interview took place at the Access Nashua studio on, Thurs., 9/24/20.

Good Samaritan Network, incidentally, is an addiction awareness advocacy group headquartered in Bedford NH. Situated solely here in the Granite State, GSN works to bridge a harmonious relationship between churches, rehabilitation groups, and those who might be addicted to drugs or alcohol. According to its website, GSN is an outreach ministry of the New Hampshire Alliance, and based on the Biblical parable of the Good Samaritan outlined in Luke, Chapter 10.

Both Kiernan and Johnsick were very passionate to point out, even though GSN is a Christian based organization, it’s more than willing to work with non-Christians or Atheists in an effort to hopefully deliver and heal a person from drugs and alcohol.

Among the topics we discussed were: NH addictions in relationship to COVID-19, did President Trump’s southern border wall have any impact thus far on the Opioid crisis in NH, with drug and alcohol addictions is there such a thing as “generational curses” effecting parents and their children, and what they thought of Marijuana possibly becoming ‘legal’ in NH and if they thought this was a “gateway drug” to more powerful drugs such as Cocaine, Heroine, or Angel Dust?

Also, if you’d like to know more about GSN, please feel free to log onto its website, .

Local singer Sharon DiFronzo of Screamin Heart records sang the intro and outro theme song for this episode.

John Lynn, Pastor and President of The Living Truth Fellowship (headquartered in Indianapolis IN), was my guest for this episode of, ‘Frankly Speaking’. This interview took place via Skype on 9/23/20.

Lynn, who appeared on my government-access TV show about a year ago, has served as a Pastor with three different ministries collectively for more than 50 years, or over a half century. Since becoming a Pastor, Lynn has authored numerous books, as well as produced several video series, regarding Biblical research and teachings.

Besides sharing his Biblical expertise regarding mostly COVID-19 and our upcoming Presidential election, Lynn publicly announced that he’d be appearing at a resident’s home here in Nashua NH (in the vicinity of Greeley Park) on Saturday, October 17, 2020. As you can quickly gather from watching this episode or the one on my Archive file from a year ago, John Lynn is truly informative, entertaining, and well worth your while to check out for yourself. For more specific details on Lynn’s Biblical teaching message in Nashua — such as the exact time and street address — please email John at: , and maybe write in the Subject Line: Nashua event 10/17 .

In this particular episode, Lynn talked about how the Bible relates to the current COVID-19 and any Pandemics which might’ve taken place. We also talked about whether this Coronavirus was the result of God being currently angry with the people on Earth, or was it about Satan imposing his Evil on anyone he possibly could? As mentioned earlier with his handful of video series, Lynn made a production with his TLTF ministry called, ‘The End Times’, and whether there was any Biblical evidence if the World is at that point yet.

We further talked about the upcoming Presidential election, particularly if Christians should shy away from actually voting at all since neither Donald Trump nor Joe Biden seem to be practicing Christians (or at least ‘society role models’ for others to hopefully follow). I posed the question if Christians should view this Election as they would when picking a Mechanic in the event their vehicle needed repair, or a Surgeon if they needed a medical procedure. Most Christians probably wouldn’t vet a Mechanic or Surgeon and ask them if they accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior, so why would they do that with a Presidential candidate?

There was some mention too about downright Lies used by the Media and Political Pundits on how violent riots and looting in Major Cities are being described as, “peaceful protests” and how one of the candidates who allegedly suffers from early cognitive decline, a.k.a. Dementia, is given a ‘Free Pass‘ since most of the media seem to be secretly supporting that guy.

Lynn said that he wrote a commentary titled, ‘GOD vs. GOV‘, on the TLTF’s website’s monthly newsletter (Fruit of D’Vine) next month (October 2020), which will outline a Christian’s responsibility regarding Voting and Government. The elder Pastor from Indiana did indicate that he plans to vote for the candidate who best supports and defends “Freedom” and “Prosperity” for the American people.

Finally, I had Lynn, who’s also a staunch sports fan, tell me about one of my all-time favorite teachings of his which compared Basketball Hall of Famer Larry Bird to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Apparently, in a NBA playoff game several years ago between the Celtics and 76ers, which the 76ers were a point ahead with seconds remaining in the game, Bird told his Celtic teammates during a timeout huddle to pass him the ball because he wanted to take the final shot. Long story short, Bird took the final shot of the game, which was good, and the Celtics went on to win the game. In the same vein, Jesus knew his purpose here on Earth was to be crucified, buried, and be risen from the grave to save us all from sin.

Bottom Line: Larry Bird and Jesus Christ both knew they were ‘the ones’ needed to get the jobs done at the time.

Incidentally, if you’d like to check out John Lynn’s ministry, The Living Truth Fellowship, please log onto: . Hope to see some of you at Lynn’s teaching in Nashua on Saturday, 10/17/20.

Local singer Sharon DiFronzo, of Screamin Heart records, sang the Intro and Outro theme song for this particular episode.

Greg Winslow of, If My People New England ministry in Manchester NH was my guest for this episode of ‘Frankly Speaking’. This particular interview took place in the Access Nashua studio on 9/8/20.

Winslow and his Ministry are planning two Prayer Forums: 1) In Maine on Sunday, September 27th, and, 2) Prayer Forum for the Election on Sunday, November 1st. Both these forums are available for hookup via Zoom, which the specific link code will be made available on the Ministry’s web site: .

Winslow says he believes both these prayer events will produce tremendous displays of signs, miracles, and wonders according to God’s Will as proclaimed in Biblical scripture.

Anyone who wishes to participate in either or both prayer events is welcomed to come down in person, or hook up via Zoom just before the forum begins.

In this particular episode, other than the aforementioned prayer forums, I discussed with Winslow how his Ministry has developed, the Saturday morning prayer walks in Veterans Park in Manchester, and his plans to have made a presentation at the annual Soulfest Christian festival this past August but unfortunately it was postponed, and various challenges posed by the Coronavirus and the Pandemic.

Local singer Sharon DiFronzo of Screamin Heart records sang the Intro and Outro theme song to this episode.

Retired Army Brigadier General Don Bolduc, who’s a Republican candidate for U.S. Senator, was my guest for this episode — my 50th — of ‘Frankly Speaking’. This interview took place in the Access Nashua studio on Aug. 10, 2020.

Among the issues we discussed included: What his opinion was of President Trump’s handling of the Coronavirus? Is the economy on the right track to make a full recovery from the National Pandemic? Should President Trump supersede the Mayors and Governors in major U.S. cities with National Guard troops to remedy the constant Rioting and Looting problems? What his thoughts were on Mr. and Mrs. McCloskey in St. Louis for defending their home when approached by Rioters and then having their guns seized the following day? Was he aware of the reason incumbent Democratic U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen voted to impeach President Donald Trump from office? With the two major candidates running for President being 70-something, would he be in favor of pushing a Law for a maximum age requirement of running for President? In 2016, there was apparently a Voter Fraud problem regarding Out-of-State college students voting both in New Hampshire, as well as their home States — Has this situation been remedied in the past four years? How does he feel about Mail-in ballots? Do Big Tech companies like, Google, Facebook, and Twitter need to be legally regulated by the government? And, militarily speaking, is China the biggest threat to the United States?

Bolduc is facing a challenge in the Sept. 8th NH Republican Primary election for the U.S. Senate race. If successful, Bolduc will face incumbent Democrat Senator Shaheen in the regular election on Tuesday, Nov. 3rd. If you’d like some more information about his candidacy, please log onto: .

Local singer Sharon DiFronzo of Screamin Heart records sang the Intro and Outro theme song to this particular episode.

Karen Testerman, who is currently running for the Republican nomination of New Hampshire Governor, was my guest for this episode of, ‘Frankly Speaking’. This interview took place via Skype on Aug. 11, 2020.

Testerman has resided in New Hampshire for more than two decades and has been actively involved with numerous government activities, including a local radio show and a government-access TV production. According to her campaign brochure, Testerman refers to herself as a “Committed Conservative” who’s pro life, pro gun, no new taxes, and, pro job and business.

Topics discussed on this episode included: What changes would she have initiated in New Hampshire if she had been the Governor during the Coronavirus, specifically potentially closing restaurants, businesses, and public schools? How close is NH from ever implementing a State income tax, or a State sales tax? How would she prepare for a protest in NH from either Black Lives Matter, or Antifa? Are there any Sanctuary Cities or Towns in NH, and how would she as Governor try to remedy that situation? We talked about Mr. and Mrs. McCloskey in St. Louis about how they defended their property with guns from rioters and then had their guns confiscated the following day by law officials — could something like that happen in NH? Since Testerman entered the Governor’s race about two months ago and she’s facing the incumbent Governor, Chris Sununu in the Sept. 8th Primary election, was this enough time to establish visibility to take on a candidate with his name recognition on a date which may not draw that many voters? We talked about Mail-in Ballots and potential voter fraud, including a specific situation from 2016 which President Donald Trump and then-Senator Kelly Ayotte might’ve been short-changed due to out-of-state college students voting in their home States and then again near their college residence.

Then I asked Karen about my personal favorite questions for a NH Governor candidate: Would she ever propose a helmet requirement for motorcyclists? Would she consider dissolving annual vehicle safety inspection stickers? Lastly, are most NH residents happy with the highway tolls, specifically with the number of them and the costs?

Testerman may find her toughest challenge in the Sept. 8th Republican Primary against the incumbent Governor Chris Sununu. If you’d like to learn more about her candidacy or maybe even contact her, please log onto her website: . If successful in the Primary, Testerman will then advance to face the Democratic challenger in the regular election on Nov. 3rd.

Local singer Sharon DiFronzo of Screamin Heart records sang the intro and outro theme songs to this particular episode.

One of the best interviews I’ve ever had on my government-access T.V. show, Frankly Speaking, was with this young lady, Shamera Simpson, Area Director (ME, NH, RI) of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, earlier this week.

In light of all the depression surrounding the Coronavirus and the subsequent quarantine situation following it, May and June are the two biggest months for suicides in America. This young lady just had a ton of facts and statistics regarding suicide prevention.

Discussion topics included: family communication, Internet addiction, iPhone addiction, medications, therapy, and possible red flags on people who might be suicidal. Also, numerous facts and statistics mentioned on its website, , which a lot of folks probably never realized before about suicide. Please feel free to check out that website for yourself.

The biggest annual fundraiser for AFSP, is called, Walk Out of the Darkness event and locally in Nashua, it will take place at Greeley Park on 9/26/20. In New Hampshire, there will also be similar type events scheduled to be held in Portsmouth and Concord earlier in September.

Incidentally, if you or somebody you know is experiencing a possible life-ending crisis or suicidal thoughts, please contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at: 1 (800) 273-TALK (8255); or Text, TALK to 741741.

Sharon DiFronzo of Screamin Heart records sang the intro and outro theme song for this particular episode.

Wow, do I really love Lawyers — NOT! But since I’ve been doing my Nashua TV show for almost 5 yrs now, I’ve had it on my ‘Bucket List’ to have an Attorney on just to talk about the “inner sanctum” of that profession. Tom Walker is a contract attorney who just happens to be a member of my church. I think Tom’s a pretty sharp cookie & this turned out to be a pretty good interview. Do you think I left anything out?